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The End.

It didn't end how we thought it would. Not with a bang, not with a whimper, but with silence.

By Radio S. Published 2 years ago 4 min read
The End.
Photo by Felipe Albertella on Unsplash

After the dinosaurs, and far after evolution had taken its course, humanity was a small, infantile race staring at the rest of the universe; dumbly, in awe. A few centuries had passed, and in that time, humans had discovered that the planets and stars held sway over how days passed, or how the season changed. Soon after, there we new inventions; telescopes, calendars, sun dials, and so forth were brought into existence. After a millennium had passed, exploration began; satellites, space rovers, and many other things came into existence as a result of technology. We had been able to send a man to the moon, and astronauts out into space for long periods of time, and were in the process of developing space travel for general admittance, when they came.

They called themselves the Lulacredents, and at the start, things were peaceful. We didn't have world peace, or solve world hunger, but we learned so much about our technology, and how to improve it. Improve it we did, because soon after they arrived, we'll call it ten months, we had spacecraft capable of reaching much higher speeds than before, and, it could withstand the pressure of needing to travel such speeds, thanks to a metal given as a gift by our new friends. Soon, we had more and more people going into space, where supposedly the Lulacredents were waiting to show them their planet, Lucichinrea.

Lulacredents were slightly humanoid in appearance, because while they had the body of a human, it was only a silhouette with multiple eyes all over the body in random places. All eyes were constantly facing in different directions, but you knew you made one angry if all, and I mean all, of its eyes on you. We learnt that when someone had called them freaks on live television. When the camera panned over to the gentleman, the creature had unraveled in a way, all of its black mass untwining, revealing that each eye belongs to a head, on the end of a long, slimy, black tendril. These creatures seemed to absorb light instead of reflect it, which lead to many questions from scientists, and some curiosity from the public. When I say that these creatures were a bit unnerving, you understand why.

In the meantime, as they were helping us with our technology and space travel, other Lulacredents began arriving, and they intermingled with the public. This didn't happen just in the US, it happened all over the world, seamlessly. As if we were all under a sort of spell, we began to intermingle and get along as we had before they came. Granted we still had violence against each other, because no matter what happens, we just can't seem to get along. We didn't have a battle with them, we didn't fight them, because they were terrifying and even the bravest, or the dumbest, who would dare to fight with them, would lose confidence when all of its heads stared them down.

It was never determined if they all had the same number of heads or not, and I guess we'll never know for sure. I had befriended a Lulacredent, named Lulaspiritium, or Lula as they allowed me to call them. All of them were genderless, and seemed to be peaceful, but then came my turn to travel to Lucichinrea. Lula told me about their planet before, many times, talking about how beautiful the sunsets were, how wonderful it looked from space, and so many other things.

They lied. There were no sunsets, there was nothing. Almost as soon as we got on one of the ships and had made it out into space, the feeding frenzy began; the unfolding started. It began slowly at first, with one Lulacredent going motionless, all of its eyes would close, one by one, until all were shut, and then, they seemed to melt to the floor in a puddle. No one paid attention at first, until we could all feel something cold and thick, like frozen molasses, was surrounding our ankles and then we felt them.

It was like feeling multiple fish swimming around your legs, though leaches would have been a better description. No one screamed, we couldn't. The fear and the dread were so great that none of us dared to scream. I remember tears streaming down my face when the eyes came. All of them floated up beneath me, staring up at me with hunger. I knew then that this was all a trick, all a way to get a willing meal. My last thought before the Lulacredents' black mass enveloped me was this: this must be what silent as the tomb means.


About the Creator

Radio S.

One of the best things we have is our imagination. In the words of Robin Williams; "You're only given one little spark of madness, you mustn't lose it.".

Instagram: radiostar66613

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