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The Dummies Tale: by LUiS Thompson

"They say you can die from a broken heart, but a skeleton's shadow holds your hand till the end."

By LUiS Wrote THiS StoryPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Would you ever stare into the darkness?

Log Line:

"An aspiring comedian named Arthur Mitchell in Gothic City is haunted by a Ventriloquist Dummy from his past."

Dramatic Question:

Is Author Mitchell in command of his own ship, or is the Ventriloquist Dummy "Tommy Bonez" in command?

The Ventriloquist Tale: By LUi$ Thompson

"On Christmas Eve, a major crime scene analyst is sentenced to prison after being duped by a serial killer into resurrecting a drug warlord from beyond the grave."

Beginning: The Mutant Civil War Era Begins

Tommy "Bonez's" story lives on in the humid streets of New Vice City during the 1980s. Although tensions were high at the time due to the presence of germ and chemical warfare on Earth-03A. Many people did not expect a world war to break out as a result of human genes rapidly evolving as a result of solar flare radiation affecting humans all over the world. But things got worse during the second Mutant Civil War. Many people who had the mutated gene moved to New Vice City.

During this time, real estate agents began to corrupt the system by illegally housing mutant citizens. Montoya was roaming the streets of New Vice City at a time when the divide between those who supported mutant refugees or witch hunts was easily visible to the naked eye. Enslaving others less fortunate than oneself has a long history in America. However, when Author Mitchell Sr. was diagnosed with mutant pathogens. Those who carried the mutant pathogen were witch-hunted and imprisoned during the first Mutant Civil War.

Death Hunters, sentient prototypes, were created to capture any citizen with a pathogen mutation that was too powerful to contain with simple force. Arthur Mitchell Sr. left New Vice City for a while and came to Gothic City to start a family and a new life with Arthur Mitchell Jr, never realizing how the traumatic loss of Darlene would affect Junior's psychosis for the rest of his days.

Middle: Arthur Mitchell Jr & “Johnny Bonez” the Ventriloquist Dummy

Arthur Mitchell Jr. sits as quietly as he can in his six-by-eight-foot prison cell, staring intently into the eyes of a particularly old ventriloquist dummy. Nothing appeared to be wrong with the strangely silent man sitting in a prison cell, his figure visible to the guards. Junior's mind had been laid out with the most putrid and vile descriptions of human anatomy by the ventriloquist dummy. Junior struggled with depression and suicidal ideation his entire life. It wasn't until that fateful night that he came into contact with the Ventriloquist Dummy "Tommy Bonez."

Maybe all those lucid dreaming journal entries caught up with junior. Junior was disturbed by the same lucid dreaming that night. Junior began to feel an awkwardly grounded connection to life again, even if it meant masking the reality of Junior's energy by sleeping. He had a toxic relationship with a Ventriloquist Dummy who verbally abused him. Junior knew it was all in his head, as Junior had lost his father later in life and had no one else in this world to vogue or even support Junior.

It was only a matter of time before the need for tunnel vision combined destruction reared its grotesque head again. The reality was that New Vice City's mental institutions didn't give a damn about mental health, especially for cancer patients or mutants. The rapid eye movement sleeps were combined with medication from the New Vice City Psychiatric Prison for patients to take before sleeping in their bunks. For the night caused hallucinations, which were common among inmates like Junior while incarcerated in a psychiatric prison.

So, over time, whenever Junior dozed off deeply enough to enter the deepest levels of Inception, Bonez began sending telepathic frequencies to Junior that sounded like multiple volumes entered and exited the inmate's mind. The words of hatred appear to be best described when spoken by this ventriloquist dummy.

End: Love at The Green Tangerine Comedy Club

When Arthur Mitchel Junior was a young adult, he could easily spend hours every month inside The Green Tangerine, a speakeasy comedy club in New Vice City. However, getting expensively paid gigs for onstage exposure was much easier in the electric '80s, when Arthur Mitchell Sr. was still alive and well. It also happened at The Green Tangerine Comedy Club. Darlene Valencia, Arthur Mitchell Sr's lifelong love, was introduced to him. Darlene was initially opposed to her new partner's connection to the monsters who funded and institutionalized The Green Tangerine Comedy Club. Darlene's main concern was to remain by Arthur Mitchell's side.

Darlene gave birth to a happy baby boy named Junior in the winter of 1983, whom both Arthur Mitchell Sr. and Darlene named. The winter was harsh, and crops did not thrive. Darlene had been sick for the first few days after giving birth, which was unfortunate. Darlene's Stage 3 cancer had viciously spread throughout her rib-cage and both lungs by the time the town's medical examiner could examine her symptoms.

"They say you can die from broken heart, but a skelton's shadow holds your hand till the end." Despite the fact that Arthur Mitchell Sr. would never do so. His final days had been spent fantasizing about his love for Darlene and then tending to his son Junior's deteriorating relationship.

Copyright © 2021 “LUiS Thompson”


About the Creator

LUiS Wrote THiS Story

When he's not designing or laying down brutalities in Mortal Kombat, LUiS Thompson is establishing a foundation the writing communities.

Link: https://6351bedfab123.site123.me/

Email: [email protected]

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