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The Demon Maze.

Sometimes Things Are Not What They Seem.

By Carol TownendPublished 3 years ago 13 min read
The Demon Maze.
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

We had seen the advertisement in the paper.

"Welcome to the Super Evil Maze. This is a maze unlike no other, complete with things that go bump in the night. Enter at your own risk. It's completely free. Enjoy!"

The Amazing Park of Horrors.

I and my friends, Carla and Debbie needed a night of fun. We were bored out of our minds. It was the summer break and there was no school. We had heard amazing things regarding The Amazing Park of Horrors. We had been told about the super maze that was full of fun, thrills and spills. Everyone had said it was the best feature at the park, so we decided to give it a go.

It was seven P.M. when we entered the park. The park was full of wild screams from skeletons dressed in old clothes, covered in cobwebs and spiders with blood dripping down their skeletal structures. The zombies were terrifying, stinking corpses that were badly decayed with severely bad teeth, eyeballs falling out of their sockets, and blood dripping from their mouths. There were large black spiders hanging from the rides, that looked like real big black widow spiders, and coffins open with decaying bodies in them, that looked real. In all honesty, the stench paranoid me, and for a short while I believed that it was real. However, that would have been impossible because these things only ever existed in one's disturbing nightmares. I could swear that I saw one of the bodies get up and walk from the coffin. I looked twice as I saw this huge figure slowly move across the ground.

I looked again and there was nothing, so I put it down to my mind playing tricks on me.

We crossed the muddy field, heading towards the maze. The field seemed to stretch for miles, and it was almost 10:30 P.M. by the time we got there. I thought that the field was unusually long for a normal field. The ground was also unusually soft, and every now and then I felt like I was being pulled into it. Carla and Debbie didn't notice as they were too excited about getting to the maze.

I had a really bad feeling about this. Something weird was going on. Something really frightening and not natural was out there, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I chose not to tell the others how I felt. They would think that I was being paranoid anyway, but was I really paranoid?

Nothing felt right about this park, and all I wanted to do was go home where I felt safe.

We had been walking for what seemed like hours. It was pitch black now, and we were lucky that the colourful lights from the theme parks rides had lit our way. We finally reached the maze. Something was deeply strange about this.

It was the only area of the park that wasn't lit up, and it was covered in a deep thick mist.

I turned to Carla and Debbie and told them that I felt this was a really bad idea. I even made a point of telling them that I felt it was dangerous and weird because there was no lighting.

Debbie turned to me and said, "Come on Ali, don't be a coward! What's the worst that could happen in there?"

Debbie then proceeded to laugh about it with Carla.

I knew there would be no talking to them, so I went along. After all, it was only a stupid maze in a theme park.

Nothing could go wrong in there.

We entered the maze.

This was just the beginning of our nightmares.


It was pitch black in the maze, and there was no lighting to light our way. There were ghoul shrieks, howling ghosts, zombie laughs, vampire growls, and werewolf noises. We thought nothing of it, thinking it was all part of the adventure. We went deeper into the maze; the further in we went the darker and mistier it got so we lit a torch to light our way.

Debbie suddenly screamed loudly. We were used to Debbie's drama on our adventures, but this scream was terrifying. I turned to look at her. She was shaking and drip white.

"That can't be real!" Debbie exclaimed.

She was looking at a coffin in the tree. The coffin had a dead body in it, and the body was badly decomposed and full of flies. It stunk like a fridge full of badly decomposed meat. I almost vomited. Carla was the first to speak.

"Oh. Come on! It's not real. It's just a set-up. I've seen it in the movies a thousand times. It's just added effects."

I looked at Carla with wide eyes and asked,

"Can you smell that thing? I don't think that's made up."

Carla shook her head and moved us to the next turn in the maze.

We didn't get halfway around the next turn before something flew above us and screeched wildly. We couldn't see what it was, because it was so dark. The mist had grown thicker, which made it more difficult. The screech sounded like a wild banshee.

However, in my world banshee's did not exist!

Something touched the top of my head. It felt like a thin, boney, leathery hand. I froze, scared to breathe. However, whatever it was flew off. I was shaking to my bones, and my knees had completely left me. I thought it might just be costume, after all this was a 'Super-Evil Maze.' I shrugged it off and continued the journey deep into the middle of the maze with the other two girls.


The noise came from behind us. It sounded very real and was accompanied by the sound of large claws scraping the ground. It was followed by,


This was accompanied by a loud piercing "SCREECH!"

Whatever it was, it wasn't alone. Debbie reached for her torch. She didn't believe for one minute that it was real. She glared the torch in the direction of the noises, and what we saw, almost shook the bones out of our bodies.

A real black werewolf, complete with jaws snapping, snarling and slavering everywhere. It was accompanied by a figure who had a black wrinkled pointed face, piercing yellow eyes, pointed chin, long thin fingers and sharp, long nails. Those nails were so long and sharp, they could rip the flesh off a human within seconds.

We stood there in silence; we were horrified. We had never seen such terrible things before. We needed to think fast, but how the fuck were we supposed to escape? We were in the thick of the maze, and we didn't have super strength or magic powers.

"We need to think NOW!!" Debbie said loud and fast.

"We have no time to think now. We need to run!" I told her.

Carla suddenly screamed franticly. The werewolf had moved in, snarling around her. She knew he would make mincemeat out of her if she didn't move fast. However, the werewolf had already torn her leg, and she was paralyzed to the spot.

The figure let out a loud evil laugh and said,

"Oh! We don't exist, do we? Poor girls, shaking like scared mice running from the cat. Don't worry, the cat shall have its food!"

I and Debbie found some bricks and pieces of wood closed by. We launched the bricks but they did nothing. We picked up the wood and noticed the woody sharp points at the ends of them. We each took one and aimed them at the demon and the werewolf. I caught the werewolf in the eye, a huge beam of blue light shot out of them. It pissed the wolf off, but it didn't kill it. However, this action disabled the wolf from chasing us. The demon was another thing; it was impossible to immobilize or kill. Once the wolf was put out of action, Carla's leg healed like magic, and she was able to run.

The demon figure started chasing us. We had to jump hedges while avoiding the huge spiders which also chased us and sprayed us with a white-hot, scalding green powder. One of them caught my left shoulder, causing it to feel like it was on fire. However, none of us had time to stop, so I kept running with Carla and Debbie. My left shoulder was feeling really numb, and I couldn't move or feel it. The demon figure was running faster than the speed of light, and it was able to jump unusually high. I wasn't even sure that this was a demon.

I had heard stories, but they were always told in such dramatic and dark fairie-tail ways.

We became tangled in the middle of a thick hedge. The hedge had various different windings. At the end of one of these windings were really horrible distorted glowing faces with huge yellow eyes and really sharp teeth which looked like they had never seen a dentist. Their foreheads were sharp and distorted, and their stares were so piercing that they forced their eyes to bulge out of their heads. These were accompanied by figures that looked human in the dark, and of who couldn't be seen. The figures wailed, growled and snapped while gnashing their teeth at us. We were petrified.

"What ARE you?" Carla demanded from these strange but frightening creatures in front of her.

A giant zombie looking, creature floated into her face, hissing.

Carla tried stepping back, but the Zombie shot an arm out and locked it around her neck. Carla tried to scream but nothing would come out. She felt blood creep to the back of her throat, and her eyes shot back into her head.,

The Zombie was a horrible thing close up. Its eyes were hanging out of its sockets, and a huge stream of blood dripped from its mouth. Cara was too terrified to speak. She was shaking violently and she could hear her heart thumping. in her throat.

The zombie seemed to get a lot of pleasure out of Carla's neck. He could smell the blood boiling beneath her flesh. He was hungry to taste her, but he was getting huge satisfaction from hearing her terrified screams. Every scream made his appetite more appealing.

Debbie and I watched in horror, we couldn't shout or scream. We just stood there, eyes wide, covering our mouths in shock. A chill ran straight down my bones. This thing was going to kill Carla, and there was nothing any of us could do about it. We just stared at the scene unfolding in front of us.

This couldn't even be described as a nightmare, it was like jumping into the middle of a horror film on the television, except...this was real!

Carla struggled to keep her eyes open. The zombie had locked his elbows around her neck, depriving her of oxygen. The more she screamed, the more tightly he pushed his elbows into her neck. She couldn't struggle anymore, her body was drained of all energy. Suddenly the zombie moved his elbow, deciding it would be much more fun to twist her neck and watch it pour with red, velvety blood. Carla felt her breath for just a second before the Zombie cupped his rotting hands around her neck. He got close up into her face, and Carla saw that the flesh was falling off. She saw the ugly grey-white decay and noticed that his eyeballs were not in their sockets. His breath stunk like rotting fish, and his teeth were deep black. She wanted to scream, but she had no breath. She wasn't sure whether she was hallucinating or not due to the extreme throbbing in her throat.


an evil voice from the other evil creatures demanded. The great Zombie lord had been watching the scene unfold. He was getting a thrill out of the scene in front of him. After all, it was his theme park! and he was luring some good food in to feed his family tonight.

He was amazed at how the people fell for the thrill of the horror maze. However, he knew too well it didn't take much to manipulate the stupid and weak humans. He let out a huge evil snigger, and the others started charging towards their prey.

The Zombie Lord was leading the entire evil scene. He twisted Carla's neck with one might SNAP! Then he threw his head back, and opened his mouth wide, taking a big chunk out of her head.

"THAT WAS DELICIOUS!" he roared, smiling widely at his crowd. Every mortal fear and terror on the human's innocent faces fed his pride. The more they feared him, the tastier the flesh.

Debbie looked at me with anxious and tearful eyes. She wished that she could become invisible at that moment. Carla was now dead.

The two of us would die too if we didn't get out of there!

Suddenly, the Zombies disappeared and it was pitch black again. We didn't know whether it was safe to move. My shoulder still felt like it was on fire, and I couldn't move it. I only had the use of my right shoulder, arm and hand. However, it was a case of being a wimp and die or run. I nodded at Debbie, and we bombed it through the maze. We had no time to think, as we were being chased by the zombies we had left behind. Only now, Carla was also a zombie and she was chasing us too.

We made it over the fourth hedge, however, the fifth one was guarded by huge black spiders.

"Oh FUCK!" Debbie shouted.

"These are the same spiders we already faced, only bigger. How do we get past the bastards?"

We decided not to go through the trees, though these fuckers could fly. We ducked, dived and dodged them. However, they still managed to let loose that horrible powder that had harmed my shoulder earlier. They caught both of us; however, we knew that if we stopped, we would be dead. We continued running despite the white-hot pain coursing through us.

A huge figure came out of nowhere. He looked human. However, none of us could assume in this horror-hell. He asked us if we needed help.

"How can we trust you?' I asked.

"You have no choice!" he answered.

He talked to us pleasantly, like normal humans do. He then proceeded to guide us through the maze


We ran, while he battled Zombies, Ghouls, Demons and other Vampires. He even slaughtered the werewolves. He protected us, healed us and gave us the strength to fight. He even got us out of the maze.

However, we got back to the entrance, and only then did we realize that something wasn't quite right.

We were thrilled to be out of that horror hell, though we felt sad for Carla. Carla was one of them now, and we couldn't let that cloud our thoughts.

We were shell-shocked to be out of there. We were terrified, and all we wanted was to wake up from this nightmare. However, running for our lives did not stop there.

The mans face changed and distorted. He had wrinkles on his forehead and fanglike teeth. We tried to make a bee-line out through the fairground, however, he was super-fast and he drained Debbie's blood within seconds. I shook as I watched her fall to the ground, but I knew I couldn't give up or I would be next. I suddenly realized that this was a real-life vampire that I was dealing with.

I ran and I ran, but the vampire was super-fast. He cornered me at every angle, found every hiding place and he knocked me down at superspeed. He then pierced the delicate skin on my neck. I fell to the ground, and when I woke up...

I was one of them.

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About the Creator

Carol Townend

Fiction, Horror, Sex, Love, Mental Health, Children's fiction and more. You'll find many stories in my profile. I don't believe in sticking with one Niche! I write, but I also read a lot too.

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