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The Death of a Native

The killed spirit

By Valerie DanielPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
The Death of a Native
Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash

The Death of a Native

My mother brought a new block of land and built a house on that said land. When I would visit the place, it scared me. I didn't want to come out of the car nor would my dog who refused to move. My dog and I are used to travelling and she loves new places, so it wasn't like the fear was from the fact that the place was unfamiliar. I hated that house and I've never had a strong hate for anything not even a house, but that house I wanted nothing to do with it.

I would ask myself that maybe it's jealously. Maybe I was jealous of my mother buying such a house. Or, maybe I really don’t like new places despite the fact that as a child and in my teen years until the virus came around, I would travel to all sorts of places. Stay in all sorts of places from hotels to friend places to beach houses. I would also ask myself that maybe I don’t like the place because there’s a lack of internet connection.

The house at the time was so new that it didn’t even have a TV so, maybe I hated it because it was dull. It was a small town after all. Not even a town more of a village it only had one shop and nothing else. It had a nice river, but I didn’t want to go down there with my dog because it was summer time at the time and rivers always have snakes around them. Knowing my dog, she would’ve found one and most likely get bitten by a snake. With no vet nearby she would’ve died. I asked all these questions and came up with all these answers, but none of them fit.

Something was off about the place. The house itself was off the land was off. After all, why did an empty patch of land last untouched for so long? The land itself had other houses over it, yet this was one of the few places with no houses on it at all. It just didn’t feel right. Then I found it.

You see I have been able to sense spirit as I child a skill that had only gotten stronger with age. So, when I found this area in the town, I found my answer. The place was the showground. At the time I was looking for a nice spot to write, away from people. I told my father I was going for a walk and went off looking for a spot. I didn’t have my dog with me at the time she was at my place being looked after by a family friend who would check on her every now and again. I wasn’t gone for long only two days.

Any who I went to this spot it was behind the showground. The place had tall grass growing, but a path for walkers and I have seen a far few people walking this path, but it was still nice enough to write without too many people bothering me. I sat on my bag brought out a notebook and a pen started to write, but I couldn’t something was off.

Have you ever been to places where the land itself was silent? Like you go to a place and you know something wrong, someone is watching, but it’s just you and you know you shouldn’t be there, but you go anyway? Will, that was this, place. I had a sense of dread a feeling that up until this point in my life I have never had. Even as a kid seeing shadow people and other spirits all over the place nothing scared me more than this spot.

I looked around for any form of life. Anything. A bird. A person a stray dog, heck even a snake. Nothing. It was just me, but then I notice something a magpie. The bird was standing near a tree close to the road the same way I came through. I got up and pack my stuff. I ain’t staying here even for a few moments of silence. I paused. I noticed something else about this place.

Now, remember this town was fairly new to me I didn’t know anyone aside from my own family I didn’t know the town very well and kept my phone with me at all times that way if I got lost, I could at least tell my mother and asked for her to pick me up because I didn’t know where I was. So, during this moment where I was starting to pay attention to things around me, I was shock to find a lighten struck tree.

It still stood, but half of it had been hit by lighten. Burnt off, but it looked as if the tree itself had a nasty face inside of it. Like it was holding something, will someone who wanted ask and I was the fool who asked.

“What happened to you?”

Bad move on my part. I went home a lot sooner then I would’ve. I asked my father if he new anything about the land the first thing he said in a joking manner was this.

“Maybe someone was killed there.”

He asked an elder if the land was sacred. The man was an elder native if anyone knew it would’ve been him. He shakes his head and said no, but I did learn that the mountains which watched over the land we’re.

Seven nights.

Seven nights I had nightmares. I used to get them a lot when I was a kid, but they we’re the typically ones. Like losing hair or teeth, or screaming and stuff like that. These ones we’re different. They had been so alive and felt so real that I thought to myself that these weren’t dreams I even had odd creatures in them that I’ve never dreamt about up until this point in my life.

My house was on fire in my dream. My dog led me to the burning house underneath it where a red dragon head would pop out and puff smoke out of its snout. My dream-self was screaming, crying and yelling for help. I recalled asking for angels to help protect me in the dream, but nothing show up. I was left alone. Running and running, just running.

Even when I went home the dreams followed me. Always running. Always trying to get away from something or someone never knowing who. Nobody answered to my call. I could feel my body in my sleep. It went hot with sweat. I ended up getting sleep paralysis for the next few nights. Unable to move in my own bed. My dream-self would cry.

Until I had this dream. It happened at my house in my own bed.

I was dreaming I was near the river in my town where I was walking. I saw one thing. A Kookaburra stuck in a bird cage. For those who don’t know their native to Australia and you’re not allowed to have them as pets. Anyway, in the dream. I remember a voice saying. “You shouldn’t mess with someone who works Archangel Raphael.”

In the dream I remember seeing this burnt body trying to attack me and this cop. We had been inside the building they killed the cop by hitting him over the head. It was early morning in the dream and I ran and ran. I tried my best to get away from the thing, but I woke up. I came to an understanding that a native was killed on that land by a white after the treaty had been sign. Their body was burrow likely either at the showground or where my mother built her new house. The body had been chopped up into bits.

Later that day I asked someone what do lighten stuck trees mean in his traditional. He told me that it was the Gods way in keeping evil blinded there.

For the next seven days. I pray for protection, healing, cleansing and love to be brought to myself and to that land. It, rain there. For the next seven days I did this. I did as much work on the land as I could sending good energy to that land asking the Gods to undo my mistake.

That spirit ended up going to the light finally decided to cross over. There’s another spirit still blinded to that tree. You can feel it. You can feel that horror and hear it’s screams to let him out. I’ve learnt from my mistake.

There was one thing that I learnt from this. Never ask spirit a question that you don’t want to know the answer to because spirit always answers and sometimes it isn’t what you’re looking for.

I know there was a murder there, but I don't know if they ever found the body. I get a feeling though that body was burrowed somewhere on the land or at least the head. My feeling tells me that there's a skull right under my mother home under the bed where she lives. I did write the police a letter about this death I told them everything that happened. I don't know if they have the letter, but one thing is for sure I'm never going back there again. If my mother wants to see me she would have to come over to my house because I refused to take another foot in that home and on that land.


About the Creator

Valerie Daniel

I write things.

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