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The Dark Faerie.

The woman collapsed from exhaustion.

By IvanPublished about a year ago 4 min read
The Dark Faerie.
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

The sun had just set behind the trees as the woman wandered through the forest. She had always been drawn to the magic of nature and was especially captivated by the stories of the faeries that lived within it. As she walked, she heard a beautiful voice singing a melody that seemed to call to her. She followed the sound until she stumbled upon a clearing in the woods. There stood a stunning woman with wings, a faerie, who was singing the beautiful tune that had drawn the woman there.

The faerie was unlike anything the woman had ever seen. She had long, flowing hair the color of the sunset, and her wings were iridescent, shimmering in the last rays of sunlight. The woman was awestruck by the beauty of the faerie and approached her cautiously.

"Who are you?" asked the woman.

"I am Arianne, the queen of the faeries," replied the beautiful creature, a smile spreading across her lips.

The woman was entranced by Arianne's beauty, and the faerie knew it. She reached out her hand, inviting the woman to come closer. Without hesitation, the woman stepped forward, and Arianne took her hand.

As soon as their hands touched, the woman felt a jolt of electricity run through her body. Suddenly, the world around her began to spin, and she found herself transported to a mystical realm. The forest that surrounded her had transformed into a dark and twisted place, and the sky above was filled with ominous clouds that seemed to press down on her.

The woman tried to pull away, but Arianne's grip was strong. "Welcome to my kingdom," the faerie said, her voice taking on a darker tone. "You will never leave here."

The woman felt a knot form in her stomach as she looked around the dark and menacing realm. Arianne's beautiful features had transformed into something dark and sinister, and the woman realized too late that she had been lured into a trap.

Arianne led the woman deeper into the realm, and the woman could feel malevolent creatures watching them from the shadows. The faerie spoke of the wonders of her kingdom, but the woman could see only the darkness and danger that surrounded them.

Days turned into weeks as the woman remained trapped in the realm. She tried to escape, but Arianne's magic was too powerful. She tried to reason with the faerie, but Arianne seemed to relish in the woman's fear and despair.

As the days passed, the woman began to notice changes in herself. Her skin grew pale and her hair began to turn silver. She realized that she was being drained of her life force, and she knew that if she didn't find a way to escape soon, she would be trapped there forever.

One day, as Arianne was away, the woman saw an opportunity to escape. She gathered what little strength she had left and ran as fast as she could, but the creatures that lurked in the shadows chased after her.

As she ran, the woman came across a group of faeries who were also trying to escape Arianne's realm. They took the woman in and explained that they too had been lured into the realm by Arianne's beauty.

Together, they fought their way out of the dark and dangerous realm, finally reaching the safety of the real world. The woman collapsed from exhaustion, but the faeries healed her and helped her return home.

As she lay in her bed, the woman knew that she would never forget the terror she had experienced in Arianne's realm. She knew that she had been lucky to escape, and she vowed never to let herself be lured into such a trap again.

From that day on, she remained wary of the From that day on, she remained wary of the magic that had once captivated her so deeply. She knew that there were dark and dangerous things lurking in the shadows, and she vowed to never let her guard down again.

The woman went on to live a long and fulfilling life, but she never forgot the lessons she had learned in Arianne's realm. She often thought back on her experience and wondered what had become of Arianne and the creatures that had once inhabited that dark place.

Years later, when she was an old woman, she received a letter in the mail. It was from one of the faeries she had met in Arianne's realm. The letter explained that Arianne had been overthrown by a group of rebellious faeries who had grown tired of her tyranny. The realm had been transformed into a place of light and beauty, and the faeries now lived in harmony with the creatures of the forest.

The woman smiled as she read the letter, grateful that the realm she had once feared had been transformed into a place of peace and wonder. She knew that she had played a small part in that transformation, and she felt a sense of pride and accomplishment.

In the end, the woman realized that her journey through Arianne's realm had been about more than just survival. It had been a journey of self-discovery and growth. She had faced her fears, and in doing so, had learned more about herself than she ever could have imagined.

As she sat in her rocking chair, gazing out at the sunset, the woman felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that her time in this world was coming to an end, but she was content knowing that she had lived a life filled with adventure and magic. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, she closed her eyes, knowing that she had nothing left to fear, for she had already faced the darkest of realms and emerged victorious.

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    IWritten by Ivan

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