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The Ceiling Cat of the Bullet Train

A High-Speed Haunting

By mahmoud elsaadPublished 13 days ago 3 min read

apan's bullet trains, those sleek silver bullets hurtling across the countryside, are testaments to modern marvels. But for Akiko, a weary traveler on a late-night Shinkansen, the journey became a chilling encounter with a spirit that defied gravity – the Ceiling Cat.

Exhausted from a long business trip, Akiko craved a peaceful ride home. Settling into her assigned seat, the rhythmic clickety-clack lulled her into a drowsy state. Just as sleep began to claim her, a flicker of movement above jolted her awake. Perched upside down on the white ceiling, silhouetted against the dim overhead light, was a cat.

Not your average feline, mind you. This spectral creature had an unnervingly long, skeletal body and glowing red eyes that seemed to pierce the darkness. Panic surged through Akiko. Blinking furiously, she craned her neck, questioning her own sanity. Was she dreaming?

Hesitantly, she nudged her sleeping neighbor, a young businessman. "Excuse me," she whispered, pointing upwards. "Do you… see that?" The man grunted, mumbled something about work stress, and rolled over, oblivious to the spectral feline watching them from above.

Fear gnawed at Akiko. Whispers of the Ceiling Cat, a vengeful spirit said to be the ghost of a stray cat struck by a speeding train years ago, were a hushed legend among frequent riders. Its spectral presence brought misfortune to those who dared to look upon it.

Desperate for a distraction, Akiko buried herself in a travel magazine, but the chilling image of the glowing red eyes burned into her eyelids. Every rustle of paper, every creak of the train, sounded amplified in the eerie silence. Just as she convinced herself it was all a figment of exhaustion, a cold gust of wind blew through the carriage, even though the air conditioning was off. The magazine fluttered from her grasp, landing at the feet of the sleeping businessman.

Suddenly, the man bolted upright, eyes wide with terror. He pointed frantically at the ceiling, his mouth agape in a silent scream. Akiko followed his gaze and felt the blood drain from her face. The Ceiling Cat was no longer perched upside down. It was clinging to the side of the carriage wall, its bony legs splayed out like a grotesque spider.

A loud screech echoed through the carriage as the train lurched violently to a halt. Alarms blared, and emergency lights bathed the interior in an unsettling red glow. Passengers screamed and scrambled for their belongings, confusion and fear erupting like wildfire.

In the chaos, Akiko saw her chance. Grabbing her bag, she bolted from the train, the image of the Ceiling Cat forever etched in her memory. News reports later confirmed a technical malfunction caused the sudden stop. But for Akiko, the truth was far more terrifying.

The legend of the Ceiling Cat persisted. Some dismissed it as a creepypasta, an internet-born ghost story. But for those who swore they saw the glowing red eyes reflecting in the overhead lights, the Ceiling Cat served as a chilling reminder – even the most modern marvels hold whispers of the supernatural, lurking and waiting for unsuspecting travelers. This bullet-fast brush with the beyond served as a stark reminder that even the Shinkansen wasn't immune to the whispers of the unseen world.


About the Creator

mahmoud elsaad


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