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The Calling

A Lakeside Campfire Tale

By Alexa LeitkowskiPublished 2 years ago 12 min read
The Calling
Photo by Tegan Mierle on Unsplash

“The cabin in the woods had been abandoned for years, but one night, a candle burned in the window.” Jade stated. I watched her gaze sweep over our friends as we listened intently to her story. We all heard the cacophony of animal sounds: owls hooting, crickets chirping, frogs croaking, and the howling of wolves; this all coming from the forest surrounding our camping grounds.

“Jade, what happens next?” Zara asked. She appeared to be excited with a smile on her face, eyes wide, and leaning forward from her spot on one of the five huge log benches we sat on. The benches made a circle around our crackling campfire and were only a couple of feet away from where we all set up our tents.

“Two friends from the group of seven going camping together arrived early to Lakeside and decided to look around. The beautiful, yet eerie forest with the trees bending together transforming them into monsters, like those conjured by nightmares. However, the best sight to see was the captivatingly large and inviting lake. The water rippling and glistening under the moonlit night. This weekend trip with their friends was going to be a lot of fun. They made their way towards the lake, but the abandoned cabin caught their attention, and both decided to take a closer look.” Jade explained. A loud crack and snap sounded from the forest, and silence fell over our group.

“Bob, you totally jumped in fright next to me, or you just peed yourself.” Zara stated.

“You would know if I peed on you, plus you’re only covering up the fact you were startled too, but at least my ears are thankful you didn’t scream.” Bob replied. He threw a handful of marshmallows at Zara as she retreated and sat next to me.

“Going swimming sounds really fun and we could all sleep in the cabin instead of our tents tonight.” Marcos stated.

“I agree, the freshwater lake is nearby the cabin. I totally want to go swimming now, but it’ll have to wait for tomorrow because I don’t like swimming after dark.” Kevin stated.

“Aw, come on man, you only think there’s a sea monster in the lake that is out to get you.” Marcos replied.

“Seriously dude, yeah let’s sleep in the creepy abandoned cabin that’s haunted and would most likely collapse while we’re all asleep.” Kevin stated.

“Oh, knock it off, the both of you, there will be plenty of time to swim and explore everything this weekend.” Jade said.

“So, does anyone know when my brother is getting here? He should have arrived by now.” I asked. I tried my best to hide my concern as I crossed my arms against the chill of the cool night air.

“Oh Misty, I wouldn’t worry too much about Dylan, you know how your brother is with directions, yet even with his cellphone he always manages to get lost, and then show up late.” Zara said. She half hugged me and held out a large pink marshmallow and I took it.

“Thank you.” I stated, then I ate the marshmallow, yet in the back of my mind something felt wrong, about this whole situation, and that’s what scared me.

“So did they go inside and check out the cabin?” Kevin asked.

“The cabin from the outside was covered with ivy growing up its sides, an overgrown oak tree with branches bending towards the roof, and green moss growing in the darkened cracks of wood on the cabin’s exterior. They decided to be polite and knock first, yet they received no answer. They proceeded to open the door that screeched on rusted hinges and were completely stunned to find the inside was spotless. They saw the dark stained cedar table with a black lit candle with gold writing that said Darkling. They looked around the cabin: a bookcase in the corner, a locked chest on the floor, but right next to that was a door that led to a small bathroom. The cabin was quite cozy, for instance, the chair with a table near a small fireplace with a standing mirror and another door that led to a huge bedroom.”

“If the cabin is abandoned, who lit the candle and why?” I asked. I took a quick glance at my phone to see if my brother texted me back.

“There are those who say the woods of Lakeside are cursed by these creatures known as Darklings; these monsters are said to be more cunning than a wolf, deadlier than a Chupacabra, and smarter than a Wendigo. These Darkling creatures mimic and taunt their prey before they strike all under the light of the moon. No one knows why the curse exists, nor how to break it, and so the story continues to be told.” Jade stated.

“I need to go to the bathroom; I’ll be back soon.” I stated. I was trying hard to hide my uncertainty as I stood and held up my phone as a flashlight.

“Don’t go too far, Misty, a darkling might get you.” Kevin stated. I gave Kevin an annoyed look and rolled my eyes all the while I was smirking.

“Pay him no mind, just be careful and hurry back.” Zara said. I patted Zara on the shoulder and then walked off into the woods with my phone’s flashlight to lead my way.

“Shame, that Misty going to missing the end. What happened to the campers in the cabin?” Bob asked.

“They found out the cabin was not actually abandoned, but a caretaker comes by when the moon is out. This seems to keep the creatures from roaming free and attacking anyone who comes here. One of the campers asked about the writing above the strange long mirror. However, before the caretaker could say anything other camper, like a fool, blew out the candle on the table. A ferocious growl rippled from the mirror and this disgusting creature emerged killing the first camper. The guardian shot the creature, but the damage was already done.”

“Oh, wow, so is there a dead body in the cabin now?” Marcos asked.

“The dead body lay in the chair and the dead creature on the floor. The second camper saw their reflection in the mirror and became disturbed, but the guardian tried to calm them. However, the guardian had to point his gun and aim at another darkling but missed and this one ran into the garage. Another darkling had escaped from the mirror and the camper used this moment to run out of the cabin and was accidentally shot because the darkling swiped at the guardian with the shotgun knocking it out of his hands. The guardian losing his balance bumped into the table and the candle was knocked down and broke in half on the floor. The door was slammed shut, the darkling escaped, and all hope seemed lost.”

“Oh, man. Did he eventually light another candle?” Bob asked

“What happened to the darkling that got away?” Zara questioned.

“The darkling escaped, and no one knows if another candle will ever be lit again. A horror story to be told to all who camp out here and usually by a friend everyone trusts, yet the foolish campers didn’t know until the very end that they were the prey,” Jade stated. She cackled and growled out in a roar, “RUN!”

Jade’s nails turned into long dagger like talons, her skin becoming an ashen gray, and her black hair turning sheer white. Her clothes shredded by the girth of her muscles growing as Jade’s face contorted with the crack and snap of her jaw and protruding with razor sharp fangs. The hunger in its golden eyes locked on the campers. They all screamed; Kevin was closest to the full-fledged darkling.

“No, Ah!” Kevin’s excruciating screams from being ripped apart and his blood splattered everywhere ignited the fear in the others. They screamed and ran off into the forest. Now, the darkling has free reign to hunt the rest of them down, including Misty.

“I hope that wasn’t poison ivy I used, but I am thankful for mini hand sanitizer.” I spoke. as I walked further into the forest. “I need to find this cabin, Jade’s creepy story, just felt weirdly true, but I need to be sure. I’ll text my brother one more time.” I thought. I suddenly heard something, but it’s possible my nerves getting the best of me. I suddenly tripped falling forward I landed on something squishy and slimy. I brushed the stuff off my face, groaning because now my cellphone was smashed. “Man, how hard did I land?” I saw light coming from under what I fell against; I reached for it.

“Whose cellphone is this?” I said. The screen flickered to life and several missed texts. I didn’t want to believe, but a part of me knew the truth. My eyes began to water, and my heart hammered in my chest, and I unlocked Dylan’s phone and used the flashlight, shining it on my brother, but as soon as I did, I wish I hadn’t.

“Oh, no.” I cried covering my mouth. I almost retched. I didn’t need anyone or anything to hear me, let alone throw up. Half of his face was missing and blood everywhere. I lowered the phone, but I saw the glint in his hand, and it was a skeleton key. “I swear whoever did this will pay.” I used the light to shine my way forward. The cabin was now in full view, just the way Jade had described it.

“It should be unlocked.” I stated. I willed myself to move forward and focus. The forest was eerily silent and that’s when I heard a loud savage growl.

“Run!” the growling voice echoed.

“No-ah!” a scream rang out and others followed.

“I need to move, now.” I thought. Pick myself up I made a mad dash from the tree and made it up the stairs to the cabin door. I heard the snarls and howl of the darkling, but I managed to open the door and hurry inside and slammed it shut and locked it.

“What happened here?” I asked myself. I finally breathed releasing some tension and could smell copper mixed with gunpowder. I used the flashlight from the cellphone to light my way through the cabin. A broken candle on the floor and stains of blood. A shotgun with specks of blood sat against a bookcase near a locked chest and another doorway. “This must be the bathroom.” I thought. I proceeded through the open doorway and in the small bathroom shower lay the body of a man. His clothes shredded a large gash down his arm and one on his leg. I felt for a pulse and sadly no, his body was cold to the touch as well and I closed his eyes.

“I guess you were the caretaker, the one who originally lit the candle. I am sorry you died this way and my brother too.” I stated. I wiped the tears from my eyes, took the green lighter from the side of the sink. I made my way out of the bathroom and saw the garage was open and inside was a body of a dead darkling. I went back toward the front door and went to the other area; I saw another dead darkling on the floor close to the fireplace and door. I walked closer and shined the light on the chair. Jades dead body lay with claw marks slashed right down her chest and down a part of her face. I tripped near the table having heard a pounding on the door. I hid the light close to my chest and stood near a window trying to maybe see who or what was knocking, but I couldn’t.

“Please, help me. Misty, its Kevin, and this creature is after us.” Kevin stated. I was about to say something when through the light of the moon, I could swear, I saw Zara and Bob. They were hiding and if this thing was Kevin, they would be with him.

“You think I’m foolish enough to fall for your tricks, you monster, you’ll have to try harder to get to me.” I stated.

“I will save you for last, and savor ripping off your face.” The darkling growled. It slammed against the door and howled before it tore away into the forest.

“Ugh” I groaned inwardly; the phone only had 5 percent left; I should have taken mine too. I need to text Zara, but I don’t want to give away her position since the darkling is hunting them. Suddenly the phone chimed.

“You haven’t answered your phone, Misty. I’m taking a shot in the dark, literally, you must have Dylan’s phone. Mine is about to run out of battery. Bob and I are right near the cabin. Please, light the candle, so we can finally go home.” Zara’s text stated.

“I will, and I’ll text you when I find one.” I texted back. I turned off the flashlight to conserve the rest of the battery, and that’s when I saw it, glowing green in the dark what was written above the mirror.

“The Calling will save you.” I stated. It must mean something important. I pulled the lighter I found earlier from my pocket and the key I found with Dylan.

“The locked chest, must hold the candle.” I thought. I rushed over and put the key in the lock and with a click it opened. I undid the lock and opened the chest. My relief was short lived when I saw the whole chest was filled with candles. “They are all the same, but maybe that’s the point. I must look for the one candle that’s different.” I stated. So started throwing out candles beside me that were the same, all saying Darkling in gold. I made it to the bottom and only so many remained, I picked up one that glowed. In the dark it read, The Calling in green, but with the light near it, it said Darkling. “I would only see the light by finding my way through the dark.”

“Zara, I found it.” I texted. The phone blinked out. I heard a growl from the around the corner as I sat in the chair and held the candle underneath and the lighter. I was nervous but ready. The darkling stalked into view rumbling out a growl and lunging with talons reaching out; I lit the candle.

“Okay, Bob. Misty texted me she found the candle. Let’s get to the cabin.” Zara stated. She helped Bob, who was missing his leg and had a rough tourniquet applied. They were basically limping towards the cabin when the growling behind them caught their attention.

“Zara, behind us.” Bob stated. He fell to the ground and Zara turned around seeing talons reaching out and a disgusting face full of fangs and drool.

“Misty!” Zara screamed.

Unexpectedly, the darkling burst in the blackened red goo that sprayed across Zara and Bob. Afterwards there was complete silence.

I opened the cabin door, looking back at the lit candle on the table and everything I covered in gasoline. I lit the candle I was holding and tossed it in, lighter too. I shut the door walked down the stairs and saw Zara and Bob staring up at me. We all laughed covered in darkling guts.

“I am happy to see you and the fact you saved us.” Zara stated.

“Zara and I would have been snack food.” Bob said.

“I am glad to see the both of you as well, Bob, I’m sorry about your leg.” I replied. I sat between them hugging them as the cabin’s windows shattered and smoke was pillowing out. We all saw movement from the forest.

“Guys, you’re alive.” Marcos cried out, running from the forest, he was missing an arm and a slash where his left eye use to be. He fell to his knees in front of us and hugged us.

“You realize no one is going to believe us.” Marcos stated.

“They will probably think we’re all crazy.” Bob said.

“They’ll chalk it all up to some bear attacks or wolves.” Zara replied.

“The truth is the truth in the end.” I replied

“It’s really over, right?” Marcos asked

“Yes,” I stated. I looked over at the lake and watched the sun rise come into view and listened to the sirens getting louder. Zara, Bob, Marcos, and I survived, nothing else mattered, “It’s finally over.”


About the Creator

Alexa Leitkowski

I love to read and write stories. I hope to share my stories with others and read amazing stories as well. I want to be a better writer, improve my skills, and spread some hope and inspiration along the way. I hope you enjoy and thank you!

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    Alexa LeitkowskiWritten by Alexa Leitkowski

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