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The broken mirror

A hunted house

By Vijayndra SumanPublished about a year ago 4 min read

The old, Victorian house had been abandoned for years, left to rot in the quiet town that surrounded it. The townsfolk whispered that the house was cursed, that it was haunted by the ghosts of those who had lived within its walls. And yet, there were those who dared to venture inside, drawn by the thrill of the unknown and the promise of adventure.

One such group had gathered outside the front door, their flashlights illuminating the dusty entrance. They pushed their way inside, the air thick with dust and the musty smell of neglect. The group split up, each person branching off into a different room to explore.

As one of them entered a grand, ornate bathroom, their eyes fell upon the mirror that hung on the wall. It was broken, the shards of glass reflecting the dim light in a thousand shattered images. The group member couldn't help but approach the mirror, feeling a sense of unease wash over them as they gazed into the fragmented glass.

Suddenly, a hand reached out from behind the mirror, long, bony fingers wrapping around the glass fragments. The group member recoiled in terror, but it was too late. The mirror moved, the shards clicking together as they shifted and reformed.

In the center of the mirror, a pair of glowing, red eyes appeared. They seemed to bore into the group member's soul, threatening to swallow it whole. Paralyzed with fear, the group member tried to back away, but the hand that had emerged from the mirror had a vice-like grip on their arm.

Suddenly, a low, guttural growl filled the air. It came from the mirror, echoing through the bathroom and sending shivers up the group member's spine. The broken mirror trembled, the glass shards vibrating with an otherworldly power.

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And then, a figure emerged from the mirror. It was humanoid, but twisted and distorted, its skin blackened as if it had been charred by a fire. It loomed over the group member, its red eyes pulsing with malevolence.

The group member screamed as the creature lunged forward, teeth bared in a malicious grin. They scrambled backward, tripping over debris as they tried to escape. The creature was relentless, its long arms stretching out to grab at their ankles.

Finally, the group member managed to break free, racing out of the bathroom and back into the entryway of the house. They didn't stop until they were outside, gasping for breath and shaking with terror.

As they looked back at the old, abandoned house, they could see the creature glowering at them from the broken bathroom window. They knew then that the legends were all true, that the house was cursed, and that the broken mirror held an unspeakable horror within its shard.


The Hunted House

It was a dark and stormy night, and five friends decided to go explore the local haunted house. The old mansion had been abandoned for years after a family was brutally murdered inside.

As they approached the house, they saw that the windows were broken and the door was slightly ajar. They pushed the door open and entered nervously, their flashlights illuminating the dusty interior.

The creaky floorboards and the eerie silence added to the spooky atmosphere. Suddenly, they heard strange footsteps coming from upstairs. They froze, unsure of what to do. Then, they heard a blood-curdling scream.

Panicking, they ran towards the stairs to investigate. However, they were blocked by a locked door. They tried to break it down, but it was too strong. Meanwhile, the footsteps were becoming louder and more menacing.

Suddenly, the lights went out. They were plunged into total darkness. They could hear the sound of someone breathing heavily in the room with them. The next moment, a skeletal hand touched one of them on the shoulder, and they screamed.

The ghost of the murdered family had come back to haunt the house. The five friends were trapped with no way out. They clung to each other, trembling with fear.

The ghost kept taunting them, appearing and disappearing out of thin air. They heard whispers and moans all around them. Suddenly, the ghost let out an ear-piercing scream, and the friends could feel its icy breath on their necks.

Just as they thought they were about to die, the ghost suddenly disappeared. The lights flickered back on, and the door that had been locked opened. They ran outside, gasping for air and trying to erase the memory of what had just happened.

From that day on, the haunted house was avoided by all, for the ghost of the murdered family still roamed within its walls.

A "haunted house" is a spooky and suspenseful house, typically thought to be inhabited by ghosts or other supernatural entities. These type of houses are usually designed to scare and thrill visitors with thrilling and frightening experiences. Examples of features that can often be found in a haunted house include creaky floorboards, eerie sounds, dark corridors, unexpected surprises, and sudden scares. Haunted houses can be found in amusement parks and themed attractions or can be private houses that people intentionally decorate to be spooky for Halloween.


About the Creator

Vijayndra Suman

Start writing...i like to writing.

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