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The Black Mass: A Young Mother's Sacrifice

Jessica performed a black mass, offering her child's soul to the devil in exchange for greater power.

By Alain SaamegoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
The Black Mass: A Young Mother's Sacrifice
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

In a time when Christianity is on the decline in developed countries, and society seems to be moving further from spiritual matters, it may come as a surprise that there is an up-and-coming religious movement that is gaining popularity – the black mass.

What is the black mass?

Simply put, the black mass is a ceremony that deliberately mocks and profanes the Catholic Mass. It is usually performed as a form of Satanic worship, and typically involves a consecrated host being used in blasphemous rituals, such as sexual acts or desecration.

The black mass is believed to have originated in the Middle Ages, as a way for disgruntled Catholics to rebel against the Church. However, the ritual took on a life of its own and soon became associated with witchcraft and Satanism.

Today, the black mass is still seen as a way to express defiance against mainstream Christianity, as well as to invoke dark spirits and energies. It is also considered to be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and liberation for those who are attracted to the dark side of life.

By freestocks on Unsplash

Jessica had always been a good Catholic girl. She went to church every Sunday, and she tried her best to obey all the commandments. So when she found out she was pregnant, she knew she had to make a sacrifice to God.

Jessica considered abortion, but she ultimately decided that was too great a sin. She also couldn't bring herself to give her child up for adoption, so she made the decision to give her child to the devil.

Jessica performed a black mass, offering her child's soul to the devil in exchange for greater power. The ritual was successful, and Jessica was given dark powers that she could use to get what she wanted in life.

The cost of this power was steep, however. Every time Jessica used her dark powers, she was closer to damnation. And the more power she gained, the harder it was to resist the temptation to use it.

By Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

As Jessica's child grew older, she could see the darkness inside him. He was already starting to manifest the powers of the devil. Jessica knew that she had to find a way to protect her child from the same fate she had suffered.

She decided the only way to save her child was to offer him up to the devil as well. This time, the ritual would not be performed by Jessica, but by her child himself.

As her child reached the age of 16, Jessica took him to a dark, abandoned place and initiated him into the ways of the devil. She showed him how to perform the black mass, and then she gave him her child's soul to the devil.

With the power of the devil behind him, her child was now almost invincible. He could have anything he wanted, and no one could stand against him.

But the cost of this power was still high. The more her child used his powers, the closer he came to damnation. And Jessica knew that one day, he would have to pay the ultimate price.

By thomas RICHARD on Unsplash

One day, her child was killed in a gun battle with the police. As he lay dying, he uttered a final, damning curse against his mother. "You will join me in hell soon enough," he said.

Jessica knew that he was right. The devil would never let her go, and she would have to spend eternity in hell with her child. She resigned herself to her fate, knowing that it was a price she had to pay for the sins she had committed.


About the Creator

Alain Saamego

Software engineer , Writer and Content Strategist at Selfgrow.co.uk

I'm a technology enthusiast, and I love learning about upcoming technologies. I also enjoy teaching and answering questions about new technologies.

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    Alain SaamegoWritten by Alain Saamego

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