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The Angels' Run Legend

Every little town has that ONE legend about that ONE home, that ONE bridge, that ONE gloomy woodland.

By dewon crazyPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

The place where I grew up was no exception. Our folklore involves a lengthy, twisting route that linked our town to the next town across.

The full name is "Black Forest Road." Simply because it is completely encircled on all sides by a dense forest, making it nearly hard to see at night.

The locals nickname it "Angels Run" since that's what angels are said to do: flee from that route.

I know it sounds cheesy, but it is what it is.

They claim that during the day, when the sun is shining, the road is absolutely safe and often traveled

But when night arrives, when darkness settles over the country, it's a completely other story.

That route, they say, becomes a portal to Hell.

Townspeople believe so strongly in this mythology that after sundown, town officials in both towns close the route with enormous cement barricades. To keep people from driving on it. Then, at daylight, reopen it.

If you ask me, that's a little far-fetched. All over some nonsense narrative. But, who am I to judge? People believe what they think.

This tale was told to me by my father in 1998. I was 12 at the time. He learned about it from his father, who learned about it from his father, and so on.

He went me to the barricades one July night. We stood there for a while, and he told me the legend.

Angels Run is a legend.

According to legend, if you drove on the route at night, your automobile would entirely stop down without cause at some point before reaching the finish. It would lose all power, leaving you stuck in the middle of nowhere, in complete darkness.

The wind will increase up significantly at this point. Blowing so violently that your car would tremble. From the woods, you will begin to hear chanting. As time passes, the sound becomes louder. You will begin to hear infants weeping in the wind, and an overpowering sense of dread will descend upon you.

In cases like this, human nature would tell you to flee. You may survive a little longer if you stay in your automobile, but you will still die.

It makes no difference whether you stay in your automobile or flee for your life. Because two dazzling lights will emerge out of nowhere, through the darkness, directly in front of you. At that point, you'll be cruelly torn apart by a horde of wraths rising from the woods. Your flesh is being ripped and torn. Devouring every fiber of your being and transporting your soul to hell.

If you stay in your car, it will just take longer.

My father slung his arm over my shoulders and we went home together.

That story terrified the crap out of me when I was 12 years old. But now that I'm 30, and have given it some consideration, I believe it's all nonsense.

So here I am, at the barricades, preparing to scale them.

I'm writing this on my phone and will upload it later.

So here I go.

Please wish me luck!!!

So, I just made it through the barrier. Climbing over the top, I scraped my knee quite badly. It stings like a bitch. But I'm OK.

I set my phone , which allows it to write and upload whatever I say in real time.

Well, it's possible that I overestimated the situation. It's fucking frightening and dark. My hand is so close to my face that I can't see it. The air feels heavy and stuffy. It's freezing, oh my God, it's freezing. The month is June. It was like 80 degrees outside, but it's only 30 degrees inside.

I can't get my phone's flashlight to operate. I'm starting to panic.

What do you think? Fuck this, I'm leaving.

What the heck happened? What happened to the barriers? I was directly in front of them. When I turn around, they're gone. It's as if they weren't even there. What is the heck going on?

This is not possible. HELP!!! PLEASE ASSIST ME!!! SOMEBODY??? HELP!!!

Okay, I'll quit now. Don't worry. I'm a responsible, logical adult. There has to be a reason for all of this.

I'll just start walking and ultimately reach my destination. Every route has a start and an end. Right??? Ok!!! Shut up and walk away.

I've been walking for perhaps an hour and a half, or longer. I'm not sure. Nothing significant occurred. There is no chanting. There are no sobbing babies. But I'm fucking freezing.

What was it you said? Thunder??? No!! Raindrops??? Fuck!!! It's beginning to rain. I'm cold, and it's now fucking pouring. Great!!!

I'm not sure about the legend stuff, but there's definitely some messed up things going on here.

Oh my goodness!!! The lights are on. However, there is a way off in the distance. And they're on the go. Approaching me

The coyotes have begun to howl. They can be heard. That can't be a good thing. There's movement in the trees. Oh my goodness!!! That's it. I'm going to die. I adore you, Mom. I adore you, Dad. I should have paid attention. I should not have come here. Oh, my God. I don't want to perish.

It ceased to exist. What the fuck??? I'm still here. In any case, I believe I am. I guess I just pissed myself off.

This area is messed up!!!

Now the lights are getting closer. Only around 50 feet away. What? Is that a vehicle? It's a cab, not a bus.

In this town, there are no taxis. How did it get on this route in the first place? I believe there are obstacles on both ends. What the fuck???

What was it? "Don't do it."

In my right ear, I heard a voice.

"You should not do it."

That voice is back, this time in my left ear.

Seriously?? It's dark, I'm cold, it's pouring, and now I'm hearing voices. I think I'm going insane. This is really insane.

I'm not sure about the wrath element of the folklore. Alternatively, the legend itself. Because this isn't the same as that. This is really worse. However, this may very well be the entrance to Hell.

The cab is now slowing down. It's coming to a halt right in front of me.

"You should not do it."

What the heck is this? I'm not sure how I got in here. I don't recall ever having opened the door. I was standing outdoors the last time I recall.

What are our plans?

I can't see anything through these windows.

What the hell is that stench?

Wait a second, I can see inside.

Is it your blood? Flesh fragments? This object has a lot of holes all over it.

What in the world am I sitting on? It's a hand, oh my God. A leg and a skull can be found.

I believe I'm going to puke, and I need to get out of here.

Why is the freaking door not opening? Open!!! Motherfucker!!

Why are we halting?

There's that chanting again. But it's coming from inside, along with the babies. Those fucking infants. They're on my mind.

They got it incorrect, but the tale is true.

So, where are we?

"Michael," I just heard you say.

What the heck was he?

"Pay me right now!!!"

Fuck you, I'm not going to pay you stuff. Allow me to leave.

"Pay me right now!!!"

What is your name?

The fury!!!

What exactly are you doing? Get away from me!!!



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