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Tales of Man

Story of the Manananggal

By Wandering MerchantPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The Manananggal: A Tale of Terror

The sun had set over the small village of San Juan. The streets were empty as most of the residents had already retired for the night. Only a few street lamps cast their dim glow on the darkened roads.

Ramon, a young fisherman, had just returned from a long day at sea. He walked down the empty streets, his eyes searching for any signs of life. As he turned down an alleyway, he heard a faint whispering in the distance.

He stopped in his tracks, listening intently. The whispering grew louder and more distinct. It sounded like the voice of a woman, but it was unlike any he had ever heard before. It was as if the voice was being twisted and distorted by some unseen force.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he followed the sound. The alleyway led him to a small clearing in the center of the village. There, standing in the middle of the clearing, was a woman.

She was tall and slender, with long black hair that flowed down her back like a river. Her skin was pale, and her eyes were dark and piercing. She wore a long white dress that flowed down to her ankles.

Ramon approached her cautiously, unsure of what to expect. As he drew closer, he noticed something strange about her. Her eyes were fixed on the moon, which had just risen over the horizon.

Suddenly, the woman's body began to convulse. Her arms stretched outwards, and her fingers grew long and thin like talons. Her dress ripped open, revealing a pair of bat-like wings that sprouted from her back.

Ramon stumbled back in horror as he realized what he was looking at. The woman before him was a manananggal, a creature from Filipino folklore that was said to feed on the blood of pregnant women and small children.

The manananggal let out a blood-curdling scream and took to the air, her wings beating furiously as she soared into the night sky. Ramon watched in terror as she disappeared into the darkness, her scream echoing through the village.

From that night on, Ramon lived in constant fear of the manananggal. Every night, he would hear her whispering in the distance, her voice taunting him from the shadows.

He tried to warn the other villagers, but no one believed him. They dismissed his claims as the ravings of a madman, and refused to acknowledge the existence of such a creature.

Despite their disbelief, Ramon knew that the manananggal was real. He could feel her presence lurking in the shadows, watching him with her dark, piercing eyes.

One night, as Ramon was walking home from a late-night fishing trip, he felt a sudden chill run down his spine. He turned around and saw the manananggal hovering behind him, her wings beating furiously in the night air.

Ramon tried to run, but the manananggal was too fast. She swooped down and grabbed him by the shoulders, her talons digging into his flesh.

Ramon screamed in terror as the manananggal lifted him into the air, her mouth opening wide to reveal her razor-sharp teeth. He could feel her warm breath on his neck as she prepared to feast on his blood.

But just as the manananggal was about to sink her teeth into Ramon's neck, he remembered a trick his grandfather had taught him as a child. He quickly pulled out a piece of garlic from his pocket and thrust it into the manananggal's mouth.

The creature let out a deafening screech and dropped Ramon to the ground. She writhed in pain as the garlic burned her insides, and then flew away into the night to heal and prepare for it's never ending rain of terror.


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