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Showdown With A Demon

Fictional Story

By vidhu nallanPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Showdown With A Demon
Photo by Sayan Ghosh on Unsplash

Have you ever felt that you were being watched in the comfort of your own home? Your home should be your fortress that nothing should be able to penetrate, but yet, you still feel that something is watching, waiting, listening to your every move.

(Day 1/ 3:41 p.m.)

That's how I felt when I was in my basement, I was practicing some soccer moves in the basement because I was bored and nobody my age was outside to play with, all my friends lived far away, my brother was playing video games, and my parents were at work. I was practicing juggling with the ball when the outside of my left foot hit the ball into the dark hallway connecting the laundry room to the main basement area. I was upset because I was in the groove of juggling, I turned around to grab another ball when I felt something touch my Achilles heel. I turned around expecting an insect of some sort but was surprised to find my ball, I was very much confused because the ball coming back to me defied the laws of physics. I shrugged it off and continued to practice.

( Day 2/ 4:46 p.m.)

The soccer ball incident slipped my mind and I entered the basement with clothes that were supposed to go in the the washing machine, I entered the laundry room and was loading the clothes into it. I heard a tapping noise coming from the room across the hall, I dis-regarded the noise because my neighbor was always fixing something in his backyard, I started to run the machine when I felt a cold breeze down my neck, I was caught off guard so I ran up the stairs and did not look back.

( Day 5/ 9:39 p.m.)

It has been a couple of days since the breeze incident and I was still worried that something is wrong in the house, I told my parents that I refused to go downstairs alone and they agreed that no one should go alone. I was sitting in the upstairs living room with the lights on and watching tv, I was watching an intense show on Netflix when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a dark figure with yellow eyes looking me, I swiftly turned my head in that direction but saw nothing. I was relieved that nothing was there, but then, as I was turning my head, a seven foot figure had lunged at me with speeds that cannot be matched by humans and proceeded to choke me with full force, I tried to fight it off but it stared at me with bright yellow eyes filled with rage, I had almost given up when I woke up in a cold sweat. It was a nightmare but it was so realistic that I even hand finger shaped marks on my neck the next day, whatever was in this house was mad, and it was after me.

(Day 7/ 1:15 p.m.)

After the ghastly nightmare I had, I was scared of being alone and going to bed. I was laying in the couch, drifting deep into my mind, pondering about what happened. I must of started to doze off because I could feel my eyelids becoming heavy, my blinks started to become slower and slower, I contemplated about taking a nap because I didn't want another nightmare. I was just about to start sleeping when I suddenly had a gut feeling that I should open my eyes one more time, and so I did, two pitch black, skinny, decomposing, awful smelling hands had come up from the head side of the sofa and tried to grab me, the hands had four fingers each with animal like nails that where trying grab me and simultaneously remove itself from the edges of the sofa. I ran to the other room, closing the door behind me and locking it. I remember thinking to myself, these attacks are getting more and more violent and frequent. I couldn't tell anyone because my parents were not home and my brother was at college.

(Day 8/ 3:00 p.m.)

I am very paranoid and staying home is the last thing I want to do, something is stalking the hallways and rooms of this house. Kitchen cabinets clamor at night, dogs bark when I come out of the house, my parents, brother, and friends think I am crazy, thumping footsteps when I am alone, I can hear my heartbeat when I lay flat on the ground. That "thing" is watching me, lurking in the shadows, feeding on my fear. I turned on the tv to get my mind off the topic when I saw the news, the news said that a teenage boy went missing a week ago and nobody has a clue on what happened. I ignored the headlines and continued to watch my show.

( Day 8/ 7:12 p.m.)

I suddenly snapped back into reality after realizing that I watch tv for way too long and should give my eyes a rest, I felt an explosive feeling in my bladder when I realized that I drank 4 cups of water without ever getting up to urinate, so I ran to the bathroom as quick as I could. I finished " my business" and exited after washing my hands. The lights that I turned on where now off except the one in the kitchen, the birds outside of my house were quiet, the dogs where not barking, the low rumbling that used to come from my neighbors house stopped.

I looked to the left, nothing, I looked to the right, that's when I saw it, a figure with grotesque looking facial features, 4 fingers on each hand, feet that were missing toes, a hunchback, and shark like teeth; I was slowly starting to back up because I noticed it's head facing downward, but I accidently hit the wall. It shot it's head up exposing it's cold, dead, yellow eyes. Before I could jump into a room, it elongated it's decomposing hands and grabbed my ankles, it started to drag me into it's bear like grip, I was twisting and turning to try to let it's grip loose but it was all proven vein when it let out a hellish scream, breaking all the windows in the upstairs area. The scream was so loud that I passed out, I remember hearing something, it sounded like my mother was calling me and I felt a tapping on the right side of me cheek. I woke up screaming when I darted into my mothers arms while she was coercing me and explaining to me that it was a nightmare.


About the Creator

vidhu nallan

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