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Who to believe

By Frank JagerPublished 2 years ago 11 min read

Pay attention ,everyone you meet has a part to play in your life, be the judge whether their intentions are good or evil." In this case, I'll just tell you guys this story, and you be the judge. As the morning rose in the summer of 2012, I awaken to the day of my grandpa's funeral. "What is it that you want to be when you grow up grandson"? The question my grandfather would always ask me, as I habitually replied with shoulder shrugs. See life at grandpas was mandatory because my mother would always be chasing the next thrill, having little time for me. Although I never complained, simply because grandpa Jessie gave me the love I craved from a father in addition to being a great teacher. Grandpa Jessie also took on an abundance of land in which a secret pond was where we would fish from, well okay hideout from grandma until her nagging ended.

Grandpa suddenly went missing about 3 months ago, amid his funeral day, I could still feel his presence. "Frank are you okay?", my mother asked, a simple nod was all I offered. The thought of his strange death drew unworldly feelings that I couldn't grasp a hold of. As my mind continued to visit the past and the current, our family began to journey to the funeral service. En route for the family's vehicle, an indescribable image flashed in my peripheral swaying my attention to our family's pond. Once my entire focus set in on the pond, I realized nothing was there but I knew something was. Now at the funeral, and unable to focus on the actual funeral as my mind could not stop thinking about the pond's image prior. "Frank why aren't you crying", my Mother asked drawing me back to reality as I gave no response. Something just didn't seem right, and I could be in for more than I could fathom.

While the acts of emotions from the funeral began to conclude, I quickly abandoned my seat for the family's vehicle. In my pursuit for the vehicle, a stern voice holds me in my steps "Hey slow down son", grandpa? I sighed. Dazed and confused as I awaken to my bedroom "wait I'm home?", asking myself. Meeting my Mother's voice at the bedside"son are you alright, as we were leaving the funeral you suddenly passed out." In an array of uncertainty and emotions, I simply agreed with her allegations to avoid any more time spent listening to a mother's comforting words. Quickly her voice began to softly fade away as my focus grows outside of my room's window, leveling my eyes on the pond's entrance. "What is it that you want to be when you grow up", Grandpa's voice paged my soul once again. Are you listening?", my Mother toned, hence bringing me back to reality. With my focus still on the pond I deviously counter questioned, " Mom could I go outside and play before it gets too dark?", with my stellar performance she grants my wishes. Mother gently abandoned my bedside as I quickly laced my tennis shoes to embark before darkness.

Now as outside embraced me, my curiosity was accompanied by the fears of my imagination and what-ifs. Despite all the fears, it was something that rested deep down inside of me that enforced me to the pond's entrance. As I started to embark down the mouth of the pond, a keen focus came over me. Every twig crack was analyzed making sure there wasn't another, in addition to any abnormal sounds against nature. Shortly, gradual progress was noticed once the vision of my home was overtaken by the life of deep-rooted trees. Growing well within the pond's entrance, the smells of pine and water began to carry my feet. Assured that I was getting closer, no longer was their feelings of being uncertain and fearful but darkness was soon to be.

By this time my confidence was vigilant in the speed of my feet as I covered ground quickly. All of a sudden the voice reappeared, " slow down my son", startled in my tracks as the only sound was wind gracing the leaves on the trees. There it was, all the memories touch of laughter and joy collected as I stood face to face with the pond. Thoughts began to run their course within my head, but only those of this strange mystery I had to seek. Within two minutes of standing in awe and curiosity, I found myself invited into the depths of the pond by two forceful striking hands from behind. Unable to fathom any thoughts before my body met the water, I began to submerge at a rapid pace. "Do you want to live, unlike your grandfather?", the jokingly evil voice asked. Unable to respond, my body met death like clinging hands altering my body's direction raising me back to the surface. Certainly traumatized by this experience, the creature's breathing began growing near and near. The thought of opening my eyes was something I didn't dare to do, but this only built frighten curiosity. Unexpectedly our eyes met as I gained the courage to peek, "gotcha" the human-like creature giggled darkly. "Listen here little one, what do you want to be when you grow up?", asked mischievously. In the quick response, he spoke for me, "hmmm let's see", as the fingers of this creature played across my body. "Ah-ha, I'll make you my little murderer", the sudden flow of adolescence left as darkness, malicious and murderous energy began to occupy my body. I realized my fear of this creature vanished and strangely I felt connected to this strange human-like creature. In the sense of a completed task it seemed the creature had accomplished, it laid me down on the ground. Finally, the creature began to slowly submerge itself into the depths of the pond, mumbling "abide by the rules or die like the old fool." I grasped, without any hesitation, my feet found their way back home.

Two weeks passed and within that time, things began to grow more morbid throughout my entire vessel. The crave for murder and destruction was written all over my face , this drew the attention of my Mother and Grandmother. Oblivous to the interactions I've been having with the pond's strange resident, Mother and Grandmother only thought I was still mourning the lost of Grandpa. See ever since that day, pond vists have became more frequent and nescessary based on new insight. Within those two weeks I've learned whom my Mother and Grandmother actually are. As the creature told me "the objective is clear my son, all I need you to do is convience those two women in that house to visit this here pond and the rest will be my pleasureable duty." In response, I questioned "why is it that you only want my family?" The creature responded with evident vengeance "they are the reason I am who I am now." Lost in the confusing words of the creature, it strangely asked me "what is it that you want to be when you grow up?" "Grandpa! , wait how did this happen", I angerily asked. His tales began unraveling, "it was the perfect plan of those two posining me for the inheritance ", he spoke. I remember that day vividly " your Grandmother fixed my favorite dish, catfish-stew ensuring I was going to indulge." The next thing I remembered happening was my body being hauled down this same path by the voices of my Wife and Daughter to deliver me here , and to never be seen again." An abundance of disbelief weighed on me, as I also concluded that it was Grandpa who tired to get my attention that day before the funeral. Listen to me closely he told me, "lead them here and your reward will be what they seek."

Now that I know what my Grandmother and Mother did, a plan began to set in. As I faced the ceiling in my room, I could smell the aroma of catfish stew coming from our kitchen. I quickly abandoned my room with a fake smile on my face realizing Mother and Grandmother were celebrating an unknown occassion. "Hey Grandson , today is a marvelous day isn't it?", Grandma deviously cheered. I quickly felt an energy of mischievous and discerning vibrations hidden within her smile. Right before I could give a response, my attention was drawn towards a yellow envelope sitting on the table. She must've seen a shift in my focus as she firmly says "that has nothing to do with you , dont mind that." In that split moment I knew it was the envelope that contain the inheritance of Grandpa's possessions. Thinking to myself , I realized that the celebration must've been in the likes of Grandmother and Mother receving the inheritance without any repercussions. The table had been set for dinner as my Mother implies "Frank why dont you grab a seat the stew is ready." I politely declined the stew as I head back to my room with a new focus for that yellow enevelope.

That next morning , without any hesitataion I quickly raised up out of bed and sprinted for the kitchen. Like I dreamt, the envelope, Grandmother and Mother were all gone. Now in panic mode, I quickly laced some shoes and headed for the pond with the news. The lost of breathe was attainted as I finally reached the pond, and to my surprise Grandpa wasn't no where to be found. Maybe it was too early for him to be visable I thought to myself. Then as I continued to scan for Grandpa, there they were, Grandma and Mother waving me in from a distance as they giggled. Why wouldn't Grandpa take the opportunity to avenge himself as they were practically sitting ducks, strangely I thought. As I headed in the direction toward Grandma and Mother, I could see an image that resembled Grandpa calmy scouting in the water right beneath them. My mother couldnt even make eye contact with me as I appraoched them as Grandma asked strange questions. Like "isn't the pond a beautiful place?",as I slowly nodded in agreement. This lady whom I've known to be my Grandmother now had an unfamilair presence about her. Her voice seemed as though she was being sarcastic and anticipating something morbid. Lost in the wonders of Grandma,I quickly snapped back in reality when my Mother offered me some of her breakfast, but I quickly declined. Then out of blue, Grandma reveals her thoughts "you want to know what really happened to your Grandpa." I could see by the immediate reaction from my Mother that what she was going to say was the truth. "You know Frank your Grandpa was such an abusive and dishonest human being," Grandma notions as she raised from her seat. "Truth is grandson right here in this very pond is the last place he visited, she continued." Why would she just randomly start telling me these type of things I thought. She then begans to reach out to me as if she wanted to harm me, Mother sits there quietly. In that moment of her reaching for me, I quickly retreated. "Whats the matter grandson you know grandma would never hurt you?" "Come here "! she scremed forecfully as she darted for me, moving with possesed youth and dark energy. Grandma managed to grab me , as she pins my back to the earth with my head over the edge of the pond."Is there something that I should know Grandson?", asking darkley. For some reason I was nervous and quickly declined her assumptions. "Grandson you must know something ,your Mother told me you haven't stop visting the pond since his funeral." As she continued, "but that wasn't the concern Grandson, it was yesterday when you drew intrest in this" as she pulls out the yellow envelope. "Now could you please tell me the truth?", she cried angrily. While all this was taking place, my Mother was facing us as she quickly gained a frighten face, sort of like she seen a ghost. "Wait Dad! I can explain" my Mother cried as these were the last words I ever heard her say. There was an overhead toss of her body that met the pond's mouth with a huge splash. My Grandmother grew in a noticable fear as she watch the body of her daughter slowly kiss the bottom of the pond. Behind Grandma stood her past whom was here for his revenge. Those same fingers that played across my body, found there way within the skull of Grandma's body as they met my face. Grandma body went in a shock as she slowly falls forward right into the pond, and there he stood over me. He then quickly jumped in the pond right behind his wife, it was to retrieve the yellow enevelope that had fallen in with her. Then Grandpa, without revealing himself again only making the yellow envelope present as a singal of completion.

Five years from that day and the trauma from the events that took place in our family's pond, will never allow me to trust anyone's intentions. To whom ever reads this, make sure you can trust those around you.


About the Creator

Frank Jager

Fitcion Genius Writer

Grown in South Carolina



Tattoted Gentlemen


Dream Job ----> Mountain Bike in Bali

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