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Resident of Room 13

My story

By AlexavierPublished 6 days ago 3 min read

The Old Maple Hotel was a charming, vintage establishment known for its friendly staff, exquisite decor, and the unshakable rumor that it was haunted. The source of all these ghostly tales? Room 13.

Guests would often request to stay anywhere but Room 13, claiming they had heard eerie noises, seen flickering lights, or experienced strange cold spots. But for Tom, a seasoned travel blogger, the stories only fueled his curiosity.

"Ghosts, huh?" Tom chuckled as he checked in. "I've faced bad Wi-Fi connections; I think I can handle a little supernatural activity."

The receptionist, an older woman with a kind face, handed him his key reluctantly. "Just remember, if anything seems...unusual, don't hesitate to call the front desk."

Tom waved off her concerns and headed to his room. Room 13 was at the end of a long, dimly lit hallway. He unlocked the door and stepped inside, greeted by an unsettling creak. The room was quaint, with antique furniture and floral wallpaper that had seen better days.

He set up his laptop and camera, eager to document his experience. "Alright, Room 13, show me what you've got."

As night fell, Tom settled into bed, his camera set to night vision mode, pointing towards the room. He dozed off, hoping for some interesting footage.

Around midnight, a loud thump woke him. He sat up, groggy and disoriented, and noticed a faint glow from the corner of the room. Rubbing his eyes, he saw a translucent figure standing near the wardrobe. It was a ghostly figure of a man dressed in Victorian clothing, looking rather annoyed.

Tom blinked. "Uh, hello there. Are you the famous ghost of Room 13?"

The ghost sighed, floating a few inches above the floor. "Yes, I am Frederick, the resident ghost of this room. And you are...?"

"Tom. Nice to meet you, Frederick. So, what's your story? Why are you haunting this room?"

Frederick floated closer, crossing his arms. "Haunting? I'm not haunting. I'm simply...existing. I used to live here, you know. Back in the 1800s. Then one day, I just didn't wake up. So here I am, stuck in Room 13."

Tom nodded thoughtfully. "That's rough. But hey, at least you've got a place to stay rent-free, right?"

Frederick chuckled, a sound like wind rustling through leaves. "I suppose that's one way to look at it. But it's quite lonely, you know. People these days are so scared of ghosts."

Tom grinned. "Well, maybe they just need to get to know you. I can write about you, tell them you're actually a friendly ghost. Like Casper, but with more style."

Frederick's eyes sparkled. "You would do that? That would be...wonderful. I've always wanted to be famous."

For the next few hours, Tom and Frederick chatted about everything from history to modern technology. Frederick was particularly fascinated by smartphones and the concept of the internet.

As dawn approached, Tom packed up his things. "Well, Frederick, it's been a pleasure. I'll make sure to write a great piece about you. Maybe then, Room 13 will be the most popular room in the hotel."

Frederick smiled. "Thank you, Tom. I look forward to reading it. And remember, if you ever need a place to stay, Room 13 will always be open for you."

Tom left the Old Maple Hotel with a story far better than he could have imagined. And as word spread about the charming ghost of Room 13, the room became the hotel's most requested. Guests from all over came to meet Frederick, who was more than happy to share his story and maybe even a joke or two.


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    AlexavierWritten by Alexavier

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