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Real Poltergeist Experience (2)

A true story of my haunted childhood (continued)

By John WentzellPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

4 years... Every night... A different nightmare, the same fear. It's evident to me now that this wasn't just a regular case of night terrors in children. I had these encounters with these beings in these dream states; I had seen things I've never seen in the dimension we all wake up in. I had no idea what intestines were at 6 years old, but that didn't stop me from having nightmares where I'd see such things. I used to draw one eyed aliens fighting the military in school, then I had a nightmare about it. Above my imagination, is how I would describe it. I hadn't even watched scary movies or played gory video games yet. I remember how I felt, I was scared, clueless; you see some people can lucid dream, right. They start dreaming, they get a clue, then they realize they're in a dream, so then they start manipulating the dream, well this is like the opposite, of control. I couldn't escape either, I could not wake myself up even when I realized I was in the nightmare. I felt paralyzed into this state of fear, I was witnessing things, that I've never seen before, I would even say that it feels like a bad acid trip if you know the feeling. Sleep paralysis was an issue as well, but I believe, because of my experiences, that this immobilizing energy has an intensity level that could even possibly be measured; I'd have a nightmare, I would have to fight this energy if I wanted to wake up, which sometimes, I could not. It's like whatever evil spirits that were in that house, would torment me in my sleep, take things I loved, and show me something gruesome they could make of it, as if mocking my imagination, or my entire existence. Not every night was so different though.

What is the meaning of a recurring nightmare in the midst of all the this evil? I still ponder the idea. It occurred almost every week for a 3 month interval, it changed to every 4 months, and it came and went, and came and went. Again, and this is very important, after we left that house, the nightmares stopped, including this one. In this particular dream, it felt as real as the others (which is a good mention for my experience in this house), and it starts and ends the same exact way, every time; I wake up in a queen sized bed that doesn't exist, in the living room. There's a radio on a dresser next to the bed, which also don't exist in the physical reality if you will. The radio reads the same every time, 2:22, and my feet are seen poking out of the bottom of my blanket. As soon as I scope my feet, I am always greeted by my sisters door eerily squealing open in a slow manner, and a dark, shadow-like being creeping out just as slow. When it comes into full view, immediately! It zig zags across the room in less than a second and right when it's in my face, the dream ends.

Recurring Dream

I was the only one in the house with a nightmare problem, we all had been tormented in the physical, but no one else had the dreams. I think my little sister (who was born right when we moved in), had them, because she would cry late at night a lot, and once she got to speaking she'd say "The scaries are getting me!". Let be a reminder that non of what you're reading is an exaggeration of any kind, this all really happened, and my family as a whole are victims of these paranormal attacks.

The nightmares stopped after leaving that house at 9-10 years old (2010) right? Not really. We made our way from Darrow, LA (where we stayed for a year) to Bend, OR. We were in Bend for 3 years (2011-2014). In those 3 years, I had the nightmare again, the recurring one. My thoughts were racing, they still do. Am I the one who's haunted now? Was I followed? Does it have to do with the number 222, which has synchronized with me way too much to call coincidence? I still don't know, but after that, for a week straight, I had the same type of nightmares that I did in that house in Colorado, then it didn't happen again... When I moved back to Louisiana in 2016-2017, It was to meet my aunts and possibly have a place to live, we were homeless in my moms car. I ended up meeting my father and staying with him for a year or two. My father had a studio, where bands would come and rehearse, and hang out. I told a select few my story about the house, and even tried to show them a picture of it that I found on Google maps.

Google Maps (2 photos of the house at different times, the left, and on the right hand photo, what, to me, looks like the children who died on the land)

One of them, claims she had nightmares for two weeks straight after my laptop mysteriously died whilst trying to show her the picture. Other than those 2 times, nothing major has happened since leaving that house.

To be continued

Thank you for taking time to read my story, thank you for your support. Let me know what you guys think, and what questions you might want to see answered in the next entry?


About the Creator

John Wentzell

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