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Once Upon A Nightmare

A suspenseful story

By Che'la McClainPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 7 min read

Rebecca rubbed her eyes as she glanced at the clock on Elijah's dresser. She jolted awake as she remembered the nightmare that continued to linger like a bad taste in her mouth. It's 3 o'clock in the morning and Elijah was snoring so loud that anyone passing by would think their was a bear hibernating in the house. She tried shaking him awake and when that didn't work she hit him with a pillow. He opened his eyes slowly and stretched lazily over the side of the bed. "Eli" "Wake up," she pleads. Immediately, he sensed that something was wrong. Her body was slightly shaking and even though she had said that it was from a inner cold that she couldn't get rid of. The look on her face showed otherwise it looked as if she had seen a ghost. He pulled her back into the massive King size bed and lavished upon her affection kisses. She couldn't help but laugh as he tickled her. "Now that the Boogie Man is back where he belongs let's get some sleep."

Elijah was still sleep as she quietly tiptoed out of the room to make breakfast. Rebecca had to be to work in two hours; she always liked to have coffee and a well cooked meal before she headed out. Lord knows she'd need it especially with some of the criminals she went up against. She lately had encountered a man who called himself The Wolf. He indeed had the eyes of a predator that would breath down her neck to announce his presence then swallow her whole and she was sure he could smell fear. The fact that she looked younger than her twenty three years of age didn't help. She was of medium height with a slender frame and long legs. She had hazel eyes, light brown curly hair, and caramel toned skin. Rebecca was no wuss but she was sure if she looked into this man's eye they'd be like looking into a black hole. The only way she got such a huge case was her retired big shot lawyer of a father was determined to help his daughter. Alexander Johnson was a gorgeous man whose heritage was a mixture of Native American and Italian. Still he was not a man to be reckoned with and he encouraged his daughter's choice of career. He was like any father who was overly protective except he had way more money and power.

"Hey, did you happen to send me any flowers?" she says to her father. "I don't know what kind of flower they are but, they're beautiful." "No? Well I'm guessing Eli must've sent them." As far as Mr.Johnson was concerned Elijah was a nice match for his daughter. The couple had been together for three years and for the first couple months her father refused to like him until, he figured out that his daughter could be just as stubborn as he was. So, on her way to work she talked to her father about the case and how much she enjoyed her work. She'd never admit to her father how afraid she really was because, she wanted to believe that she could handle herself. She wanted to prove to her male peers that she was just as cunning as they were. She planned to use the defeat of the Wolf to prove that she knew how to roll with the big boys. Her mood was now bright like the sun that shone upon her delicate cheek. Today, she was now positively sure it must be destined to be a excellent day. "I love you too Dad, " she said as she got out of her baby blue Ferrari.

She took off her shades still smiling as she entered the courtroom. Then, he catches her eye and it's as if the wind has been knocked out of her. Don 'Wolf' Williams has dark chocolate skin that's just as beautiful as obsidian. He has a voice that is low,rough, and menacing. His accent isn't easily recognized and at that moment it didn't matter; all she she could think was that must've been what Death sounded like. He smiled his perfect set of pearly whites at her as if he wanted to be her friend. Any woman who didn't know any better and even some who did would've taken the offer. That is where they made their mistake. He was The Big Bad Wolf and at this moment he planned to blow her house down. He had a lawyer but it wouldn't truly matter. He spoke saying " The accusations made against me are preposterous." Rape, murder, kidnapping, etc. the list went on. The ages of women ranged from early twenties to late thirties. When he had a woman in his sights nothing else mattered. In front of this group of people he controlled himself. For this time he had to rein in the beast because he knew what damage it'd cause. Rebecca got up "This man" she said, pointing at him " he should be locked away in a cage like the animal by which name he is perceived." She made her case of he stalked his victims, took what he wanted from them, and if they were "good" he let them go. The ones who showed strength and disobedience were tormented much worse than the others before being disposed of. She could've went on for hours about the horrid things this man had done. After, she was done and the other side had made its argument she sat down and waited patiently. She didn't have to wait too long for the jury to proclaim the guilty verdict. As they took him away she felt his stare piercing into her as she walked out of the courtroom.

On her way home she called her father to tell him the good news. "See I knew my little girl could do it. I'm so proud of you. Putting away the bad guys just like your dad." he said. She was excited to able tell Eli the the news when she arrived at the house. She didn't know he wasn't home so she went in calling his name. "Eli. Eli, I have wonderful news" she called up the stairs. She went all over the house looking for him. When she couldn't find him she called his phone "Hey honey I ran to the store" he said "Ok get back as soon as possible I have something to tell you" she said. As she got off the phone she noticed the radiant flowers again that were her favorite colors. She had forgot to mention them to Elijah. Slowly she bent down and smelled them and thought how sweet the aroma was. Walking towards the bathroom she failed to notice the note that fell reading 'The hunt has just begun. Wolf.' Starting the bath water Rebecca felt calmer than she had the entire day. She tested the water once more then she was submerged in bubbles up to her shoulders. Lavender scented candles were burning near by and all her troubles were a distant memory as she slowly drifted to sleep. The front door silently glided open and he stepped in. Rebecca was out cold when he picked up a towel from close by and carried her to the bedroom. She was a bundle cradled in his arm. "How precious" he said. Stroking her hair he thought to himself that she wouldn't be any fun unless she was awake. He would be patient for her. He made a promise to the sleeping beauty that he wouldn't disturb her as long as she slept. She had to know that he wasn't just a brutal being that enjoyed destroying the pretty things in life. As he found himself thinking he turned his head as he heard a car approaching. He got up and laid her down on the bed ever so slightly. She stirred in her sleep and began to wake up. He whispered "Goodbye for now my Little Lamb" He smiled at her and departed swiftly.

Elijah arrived a little while later "Baby, I'm back" he said and as she came out of the bedroom a look of pure bewilderment was on her face. "Eli, you were just with me" she says, "No, I wasn't" he replies. Well, maybe she fell asleep or just imagined it. Her mind had to have been just messing with her. "The flowers you sent were beautiful" she says. "What flowers?"he says. Now, she knows she didn't make those up. She points to the flowers sitting on the table. "I didn't send these" he says. Then he finds the note "Do you know what this means?" he says. She takes the note that had writing on it and stares at it for a moment. Elijah is talking but she can't hear him it's as if she's gone into shock. Now that she has started to further wake up she realizes that she didn't place herself in the bed. Rebecca sees those mesmerizing eyes that could've captured lost or helpless souls. She sees the porcelain teeth smiling down at her. The wind whispers the words that crawl back into her ears "Goodbye for now my Little Lamb" and her body surrenders itself to the cold hardwood floor.


About the Creator

Che'la McClain

First time mommy with a creative side. I’ve been writing poetry for almost 15 years, I model, and I have an interest in photography. My goal is to be an entrepreneur who’s main source of income comes from her business.

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    Che'la McClainWritten by Che'la McClain

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