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Nightmare Paralysis

Short Story Prompt: "You wake up from a terrifying dream to find strangers in your house, they say they live there."

By Kayla TrusickPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Nightmare Paralysis
Photo by Kahfiara Krisna on Unsplash

My feet splashed through puddles as the hard rain beat on my chest. My shirt was sticking to my body, and my shoes were soaked. I kept running without looking back. My lungs burned from the cool air, and my heart beat out of my chest.

No matter where I ran to, no matter where I'd hide, they would always find me.

I felt I was running out of time and losing sight of who I was.

I didn't know what they wanted or why they were coming for me, but I did know that they were dangerous and I was terrified to find out. The street lights were dim and the pouring rain made it hard to see where I was running to. I heard voices and heavy footsteps approaching me fast. In a panic I tucked myself against a nearby brick wall, now hiding in a dark alleyway.

I questioned my next move as the footsteps grew louder.

I decided taking off down the alleyway was the only option I had. I could barely see in front of me, but for some reason I felt a lot safer taking a chance than getting caught by the men chasing me. Just as predicted the men sensed me, hearing their footsteps now hunting me down through the alley. The more the panic started to rise, the harder it became to get away. I felt as if I was running through quicksand. Fighting an invisible fight for an inevitable end. My body magnetized towards the strangers I believed were trying to kill me. I fought hard to escape, now seeing a visible light at the end of the alley proving to me my escape was possible.

Just barely reaching the end, something grabs my collar, pulling me back. I gulped, face to face with this dangerous stranger. A blurred image of a man, his eyes black and sunken in, and no mouth or nose. His face was void of emotion, but I knew he wanted to cause me great harm. Around me the faceless men crowded, the one man letting me go and backing away now pointing a metal barrel at my face.

In an instant a gunshot rang through my ears so loudly I jumped awake. My breathing heavy and the spot where I laid now soaked in sweat.

It was just a dream.

I got out of bed, heading down the hall to the kitchen for a glass of water.

The house smelled of warm pancakes and eggs.

"Edna?" I said out loud as I approached the kitchen. Thinking my girlfriend came over early this morning to surprise me.

I rounded the corner and came face to face with an unknown man. Stopping up both dead in our tracks, a pancake bubbling on the stove in front of him. He looked as if he saw a ghost. Our eye contact locked, both unsure of the other's next move.

"What are you doing in my house?" We echoed each other, panic washed over the man's face.

Was I still dreaming?

He almost seemed familiar to me. Gruff, tall, a bit older than I.

"This is my house? How did you get in here?" He asked, high alert with a spatula pointed at me in defense.

I rolled my eyes, chuckling to myself as I slipped the pocket knife out of my robe pocket.

I always kept it there just in case. I had no time for games. I was unsure of the stranger's next move and couldn't help but think my dream served as a warning.

I darted forward, twisting his arms back and grabbing him into a headlock before he could react. He tried to speak, but the pressure my arms had around his throat caused difficulty. I slid the blade across his throat without a second thought. Blood spurted out as his body thudded against the floor.

I sat up in bed gasping for air. My hands instantly flew to my neck.

It felt so real.


Prompt: "You wake up from a terrifying dream to find strangers in your house, they say they live there."

Writer's Notes:

Reading this prompt I got excited! I love dream work, exploring the meaning of dreams, and writing about them! I decided to write a story with an odd twist. Leaving room for imagination as to what the story means for the individual reader. The story is a reflection of mental health, fantasy, and illusion.

Summary of Story:

The story starts off with Man #1 having a bad dream. He is running from these dangerous unknown men. He is unsure why he is running but he knows it's too dangerous to stop and find out. He is stuck, knowing that no matter where he hides these men will keep finding him. He tests his luck and runs anyway, unaccepting of what is to come. Eventually the faceless men catch up to him and deliver his fate. Man #1 now wakes up in his room and decides to head into the kitchen for a glass of water. He then comes face to face with Man #2. Whom is making breakfast in Man #1's kitchen. Man #1 almost recognizes the man, still unsure he assumes him to be a threat. Both men question each other's presence, frozen in place.

Man #1 feeling threatened in his own home then attacks Man #2, putting him in a headlock and delivering his fate. Now, Man #2 wakes up from this dream, gasping for breath.

This story serves as a self reflection and how the subconscious works in our dream states.

Man #1 is stuck in a loop of suffering. Unable to escape the dream realm and despite the different dreamscapes he still has to endure an unfortunate fate. Man #1 is unable to wake up and accept what is in front of him.

Man #2 puts a twist on the story. When he notices Man #1 he looks terrified, recognize the younger version of himself standing before him. Threatening him with no desire to talk and find a solution. He recognizes the anger and suffering of this younger version of him. Waking up in the morning to the realization that he has detached from his inner child. Being dishonest with himself and veering off the path that is destined for him. Serves as a reminder to let go of the past and grow from it. Not to take life so seriously and to stop cutting off the life supply of the inner child and simple joys in life.

Thank you for reading!


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    KTWritten by Kayla Trusick

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