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My Paranormal Investigation Experience

My Haunted House

By A Darker RealityPublished 4 years ago 8 min read

This is a true story. Case #34. Ocean State Paranormal's Facebook page.

It was the late Summer of 2019 when my therapist, a ghost investigator with Ocean State Paranormal suggested that my house be investigated. There had always been strange things that went on in my house, but I never thought too much about it. That all changed in May of 2019.

I had always had the sense that there were energies in my house. I had felt the previous owner was still there. You could hear him walk up and down the stairs. There were unfinished projects when I moved in the house, and he seemed to move between these projects and then down to his work bench in the basement. I felt the energy from his workbench and did not disturb it. It felt like I should not change it, and I didn't and haven’t to this day. I always had heard things, music playing, voices talking in the distance, children playing, but never saw apparitions or ghostly visions.

On a Sunday morning in May, after a particularly hard S&M session the night before, Renee and I are lying in bed basking in the early light of dawn. An apparition of a small girl appears in the bedroom doorway. She was young, maybe 5 or 6 with long straight brown hair, her bangs cut straight across her forehead. She had blue eyes, and wore a white nightgown of sorts. We laid there a moment, Renee and I both speechless, not sure if we couldn’t or were unable to speak. Time seemed to stop and then I heard it. It was not a voice that spoke out loud, but I heard her in my head. She gave me a gift, the gift of a memory that was locked in my head.

The other thing that happened later that morning, was Renee had a conversation with someone she called “V”. It was my body, but the person she was speaking to was not me, nor do I have any recollection. “V” told her he was my protector. He told her that he had been around since my teens and made sure no one picked on me. He also told her, that he is the one that hurts her in our S&M play. Renee still talks to “V” and says she knows when he is around because “my eyes, my expression, and my tone of voice changes.

This all seemed to start a week or two earlier. I found out that my best friend, my dog Kody, had terminal cancer. That information has sent me on a path back to my childhood. A time when I knew Angels and Demons existed and that Spirits walked the earth. In my quest to save my best friend, I opened back up to the world of spirits for help and realized just how haunted my house really was.

After that I started noticing things, like flies. It started one morning. First there were 10 flies. Next day there were 50 flies. At then end of there third day, I counted over 300 flies on my back door window. Things started disappearing after that. When I asked for them they returned in a very conspicuous place. At night lying in bed, they watch me. Renee woke up with people hovering over her, staring at her. They watched as I flogged and tortured her.

They came in on a stormy Friday night. The five of them cycled in bringing all of their equipment. Computers, cameras, microphones and their EVP. I was standing in my kitchen as they set up their equipment , when I started feeling an overwhelming sense of fear. One thing I have learned in my progress as an energy reader is to first identify if it is your emotion, and then seek to find out whose it is, if it’s not yours. A quick check with the team members and I realized it was the spirits in the house that were afraid. I had told them days earlier that the team would be coming to interview all of the spirits and I realized that it was them who were nervous and I spoke to them to help calm all of the energies in the house.

It’s important to note that it seems to be common practice to have a skeptic on the team. This person is the one that questions everything and searches for concrete reasons for everything, before calling it paranormal. This person was at the control center of all of the cameras and microphones. He helps everyone keep their feet on the ground and little did he know just how hard it would be this night.

Once the cameras and equipment was set, it was just getting dark. The storm was rolling in, but had not quite started. The first thing they did, was to have everyone pick a spot to sit in pure silence. No lights, no sounds just you and your senses. I took the living room with Renee, We had one at the top of the stairs on the second floor. There was two that went down into the basement. The skeptic sat in the kitchen with his eyes and ears on the entire house.

The storm started to roll in, the house was getting darker. Five minutes went by, then 10. I felt myself holding my breath, not wanting to make a sound. Fifteen minutes, nothing. Twenty minutes we regrouped. The person at the top of the stairs was touched on her shoulder and neck. I saw and felt nothing, nor did Renee. The two in the basement heard something, but saw nothing at that point.

We then split up again. This time I was up in “the blue room” there was two in my bedroom and two in the basement. Dale started calling out to the spirits from my bedroom ” Are you here?” “Talk to us” “Show us you are here.” I am in the adjacent bedroom and there is an antique sewing machine in that room. As she speaks, I can see this yellow gold light rising from the sewing machine. My breath catches in my throat. The backyard is dark, the light is not coming from there, it’s growing larger in size. My attention is totally caught, consumed as this light rises I can’t even hear Dale calling at first. One more time she calls to me, my head turns and the light dissipates. Gladly I join her in the other room.

I had never seen a pendulum, let alone saw someone use one. When I went into my bedroom, Dale was set up to use one. In a circle one way yes, in a circle the other no. She asks the first question. “Is James Greene here?” I am watching her hand, seems I am still a skeptic. Not one for being taken, even by someone I’ve known as long as her. I am watching her hand and it is not moving but the pendulum starts to move. “YES!” I am astounded. She asks again. “Are there others here?” Again the pendulum moves to say “YES!” It’s then that Dale speaks up on being able to feel a child’s energy. This is normal business to them, but the first time I have experienced it on this level, and I am just lit with excitement. She asks if the spirit knows the other energy and the answer is “No!” You can feel the energy in this room, the air thick with his presence and then another second. Gone.

We head back downstairs to regroup. They ask me to go in the basement with Jim. They have not had much luck there, and they are hoping maybe I will draw them out. I go into the basement with Jim, and we sit down on a couple of chairs and turn the lights off. Staying very quiet and just looking around. At first there is nothing and then to my right, there is a glow. Like a candle in a window of a far off destination and it grows brighter as it gets closer. Jim and I are astounded, goosebumps raise on my skin. I find myself again searching for breath. I cannot believe this is happening in my basement.

After twenty minutes we regroup again. We find out then, that our skeptic saw something like we did, move across the basement, but when we go back to look at the recording, it is not there. All three of us, described the apparition as the same. I get chills. It is at this point they tell us that we are going to sit in the living room and use the EVP as a group. We all gather in a makeshift circle in the living room as they explain to Renee and I what the EVP is and what it does.

They have me hold the controller and ask , who is holding the controller. On the EVP you clearly hear “James.” I nearly shit myself. There is just no way to fake that. The thunderstorm outside is raging and they are asking questions. “How many spirits are in the room?” “7” comes out clearly on the EVP. The group of them cannot believe on how clear it is, how many voices are coming through. Renee asks ” Is the little girl here?” A little girls voice comes through “Yes!”. I give the controller back to them. They ask “What happened here?” the voice says “Ask the neighbor.” At this point I don’t know what to believe. They continue to record more so they can analyze it. The storm stops and the EVP calms down. They shut off and conclude the investigation.

That night, as they were leaving, everyone stepped outside, and they started wiping off the energy from the house. Much to everyone’s surprise even the skeptic started wiping off. When asked after all the ghost hunts they had been to, why this one, his response was “ I don’t want anything in that house following me home.


About the Creator

A Darker Reality

Troubled for most of my life, riddled with drug and sex addiction, I went to therapy, and learned to stop hating myself so much. The poetry and writings are my reconciliation with life and the world In general.

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