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Meeting new people.


By Wesley MaddoxPublished 3 years ago 17 min read

Kevin wanted to look away, but would not allow himself to do so. This was his doing, not that he didn't feel on some level that it wasn't deserved, he just knew that he had to see this through to its bloody end. He could feel the blood curdling screams in his bones, and still he would not allow himself to look away.

Kevin never really had many friends. His best friend was Sam, but they were just not that close. The only reason they were friends was because they had known each other from the day they had met in first grade.

As kids they had been closer. Getting together to play and watch horror movies together that their parents would have been mad that they had watched if they had ever found out that they had seen them. But then they had made it to Junior High, and that is when they started to drift apart.

Sam had taken an interest in sports, and started spending more time with the friends he was making on the football team. While Kevin had no interest in sports whatsoever, and started getting more and more into the horror movies that they use to watch together.

It wasn't until High School that things got really bad between them. Sam was so into his new friends that he didn't want to be seen with Kevin on the account that his new friends would think him less cool for associating with someone like Kevin. But that was just fine with Kevin. He had become comfortable with being an outsider with no friends of his own, he would constantly tell himself how free and liberating it was not to live up to any standards that anyone else would set for him.

In their Sophomore year Kevin met a girl named Wendy. The two of them had hit it off from the start. They had so much in common together. They both loved horror movies, neither of them had any real friends, and they both didn't care what anyone else thought of them.

Kevin and Wendy were inseparable on up until the end of their Junior year. That is when Wendy dropped a bombshell on Kevin. Her and her family were moving to another state because her father had gotten a new job making twice as much money as his current job was paying him.

So instead of enjoying what little time they had left together, they had gotten into an argument. At the end of the argument, harsh things had been said that could never be forgiven.

Wendy moved away, and neither of them cared to ever think fondly of the other ever again.

By the time Senior year started, Kevin had fallen into a deep depression. He had no one he could talk to. Wendy was gone, Sam would no longer give him the time of day, his parents just didn't understand him to the point of not caring about him, and he just didn't trust anyone at school to take his problems to. So he turned to the only other place he could think of to find someone to talk to... online.

Kevin started talking to other people in various chat rooms using a name he thought was both cool and fitting for his frame of mind, Deadend666. Eventually his time in the chat rooms started becoming more of an addiction for him. He found himself going into all kinds of different rooms, the darker the subject matter, the better.

Kevin then started going into dating sites, at first he saw it as just another way to get his chatting fix, but he never could find anyone there that he could stand to talk to for vary long. For the first time since she had left, Kevin realized just how much he missed Wendy, and this made him even more depressed.

Kevin had finally hit the bottom of his rope. Thoughts of taking his own life filled his head more than anything else. That's when something strange happened to him.

One night while chatting about a rare splatterfest of a movie, he started talking to someone calling herself Goregirl5. She was one of the more interesting people he had ever talked to in the chat rooms, and he thought it was weird that he had never encountered her before, given how much she seemed to be into the same things as him.

After their first meeting online, they started meeting and talking online all the time. After two months of talking to each other, they realized that they both lived in the same town. This was kind of shocking to both of them, given how much they had in common, to live in the same town and never have met one another.

Goregirl5 asked Kevin if he would like to meet in person.

Kevin didn't know what to say. They had been talking all this time together, but never once had either of them sent pictures of themselves to the other. He had no idea what she looked like, and didn't want to sound like a shallow creep by asking her. Instead, he told her to let him think about it.

Kevin spent the next few days thinking about it. Deep down, he wanted nothing more than to meet her. She helped him think of better things than the thoughts that had been burning in his mind, but he was also scared to meet her. What if they met and she took one look at him and wanted nothing more to do with him, or what if she was two or three times his own age, or maybe she was horrible to look at, or maybe she was beautiful which brought him back to thinking that she would take one look at him and not want anything more to do with him. He needed to talk to someone else to get another opinion.

Kevin couldn't take this problem to his parents because he knew that they would freak out. He couldn't talk to any of the teachers or counselors at school because he knew that they would freak out and tell his parents and they would freak out too. He didn't have any friends he could go to for an opinion, but then he thought about Sam. Could he go to Sam with this problem? They weren't exactly close anymore. Sam was never mean to him, they had just kind of drifted apart over the years. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea.

Kevin invited Sam to meet him in the park by slipping a note into his locker. He only waited thirty minutes in the park before Sam showed up. Sam was pretty surprised to have heard from his old friend after all this time and wanted to know what this was all about.

Kevin took a deep breath before telling Sam the situation he was in. Then went on to tell Sam how he really didn't know who else he could talk to and badly needed his old friends help to figure out what he should do.

But just as Sam was about to tell his old friend what he thought he should do, they were interrupted. Three of Sam's friends from the football team had followed him to the park, and when they saw him talking to Kevin they came to them to start making fun of the two of them for having a secret meeting in the park.

At first Kevin thought his old friend would stand up for him, but he was sadly mistaken. Sam made up a story about how he got a note in his locker and didn't know it was from Kevin. Then he joined his new friends in making fun of Kevin and called him a freak.

If only that had been all they did. Sam's new friends quickly turned the name calling into a beat down, and instead of trying to get them to stop, Sam just stood there and watched them beat the Hell out of Kevin. He even kicked Kevin twice while he was laying on the ground just to show his new friends that he was one of them.

After they left, Kevin picked himself up off the ground and went home. He was glad that his parents were not home when he got there, and went straight to his room and locked himself in. He sat in his room for an hour brooding, wondering if Sam would even notice if Kevin took his own life.

Then he got online to talk to Goregirl5. It was the only thing he had left that brought him some amount of joy in his life.

Kevin's parents came home and briefly talked to him through the door to his room before leaving him alone. Which was fine with him. He was not interested in talking to them. All he wanted was to talk to his friend online.

It didn't take long when talking to Goregirl5 for Kevin to tell her about what happened with Sam. She was hurt just hearing about what had happened to him and asked if they could meet so that she could comfort him in person. Kevin didn't even hesitate in telling her that he wanted nothing more than to meet her.

So it was decided that they would meet in the cemetery at ten that night. Kevin didn't even think it weird that they were going to meet in the cemetery. He actually thought it was poetic, romantic even, given the kind of stuff that they were both into.

Kevin had thought that sneaking out of the house would be harder than it turned out to be. His parents had went to bed early that night, making leaving the house so late on a school night easy.

When Kevin got to the cemetery, some portions of it was more brightly lit with street lights than other parts. The dark parts of the cemetery made him glad that he had remembered to bring a flashlight with him. Luckily the spot they had chosen to meet was one of the more better lit ones, by the mausoleum.

Kevin began to read some of the plaques on the wall of the mausoleum while he waited for Goregirl5. He had only read a few before someone stepped out of the nearby shadow of a tree. It was clearly a woman.

She was a little bit shorter than Kevin and a little bit chubby as well. It had been easy for her to hide in the shadow of the tree given that she was wearing an all black dress with long sleeves that almost touched the ground, but not long enough to hide the black boots she was wearing.

Kevin's heart almost stopped when he saw her. This had to be Goregirl5. Even as she stepped into the light, Kevin could not see her face. She was wearing a black veil to hide her face from him.

"Deadend666 I presume?" Was all she said.

Kevin nodded, not sure what to say, but went with "You can call me Kevin. You must be Goregirl5."

She nodded as well. "And you can call me Stacy."

"You poor thing." Stacy said, as she walked up to Kevin and touched his swollen check with the tips of her fingers.

Kevin leaned back away from her a little. "It's nothing." He said. "Can I ask you something?"

"Anything." She answered.

"Why are you wearing a veil?"

She stepped back away from him and touched the veil as if she had forgotten it was there. "Oh... I am a little bit nervous of what you might think of me, if you see my face."

Kevin realized that he could not really see anything of her but the clothes she was wearing. She even had black gloves to cover her hands.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No. No, it's perfectly fine." She paused to think for a moment. "If I let you see under the veil, you have to promise me something."

"Anything." Was all he could think of to say.

"If I let you see me, you have to promise me that you will never tell anyone."

Kevin had to force himself not to laugh at what sounded like a ridiculous request. "I promise." Was all he said.

Stacy took a deep breath and held it as she removed her veil. When it was gone, Kevin's eyes widened at what he saw. He took a step back, but stopped himself from running away from her.

Her skin was a pale blue color. The hair on her head was was long but thinned out all over. She gave him the sweetest smile she could manage, which was difficult given how large her mouth was, and all the Sharp pointed teeth it held. But the most unnerving part of her face was her eyes. They looked like two black liquid pools staring at him.

Stacy's smile began to fade. "I'm sorry. I should not have shown myself to you so soon."

"No." He licked his lips as he stared back at her. "You're beautiful." The words escaped his mouth before he could stop them. As horrifying as she was to look at, Kevin realized that he meant what he had just said.

She tilted her head a little. "You're just saying that because you're afraid of me."

"No. I mean it. After everything that we have shared with each other on line, now that I see you, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

Stacy began to cry. The tears that ran down her cheeks were thick and red with blood. "I can't do this." She said.

"Can't do what?" Kevin asked.

She pulled a black piece of cloth from her pocket and started to wipe her tears away. "This." She said, as she returned the cloth to her pocket. "When I first started talking to you online, I planned on luring you out so that I could attack you, and feed from your blood. But, the more we talked, the more I really liked you. Now I fear that I may have fallen for you, and I don't wish to hurt you, but I am so hungry."

Kevin thought for a moment. This was insane. Had Stacy just said what he thought she said?

"What are you?" He asked her.

"I don't know." Was her answer. "I use to live up state from here a few months ago. One night while walking home from a friend's house I was attacked. When I woke up, I was here. The creature that attacked me was also here, but he didn't stay long.

"He stayed and watched over me as my body twisted and contorted into what you see in front of you now. While my body changed, he would bring me fresh blood to drink, that always helped with the pain and hunger I was feeling. When the change was done, he explained to me how I would live my new life, hiding from the sun and drinking the blood of other people.

"I asked him over and over again what he had turned me into, but he would never tell me that. What he did to me was so terrible, but I don't think he was all bad though. Before he left me on my own, he gave me quite a bit of money to take care of myself. Then told me that I would either learn to survive, or I would fail and die. I never saw him again after that." She began to cry once more.

"I'm sorry." Kevin said.

"So am I. I don't want to hurt you, but I really must feed."

"What if I could help you with that?"

Stacy gave him an ironic laugh. "Didn't you listen to what I'm saying to you I am going to feed off of your life's blood."

"That's not what I meant." Kevin said holding up his hands as if to ward her off. "What if I could bring you someone else to feed off of. Someone that kind of deserves it?"

Stacy tilted her head to one side. "You don't know how wonderful that would be for me."

Kevin smiled at her and retrieved his phone from his pocket. He then dialed a number that he had not used since he was a kid, Sam's home phone number.

Kevin waited as the phone rang, hoping that Sam answered the phone and not his parents. He felt relief when he heard Sam's voice say, "Hello?"

Kevin got to the point immediately. He told Sam to meet him at the cemetery within the hour, so that they could talk about what had happened in the park earlier that day, or he would tell his parents instead.

Sam was mad, but he agreed to the meeting so that he wouldn't get in trouble. Stacy hid in the tree's shadow once again as they waited for Sam. It was a whole forty five minutes before Sam showed up.

Sam walked right up to Kevin, but wouldn't let him speak. "And what is this all about. Blackmailing me so that I will come out here and listen to you whine about some girl you met online. Look Kevin, I feel for you, I really do, but you just have to wake up and face the facts. We haven't been friends in a long time. I was hoping I had made that point perfectly clear earlier, so just drop this blackmail crap and we can all get on with our lives."

Kevin had stopped listening to Sam after the first few words. He watched as Stacy creeped out of the shadows and approached Sam. Sam finally realized that Kevin was no longer paying him any attention.

Sam turned around to see what had Kevin's attention. By the time he saw Stacy, she was standing right in front of him. He let out a scream when he saw her.

"You hurt my friend." She said. "And for that, I will kill you."

Stacy grabbed Sam and lifted him into the air. She then threw him down on the ground so hard that Kevin could hear some of his bones break.

Then Stacy was on him. Kevin watched as she ripped Sam's throat apart with her teeth. He wanted to look away, but he would not let himself do so.

He needed to see this. As ruined as Sam's throat was he still managed to let out a couple of blood curdling screams before he fell completely silent. Kevin could feel the screams of his old friend right down to his bones.

Kevin watched as Stacy drank her fill of Sam's blood. When she was done, she stood up and looked down at Sam's body. After a few moments she looked over at Kevin, and almost jumped as if she had forgotten he was there. "I'm sorry." She looked back down at Sam's body. "I should never have done that in front of you."

"It's okay." Kevin said, hoping he sounded calmer than he felt. "You needed to feed, and neither of us wanted you to feed on me."

"I've never killed anyone before."

Kevin walked over to Stacy and took her hand. He kept his attention focused on her so that he didn't have to look at Sam's body. "It's okay. He and I quit being friends a long time ago. After what he did today, I..." his voice trailed off. He couldn't bring himself to finish the thought he was having.

Stacy looked up at him. "Aren't you afraid of me now? Now that you know that I'm a monster?"

Kevin put his arms around her and pulled her close to him. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him back. Neither of them knew what would happen next, or where they would go from here. But at least they knew that they would not have to face it alone.


About the Creator

Wesley Maddox

Himy name is Wesley Maddox I consider myself as a pretty good write I like to scare people so if you want to get scared read some of my stories

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