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Martin's Dream Date

Athena's Nightmare

By Yvette McDermottPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 22 min read
Martin's Dream Date
Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

Athena was looking at her emails to see if she had heard anything back from user name: Handsome Man 2020 and so far there was nothing. She wondered if she would hear from him. She thought back to their chat on the LookingforLove website, and how he sounded like the perfect man for her. His pictures didn't look too bad either. They had been chatting for a couple of months; and the more they chatted, the more she wanted to meet this almost too good to be true man.

His profile was pretty standard. He didn't go too much into depth on anything in his description section other than looking for his other half. His hobbies did pique her interest though, and so she accepted his chat request months ago. He said he was "an avid reader, loved romantic suppers on quiet getaways, amateur astronomer, loved to barbeque and take long drives in the country." She thought it all sounded like a perfect match for her.

They had chatted online on the weekend and now it was Wednesday. She had given him her personal email address in the hopes he'd reach out and talk on the phone, ask her for a coffee, but no more online chatting. She wanted to finally meet this man who seemed a little mysterious to her still. Athena wondered if he could be one of those men who trolled online forums chatting up women even though they were married or otherwise paired up. She didn't get that feeling exactly, but also wasn't totally trusting of online dating as she thought back on the last couple of duds she had a dated recently.

Across the city, Martin also known as Handsome Man 2020 on the dating website was scrolling through the pages with particular interest in the "new" women who joined the platform. He had met a woman on here named Athena whom he had interest in, but was not quite ready to make that contact. He'd been online for awhile (of course in different cities) and she seemed like his "type" which was a bit timid, a bit self conscious, a little meaty and a lot lonely. He wanted to string her along a bit longer before emailing her. He knew all about these lonely women who were desperate to find "Mr. Right." He chuckled to himself at the thought of himself being "Mr. Right."

He already knew what they'd do on their first date as he was sure she would accept if she indeed was his "type." After he made sure she was not wary of him, he'd suggest they go on a long drive in the country to one of his favourite spots. He, of course, would pack up a picnic for them along with his favourite bottle of merlot. Then he chuckled further at what would happen afterwards. But enough of that, he never got tired of scrolling on the seemingly endless websites. He thought to himself sometimes it just seemed too easy. He'd do the same thing over and over, and it always worked. He put up a picture that was not too clear, type in his interests which were nothing like his real interests and then go hunting. There was never a shortage of women who would chat with him, but he always had to be careful and make sure they were his "type." He'd pick through them as he chatted and just ghost the ones who turned out to be too gregarious, too forward or even just sure of themselves. Today he would again send out requests to a few women before he shut down for the night.

Feeling a little dejected Athena shut off her computer. She wondered why Handsome Man 2020 hadn't emailed her yet. "Could he have another date?" She didn't want to think about that, so tried to just think he was busy with work and didn't have the time to email her tonight. After all there was always tomorrow. Rather than think of all the possibilities, she focused on her nighttime routine of brushing her teeth, putting on her pajamas and settle in with a book and her bestie, Mittens, for the last half hour or so before she fell asleep.

As usual the next day always felt brighter and better. Athena arose from bed to get her coffee started and into the shower. She was thinking about the day ahead as she got dressed and made a piece of toast for the drive in to work. She'd been trying to eat less to lose some weight, but the weight just never seemed to stay off. Today she managed to only grab a piece of toast as she was dreaming of Handsome Man 2020.

Martin woke up early as he did everyday. He didn't have a good sleep again. He knew it was coming close to the time. Today was the day to get the ball rolling.

The day was a sunny, hot one already. He looked out over at the rising sun and thought of what he'd email to Athena. It didn't take long as he'd done it dozens of times before, but he always liked to add his personal touch to his messages. He liked to give the impression of being a thoughtful man as the women always seemed to fall for that.

Athena was thinking, "Thank God it was almost lunchtime." The morning was horrible. She really disliked her boss, but didn't feel she could do much about it. She held her tears back as she walked back to her desk. She just got reemed out by her boss who was fairly new to the office. Athena couldn't help feeling helpless and at the same time hateful of her life at this moment in time. She was lonely, alone and felt trapped; the opposite of how her boss seemed to her. She was beautiful, confident and seemed heartless. How could life get much worse! As she got her lunch from the fridge, she decided to take it outside rather than sit in the lunchroom.

Sitting outside in the beautiful sunshine seeing all the flowers smiling at her and birds tweeting happily almost made her forget the morning and her horrid boss. Her salad seemed to taste better than usual as well, so she finished it quickly before deciding to open up her email account. Athena gasped there was an email from Handsome Man 2020. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She just stared at her phone for a few minutes before opening the email. As she read it she couldn't believe it. He asked her to forgive him for his tardiness but had a family emergency. "Of course." she thought. She knew it had to be a good reason.

As she read his email further, her eyes froze as she read that he wanted to chat on the phone tonight or in the next couple of days when she had time. All of a sudden she didn't know what to do. She had wanted to talk to him but now that he asked she wasn't sure. She thought maybe she should just drop it as he'd surely be disappointed when he met her. She shut her email off and decided she'd answer after work because she didn't know what to say. She'd hardly met anyone or talked to anyone online and the ones she did were already married and jerks looking for a good time. She needed time to think of her response.

Martin was furious. "Why hasn't she replied yet!?" She definitely did seem his "type." He sent his email in the morning and now here it was 5;30 pm and no reply. Maybe she wasn't his type? He could feel his blood boiling as he threw the glass in his hand. It of course held his favourite merlot wine and splattered all over the wall and floor in his favourite colour red. He felt rage at the fact he'd have to clean up this mess caused by that "bitch!" As he stared at the shattered glass with wine that looked like art splattered across the wall, he took a deep breath. He had to be patient, but his hunger was starting to bite at him. He always got edgy when he waited too long.

The sun still shone brightly even though it was close to 7 pm. Athena had just emailed her response to Handsome Man 2020 and decided she'd prepare herself to chat with him on the phone the next day. She was so excited she was shaking as she hit send. She could hardly wait. She didn't want to wait long but felt it was already too late in the day and wanted to be fresh to talk with him. She didn't want to risk being tired and saying the wrong thing. "Could this be the one?" she thought to herself. She decided to go out for a quick walk to shake off the nervousness and hopefully come back to an email response.

"Finally!" thought Martin as he saw the email come in. He smiled to himself. He could almost see her as he read her email. She didn't sound very sure of herself. Perfect! Just like he thought, she did want to chat on the weekend. He knew she would if he read her correctly. He felt excitement when he thought of his plans over the next week or so. "Oh Athena you're in for a first and last date!" As he smiled eerily like a crocodile, he started typing on his keyboard barely able to keep himself from laughing as he started his email.

After Athena returned from her walk, she felt calm and a little tired. When she got home, she could hardly wait to open her email. Although she was calm when she got home from her walk, she got the jitters when she started to open her email before bed that night. Her nervousness seemed to double as she saw Handsome Man 2020 or Martin (as he told her his name in his email to her) had sent her a reply. His email read: Dear Athena, I am so happy to hear back from you on a chat. I'd love to chat with you at your convenience over the weekend. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you and a chance at meeting you. We seem to have an incredible amount in common. I can't wait to chat. My phone number is (XXX) (XXX-XXXX). Let me know what time and day you'd like to phone as I have a feeling we'll be having a long chat. Can't wait, Martin

She could not believe her luck in finding Martin. Looking on those dating sites actually seemed to make her more depressed than normal and then she'd sign off on them only to be ready to try again after a few weeks. She always thought after her disappointments that she'd never go back on, but then on those lonely Saturday nights she was less willful.

Finally the day had come where she'd have her chat with Martin. Even though they had just planned it a few days ago, it seems like eternity. Athena's nerves were grating on her because what if she messed up, what if he didn't like her voice or what if she wasn't witty enough while talking to him. She knew she wasn't, but she already committed to a chat; she wasn't going to ditch. Her fingers dialed Martin's number and he picked up by the second ring and his voice sounded deep and dreamy. When he said her name she almost dropped her phone. She didn't want to seem nervous, so she tried her best to not have a wavering voice. Their conversation though seemed easy as he seemed to have questions for her that she willingly answered. He was right. They chatted for almost three hours, and it went fast. She didn't want to hang up, but Martin had asked her if she'd like to go on a picnic next weekend to one of his favourite spots. Athena agreed with little hesitancy. She thought though maybe she should ask him for a coffee during the week just to make sure, but just accepted his offer because she didn't want to miss out on this opportunity. Athena felt like she was walking on air at this moment and even though she tried to keep her eagerness under control, she was finding it very hard.

As the week went on Martin ran through his plans in his head for his "dream date." Athena made it so easy that he almost felt sorry for her - almost. "I really should up my game to something a little more difficult as though he liked the thrill of his easy targets in the beginning, it was almost too predictable" he thought. Well he'll reel her in anyhow and maybe he'll aim higher next time around. A feeling of euphoria came in as he unloaded his "equipment."

Martin always went hiking around his date site to search for hidden nooks and crannies. He'd found a cave on a hike about a quarter way up this mountain. The mountain was actually more like a glorified hill with rocks. It wasn't anything like the grand Rockies. Nonetheless, it had what he needed. This cave looked like it was used for mining back in the old days. He thought it was perfect as well because it didn't look like many people came along this hiking trail; it seemed to have a heaviness inside the walls and so it didn't seem to echo like a larger cave might do. He unloaded his tape, knives, table, lights, baggies, garbage bags and rope as well as some other items and put them against the right wall. He carefully counted his steps back out and then gleefully made his way down the "mountain." Just a few more days!

Athena could not remember a happier time in her life at least not recently. She had a date on Saturday with Martin, and couldn't stop envisioning how it would go. He had already said he'd pick her up around 11 am; and if she were up for it, he said they could have a picnic and do a little hiking afterwards. She wasn't really too keen on the hiking bit, but didn't want to spoil her first date with Martin by voicing this. She actually hadn't been hiking since she was a kid, so that was also a bit of a worry, but how hard could it be? Anyhow maybe it would be good for her if she took up a new hobby especially if it were with Martin.

By Martin Kníže on Unsplash

Saturday morning had arrived and Martin was just packing up his van with the sandwiches he bought, some fruit and a bottle of wine. He also brought along some chocolates as he knew women always seemed impressed with that. He didn't really care, but it seemed to help him achieve his goal. He also brought his duffle bag with a change of clothes and lined his van floor with some plastic and covered it with some cheap carpet he'd gotten at Walmart, so the plastic was not really visible.

Martin phoned Athena once his van was all packed up to let her know he was on his way. He was almost shaking with excitement, but made himself calm down thinking about his stepmother and how she used to "calm" him down. Thinking about that woman made him want to vomit, but he quickly turned his thoughts to the task at hand. He didn't want to ruin his mood for his new prey.

Athena thought it was sweet that Martin called her to let her know he was coming. She thought what a gentleman as she gathered her purse, sweater and another pair of shoes for their hike. She didn't have a backpack, and thought her purse wasn't really what she should bring on a hike, but didn't really have anything else she could bring. She asked Martin if she should just follow him in her car, and he said, "No, why waste your gas." "How thoughtful!" she crooned over the phone and smiled as she thought about that watching out the window for his van to drive up. He also had a sickly smile as he hung up.

Martin found her place and knocked on the door. Athena couldn't believe her eyes when she saw him. He was gorgeous from what she could see. She couldn't believe he wanted to take her out on a date. She dropped her purse and fumbled for her keys to lock up trying to look calm and collected. She thought, "I hope he doesn't see how nervous I am, and I had better not start sweating." Martin did notice that Athena looked very nervous, but he acted like he saw nothing. He noticed she didn't have very much with her, but thought taking her purse was good as it looked like she was going shopping and not out to the mountains.

As they drove and chatted, Athena couldn't believe how easy it was to talk to Martin. It seemed like they had known each other all their lives, but there was also a small little gnawing in her stomach that seemed to be trying to tell her something. That something she thought was just nerves. As they drove she noticed how beautiful it was outside and how far away from the city she was going. It didn't matter today though. Nothing mattered today except being with Martin.

They arrived in a wild looking parking lot. It was all gravel with some outhouses. She looked around and saw there were no other vehicles and she thought, "how romantic." Well, he did say they were going on a hike. They walked in a bit and found a beautiful grassy area where Martin had put down a blanket and was bringing out a basket. She'd never been treated like this before, and she almost felt like crying. She turned quickly as he came back with dishes and cutlery. He didn't even use paper plates or plastic cutlery but real dishes and real cutlery. Her eyes widened as she saw he also had pulled out a bucket with ice and a bottle of wine.

When he opened the basket, there were sandwiches that looked divine along with a green salad. After he set their places, he pulled out two wine glasses and carefully poured a red coloured wine. "Merlot." he said, "My favourite wine to share with a special lady." She swooned. As he reached over for a sandwich, he knocked her wine over and onto Athena's lap. Athena jumped up but the wine had already done the damage. Martin apologized profusely and seemed at a loss of what to do. "I am so sorry, Athena. I wanted this to be perfect. Your clothes are ruined. Let me buy you a replacement when we get back to the city. I might have a spare pair of workpants in the van?" "Would you like me to check?" Athena was very uncomfortable as the wine was soaking in and so she just nodded her head. Now she felt like crying but for a different reason. He went to his van and pulled out his overalls and left them on the front seat. "Athena, I've put them on the front seat for you. It might be more comfortable changing behind the van."

Martin watched her scurry to the van and chuckled to himself thinking, "Don't worry Athena. Martin will take good care of you." He grabbed her spilled wine glass and poured more Merlot wine into her glass with some crushed roofies he'd acquired for his "dates." He did this quickly while she changed. As quickly as she had disappeared, she had reappeared all changed. She sat down again, and he handed her the wine. She took the glass eagerly with a smile and said, "Thank you."

They finished up their lunch and the bottle of wine. Athena felt dizzy but didn't want to complain as Martin packed up their picnic and brought everything back to the van. When he came back, he had a backpack and some water bottles. He handed her one to take a drink from before they started as he said she looked a bit red. "Athena, if you are not up for this we can do it another day?" Athena answered, "I am fine. Just not used to having wine in the middle of the day I guess. Let's go."

As they headed out Athena felt even more dizzy and sleepy. She had never had this reaction to wine before. She kept on hiking the path with Martin in front talking away. She didn't know what he was saying because she felt like she was going to faint. She stumbled and fell. As her eyes closed, she saw Martin over her calling her name, but then everything went black.

Martin carried Athena to the mining cave as they were a little more than halfway there. She didn't stir at all on the hike up. He brought her in and put her down near the mouth of the cave while he went in to get his flashlight and set up his "work" area. The lights were bright work lights on stands so he could see what he was doing. One on each side. He spread his plastic on the ground underneath Athena's bed. Once he had his "work" site set up he went to get Athena and put her on her bed. She was out cold, so he continued to undress her, fasten her wrists and ankles with tape as well as around her mouth. He'd leave her eyes, so she could see or not see. He didn't really care either way. Martin ensured she was secured tightly before he shut off the lights and headed back to his van. He'd be back in a day or two. Now that the process had begun he'd sleep very well.

Athena tried to move but couldn't. She felt groggy but when she opened her eyes she couldn't see or hear anything except for a dripping sound. She couldn't yell as her mouth was covered by "tape"? Her mind raced back and forth trying to make sense of her surroundings. She was cold and confused and horrified that she could not move or scream. Her eyes were opened widely searching for anything but nothing but blackness met her searching eyes. Her terror awakened her mind fully. She was thinking again and her last recollection was having a picnic with Martin? Where was he? What was she doing here? She remembered feeling tired while hiking and falling and that was all. She wiggled her hands trying to loosen them free from what was holding her but they were tight and didn't give at all. Athena didn't know how long she was in there and she didn't know if it was night or day; all she knew is she had to get out of there as fast as she could. As she struggled tears were flowing down her face. Suddenly she heard movement coming towards her. Athena stopped struggling and remained still as she didn't know if it were a person or an animal. Whichever it was, it probably wasn't good either way.

Martin did have a great sleep just as he knew he would. He was in a good mood as he drove to his picnic site and cave where his last date was waiting for him. He was hysterical he had to say. As he entered the cave, he thought he heard movement but wasn't sure. He carefully made his way to his equipment, but didn't hear anymore movement. He thought Athena would be coming out of her drug induced stupor by now, but some took longer than others, so he thought he'd wait and watch. He turned on light number one and then moved over to light number two noticing her terror filling eyes fixed on him as he moved. "Good she's awake in time for the festivities." he thought. He smiled at her, "Well good morning my love. I hope you slept well." "I myself had a wonderful rest." "Today we are going to play games." "I hope you like games because I do." Athena muffled a scream and squirmed harder trying to get loose of her binds.

At first Martin thought he'd get out his large and medium baggies as well as a garbage bag for the waste. He liked to work in a systematic way as it got the job done quickly and efficiently. He thought back to one of his first times maybe around 13 or 14 years old and thought "what a mess that was." He told Athena, "You are actually quite lucky. You'll be a part of me forever which is more than you'd be if I asked you to marry me." Athena was still trying to wriggle out of her constraints but Martin wasn't worried. He'd done this so many times that he knew without a knife or help she was not going anywhere.

He continued on with his childhood story telling Athena this is how he became a butcher. His stepmother, Agnesa, though is the one who taught him how to hunt and to carve. Agnesa was living in what is now known as Russia during a war, tough times. Their family was starving along with all the other farmers in the area as the soldiers would come through and rape the land and whatever else they wanted. With her family dying around her, Agnesa was determined to survive. She could hunt animals as she taught Martin this before teaching him to hunt larger prey. Martin could see the horror in Athena's eyes as he said this, but it didn't bother him. She just couldn't understand. He had to admit his stepmother made him sick when he thought about her, but she did teach him about survival even well past the days of war. Unfortunately for Martin's dates, he'd come to love the hunt and the taste of his prey a little too much. The hunt had changed though. Now it was easier with new technologies and innovations. Martin just had to know how to become untraceable when he opened his accounts which also led to his knack for "finding" wallets to fund his dating accounts. Well but now he had it down to a science.

Finally Martin had his table set up complete with a set of butcher knives. Athena was crying. She closed her eyes and was trying to think of more pleasant thoughts. She thought this was a nightmare date, completely different from how she thought it would end. She felt Martin pick her up and place her on the table. He told her, "I can give you a drink of water again if you don't scream. It'll make it easier on you, but if you scream, it will most definitely be hard on you." Athena nodded that she wanted water. She just wanted to be taken back to oblivion. As she drank the water, she felt dizzy again and closed her eyes to Martin's grin and chatter. He didn't make sense, but she didn't care anymore. She closed her eyes to blackness and Martin's dream date.

By Emerson Vieira on Unsplash


About the Creator

Yvette McDermott

I am a grandma of three; I enjoy hiking, reading, cooking and Halloween. I mainly enjoy historical and horror films or books. I also enjoy exploring old sites and taking pictures.

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