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The hunter had become the hunted.

By Rebecca Lynn IveyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

I had no control or dominion over my actions when I was with her. She entrusted my arms to keep her safe and unscathed. Her innocent disposition for me would prove to be ill-fated.

If I could have only accumulated more time with her. If I could have only known her more intimately and infinitely, my continuance in this life and thereafter would be complete and luminary. Instead, I am trapped by the remorsefulness of an aching torment that consumes my every premonition.

Josephine, such a lovely, flawless creature. Her complexion was of moonlit porcelain. Her eyes, caliginous chasms of mystery and enigma. Her long braided hair was as black as the night, slightly freed and encircling her face. The sight of her sent waves of eagerness and infatuation throughout my body. I had to know her, I had to have her if for only a compendious moment.

My dearest Josephine

She knew that I was unsettled and spontaneous. She should have never attempted my domination. I forewarned her of the confines and limitations of our affair. When the moon settled and the sun arose I would dematerialize, evanesce her grasp never to be regarded again.

I was both beguiled and seduced as I watched her light the candles one by one. I was entranced by the scent of her perfume as she anointed her bosom with the tincture. I heard myself groan in ravishment as her unadorned dress met the floor. The look in her eyes was feral and untamed yet delicate and soothing.

The night was filled with carnal passion, it was unambivalent that I was her first. I lay quietly beside her as she drifted off into peaceful bliss. She slept so serenely as I tangled my fingers into her sultry, disarrayed hair. It was finally time for me to elude her. My compulsion for provisional companionship was now concluded. I would not even say "goodbye".


As I stepped into the morning air, golden sunbeams were peeking through the clouds, a gentle, cool breeze caressed me with a balmy gesture of fondness and tenderness. The golden light glimmering on every natural and man-made creation within my sight, I was filled with the beauty and magic of the moment.

I unexpectedly felt the nudge of her hand on my shoulder. I turned to see her eyes filled with pathetic tears leaving wretched trails down her cheeks. "Why?" the secluded question faintly rolled from her lips. "Josephine, you knew that it would be this way, you knew that it was merely a tryst." I atrociously justified myself.

"A tryst, is that truly all that I am to you?" Her expression abruptly turned estranged and disappointed. She dabbed at the tears now rimming her trembling lips. That's when I noticed the morning light flickering on the steel blade firmly enclosed in her hand. Shakingly, she faced the knife away from her heart.

I beheld the blade plunge deep into her chest. I heard the sound tear and rend into her flesh. I seen the crimson stains gratifyingly trickle down her abdomen as she smiled malevolently. The sound of her once soft voice had turned inhumanely and mercilessly evil. I gasped at the cursed and defiling sound coming from within her.

"Blood will always have blood, and pain will always have pain."

Her sanguine nails scratched and clawed at my flesh leaving firey trails of pain and anguish. I attempted to scream but my voice fell staid. I could not escape this tormenting nightmare. My legs were paralyzed, I was heaving, and retching for air.

"I'm sorry, I'm ashamed" I bellowed miserably.

I suddenly awoke from the threatening, spine-chilling nightmare. Still unable to move and gasping for air to fill my lungs. The sheets engirdled around me were soaked and sodden with sweat. Beside of me slumbered the being of my terror. Josephine.

I bounded from the bed and seized my clothing from the nearby chair. I was horror-struck to find deep abrades and grazes covering my body. Pain bowled through me and I bellowed from the sufferance. I had aroused her from her slumber. I pawed frantically at the door but it would not unclench, I could not liberate myself from this assault.

"You're dead" she purred blissfully. "You are mine incessantly, invariably, night and day, forevermore."

The hunter had become the hunted.


About the Creator

Rebecca Lynn Ivey

I wield words to weave tales across genres, but my heart belongs to the shadows.

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