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How the plot unfolds

The hidden agenda

By Arun KumarPublished about a year ago 6 min read

It started with a simple email. As an investigative journalist, I often received anonymous tips and leads that could lead to a big story. But this one was different. It was short, cryptic, and disturbing.

"Meet me at the abandoned factory at midnight. Bring a camera and a gun."

At first, I thought it was a prank or a trap. But something in the tone and urgency of the message made me curious and cautious. I decided to investigate further, without revealing my identity or my intentions.

I did some research on the factory and found out that it used to be a pharmaceutical company that had gone bankrupt a few years ago. There were rumors that the company had conducted illegal experiments on humans and animals and that some of the test subjects had gone missing or died.

I also checked the email address and traced it back to a fake account that had been created recently. It was clear that someone wanted to lure me into a trap or a setup, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to uncover the truth and expose the culprits.

I prepared myself for the meeting by wearing a bulletproof vest, hiding a small camera in my coat, and carrying a loaded gun in my bag. I drove to the factory at around 11:30 PM, parked my car a few blocks away, and walked cautiously to the entrance.

The factory was huge, dark, and eerie. There were broken windows, rusted gates, and graffiti on the walls. I could hear the sound of rats and pigeons, but no human voices or footsteps. I wondered if I had made a mistake or fallen into a trap, but I had come too far to back out now.

I entered the factory cautiously, scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger or activity. I walked through the empty hallways, checking the rooms and corridors, until I reached a large chamber that seemed to be the center of the factory. It was dimly lit by a few flickering bulbs, and I could see some equipment and tables scattered around.

I saw a figure standing in the corner, facing the wall. It was a man, wearing a hood and a mask. He didn't move or speak, but I could sense his presence and his tension.

"Who are you? Why did you bring me here?" I asked, trying to sound confident and assertive.

The man turned around slowly, revealing his face. He was young, handsome, and familiar.

"I'm sorry for the deception, but I had to be sure that you're not working for them," he said, removing his mask.

"Who are you? And who are they?"

"I'm a whistleblower. I used to work for the pharmaceutical company that owned this factory. I discovered some documents and recordings that prove that they were conducting illegal experiments on humans and animals and that they were planning to sell the results to the highest bidder."

"What kind of experiments?"

"Genetic engineering, mind control, bioweapons. They wanted to create a new breed of super soldiers, assassins, and slaves. They experimented on homeless people, prisoners, and refugees. They used drugs, radiation, and torture to modify their DNA and their minds. They also experimented on animals, trying to create hybrid species that could be used for military purposes."

"That's insane. Why didn't you go to the authorities?"

"I tried, but they didn't believe me or they were bribed. I also feared for my life and my family's. They have spies and hitmen everywhere. That's why I contacted you. I heard about your reputation as a fearless journalist who exposes corruption and injustice. I thought you could help me reveal the truth and stop them."

"I'm flattered, but how can I help you? Do you have any evidence or witnesses?"

"Yes, I have some files and recordings that I hid in a safe place. I also have some contacts who can testify and provide more information. But I need your help to publish the story and protect myself and my sources."

"I see. But why did you choose this place and this time to meet me? You could have contacted me through a secure channel or met me in a public place."

"I know it's risky, but I wanted to show you something. Something that could prove my claims and shock you. Follow me."

He led me to a corner of the chamber, where there was a large crate covered with a tarpaulin. He removed the tarpaulin, revealing a grotesque sight.

Inside the crate, there was a human body, or what was left of it. It had been dissected, mutilated, and experimented on. Its face and limbs had been removed, and its organs had been replaced by artificial implants and devices. Its eyes were open, but they were lifeless and empty.

I felt a wave of nausea and horror, but also a sense of duty and responsibility.

"This is sickening. Who did this? And why?"

"They did. The company. They experimented on dozens of people, including children and pregnant women. They used them as guinea pigs and discarded them when they were done. They also created some kind of cyborgs or robots that could be controlled remotely, using a special device."

"How can we stop them? How can we prove this?"

"We need to expose them. We need to publish this story and send it to as many media outlets and authorities as possible. We need to make sure that they can't hide or deny this anymore. But we also need to be careful and strategic. They will try to silence us or discredit us. They will use their power and resources to cover up their crimes."

"I understand. But how can we do this without risking our lives or our sources?"

"We need to use the internet. We need to use social media and encryption to spread the word and protect our identities. We need to work together and form a network of whistleblowers, journalists, and activists who can support us and amplify our message."

"I'm in. But what about you? Where will you go? Will you be safe?"

"I have a plan. I have some friends who can help me escape and hide. But I also have a mission. I want to help you expose them and bring them to justice. I want to redeem myself and my conscience. I want to make sure that this never happens again."

We exchanged contact information and agreed to meet again in a few days, after we had prepared our strategy and gathered more evidence. As I left the factory, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement, fear, and uncertainty. I had stumbled upon a major story, but also a major danger. I had uncovered a plot that could change the world, but also end my life.

The plot had unfolded, but the climax was yet to come........


About the Creator

Arun Kumar

Am a passionate Blogger and aspire to be a best-selling author. I am always willing to go that extra mile to make a difference in my life to create value for myself and others.

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