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Haunted mirror bleeds reality

A horror story based on true events

By Hamza KhanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The mirror showed a reflection that wasn't my own. At first, I thought it was just a trick of the light or a smudge on the glass, but as I leaned in closer, I realized that the face staring back at me was completely unfamiliar. It was a woman with sharp, angular features and dark eyes that seemed to bore into my soul.

I stepped back in shock, wondering if I was hallucinating or if someone had somehow tampered with the mirror. But when I looked back, the woman was still there, staring at me with a cold, unblinking gaze. I reached out tentatively to touch the glass, and my fingers brushed against something cold and slick. It was as if the mirror was alive, pulsing with some dark energy that I couldn't begin to comprehend.

I tried to tear my gaze away, but it was like the mirror had cast a spell over me. I found myself drawn back to it again and again, unable to resist the allure of that twisted reflection. And as I stared, I began to notice something strange happening.

At first, it was just small things- a shadow that didn't quite match up with the furniture, a flicker of movement in the corner of my eye. But soon, it became impossible to ignore. Objects in my room began to move on their own, sliding across surfaces as if pushed by invisible hands. The air grew thick and oppressive, as if something was watching me from every corner.

I knew I had to get rid of the mirror, but every time I tried to move it, I was overcome by a sense of dread so strong that it felt like a physical weight on my chest. It was like the mirror was alive, and it didn't want to let me go.

As the days went on, things only got worse. The woman in the mirror began to change, her face contorting into new shapes and expressions with every passing moment. Sometimes she would smile, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth, and other times she would weep tears of blood. And as she changed, so did the world around me.

I began to notice small details that were just slightly off- the way the sky looked a sickly shade of green, or the way the trees outside my window twisted and turned like they were alive. And then one day, I saw it- a figure standing outside my window, its face pressed up against the glass. It was the woman from the mirror, and she was trying to break through.

I tried to run, but it was like I was stuck in molasses. My legs felt heavy and sluggish, and I could barely move. The figure outside the window grew closer, its hands clawing at the glass, and I knew that I was going to die.

But then, just as the figure was about to break through, everything went black. When I opened my eyes again, I was lying on the floor, surrounded by broken glass. The mirror had shattered, and with it, the alternate reality that it had created.

For a moment, I thought that I was safe. But then I noticed something strange happening- the world around me was starting to change, as if it was bleeding through from that other reality. The air grew thick and heavy once more, and I knew that I was trapped.

As I sit here, writing this down, I can feel the world around me shifting and changing. It's like I'm caught between two realities, neither of which is quite right. And somewhere, in the back of my mind, I can hear the woman from the mirror laughing, as if she's won.

I don't know what's going to happen to me. All I know is that I can't escape, no matter how hard I try. And as the darkness closes in around me, I know that I am doomed to spend eternity trapped in this twisted, haunted reality, with no hope of ever finding my way back home.

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    HKWritten by Hamza Khan

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