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Harold’s Little Helper.Part 4 and Part 5.

Part 4 and Part 5.

By Tanya DoolinPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Despite his victory over the entity that he had summoned, Harold never truly escaped the dark energy that had surrounded him. The mark that it had left on him lingered, and it was only a matter of time before it caught up with him.

One day, the police were called to Harold’s home after reports of strange noises and flickering lights coming from inside. When they arrived, they found the house in disarray and Harold lying dead on the floor.

The cause of death was unclear. There were no signs of foul play, and the autopsy revealed no discernible cause of death. The police were baffled, and the local media were quick to report on the mysterious circumstances surrounding Harold’s death.

As the weeks went by, the investigation turned up no leads. The police were unable to find any evidence to suggest foul play, and the case was eventually closed due to lack of evidence.

But those who knew Harold knew the truth. They knew that he had been haunted by dark energies and malevolent entities for years, and they believed that it was those same forces that had claimed his life.

Despite his tragic end, Harold’s legacy lived on. His story served as a warning to those who would dabble in the occult, reminding them of the dangers that lurked just beyond the veil of our reality.

Many months had passed since Harold’s death and the place stood quietly waiting for its new occupants.

Tyler’s daughter, Emily, and her boyfriend, Jake, were excited to move into their new flat. It was located in a nice neighbourhood and had plenty of space for the two of them. They were also thrilled to find out that the rent was relatively cheap.

As they began to unpack their things, they noticed some strange things about the flat. There were strange symbols etched into the walls, and the air seemed to be heavy with an oppressive energy. They didn’t think much of it, chalking it up to an overactive imagination.

But as the weeks went by, things began to take a darker turn. They started to hear strange noises in the middle of the night, and they would wake up to find the furniture rearranged. They both felt a sense of unease that they couldn’t quite shake.

One night, Emily woke up to find a dark figure standing at the foot of her bed. She screamed, waking Jake up. But when he turned on the light, the figure was gone.

Emily and Jake were terrified. They knew that something was wrong with the flat, but they didn’t know what to do. They tried to ignore it, but the strange occurrences only seemed to escalate.

One day, Emily was cleaning out the closet when she found a book hidden in the back. It was filled with strange symbols and incantations, and it sent shivers down her spine. She showed it to Jake, and they both realised that it belonged to Harold, the previous tenant.

As they delved deeper into the book, they discovered that Harold had been dabbling in the occult, and that he had created a powerful tulpa creature that had haunted him until his death. They realised that the strange occurrences in the flat were the work of the same entity.

Emily and Jake knew that they had to act fast. They couldn’t let the creature continue to terrorise them. They began to research ways to banish the entity, just as Harold had done years before.

Finally, they found a spell that they believed would work. They set up protective wards around the flat, just as Harold had done, and they began to recite the banishment spell.

As they spoke the words, they felt a powerful surge of energy coursing through their bodies. The air around them crackled with electricity, and they could feel the entity’s presence growing stronger.

But they didn’t falter. They poured all of their energy and willpower into the spell, determined to banish the entity once and for all.

Suddenly, there was a blinding flash of light, and the entity was gone. The dark energy that had once filled the flat dissipated, leaving Emily and Jake feeling lighter and freer than they had felt in weeks.

As they sat in their flat, basking in the afterglow of their victory, Emily and Jake knew that they had learned a valuable lesson. They realised that the dangers of the occult were real, and that they had to be careful not to let the darkness consume them.

From that day on, they vowed to live a life free of the occult. They had faced their fears and emerged stronger for it, and they knew that they would never forget the lessons that they had learned. But they also knew that they would never forget Harold, the man who had unknowingly unleashed a terrifying entity on the world.

Part 5.

Emily and Jake were never the same after their encounter with the tulpa creature. Even though they had successfully banished the entity from their flat, they couldn’t shake the feeling that they were still being watched.

At first, it was just a sense of unease that lingered in the back of their minds. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, their paranoia began to grow.

They started to see strange things out of the corners of their eyes, and they would hear voices whispering to them in the middle of the night. They couldn’t tell if the voices were real or if they were just a figment of their imaginations.

As time went on, Emily and Jake began to slip further into madness. They would argue and fight with each other over things that didn’t matter, and they would spend hours staring at the walls, lost in their own thoughts.

Their friends and family began to notice that something was wrong, but Emily and Jake couldn’t explain what was happening to them. They felt like they were slowly losing their minds, and they didn’t know how to stop it.

One night, as they were lying in bed, they felt a strange energy fill the room. They could feel something moving around them, but they couldn’t see anything.

Suddenly, Emily began to convulse, her body contorting in unnatural ways. Jake tried to help her, but he found that he couldn’t move. He was paralysed, trapped as if in ice as he watched his girlfriend suffer.

As Emily continued to convulse, Jake felt a dark energy slowly starting to seep into his mind. He could feel something taking control of him, something that he couldn’t fight off.

When Emily finally stopped convulsing, she sat up and looked at Jake with eyes that were no longer her own. Jake knew then that they were being possessed by unseen entities, and that this was the beginning of the end for them both.

In the end, Emily and Jake were never able to escape the madness that had taken hold of them. They died in the flat, consumed by the very darkness that had once haunted Harold.

The police and local media were completely baffled by their deaths. They couldn’t explain how two young people could have slipped so deeply into madness, and they couldn’t explain the strange symbols etched into the walls of the flat.

But those who knew the truth understood that Emily and Jake had become the victims of the same darkness that had consumed Harold. They had unwittingly invited unseen entities into their lives, and they had paid the ultimate price.

The End…


About the Creator

Tanya Doolin

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    Tanya DoolinWritten by Tanya Doolin

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