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I'm coming...

By Angela BullinPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Photo by Gabriel Meinert on Unsplash

As Angel was riding in the back of her uber on her way to her grandmother’s house watching as the trees seemed to zoom past. She had never met her fathers mom, she was wondering what she was like and what the house looked like. It’s funny you’d think in her 16 years on this planet she would have at least met the woman. But with mom and dad having to travel more and more for work this is the only thing they could come up with between them for the summer. She started passing fields foggy and laying heavy with the morning dew as first light had barely hit. It seemed to go on forever with no houses or signs of civilization. Then in the distance barely able to be made out at first was an old ranch house with fences all around and an old barn close by. She couldn’t imagine what she’d be helping her grandma with, it looked like it hadn’t even been lived in for years. Then the sound of the car hitting gravel and slowing down brought her back to the present as she prepared herself for whatever she was about to encounter. She hoped she was one of those sweet old ladies that smelled like cookies… not one of those that you’re scared to be near and reaked of back medicine.

With her bags at the doorstep she said goodbye to her driver for the morning and was so nervous to knock. Why be nervous, she was flesh and blood… she should be happy to see her. Still didn’t make her anxiety any better. Before she could raise her hand to the door it swung open. There stood this little old lady that looked like she had energy for days and could have just hopped out of the fairy realm. In fact she did kinda have wings? She was dressed so colorful, but the most attention went to the shawl she was wearing that looked like monarch butterfly wings. I guess people really do buy those. Instantly her anxiety died down, whether from the shock or laughing… doesn’t matter.

“Grandma?” I didn’t mean that to sound so weird, but this is one strange lady… totally not complaining. She feels like my spirit animal.

“Angel! Oh my you’re big? Your father should have brought you sooner, I’ve wanted to see you for so long. You look like you haven’t eaten in ages!”

I shuffle to bring my biggest bags in while Grandma brings a few small ones. She had to help.

“You have perfect timing. I just finished breakfast. I still haven’t really learned to cook for one, I should have by now.”

“It smells amazing! Thank you.” As I sit down to a table covered in all kinds of things, some wonderful… others are questionable. She’s not quite cookie Grandma, but close. She’s weird Grandma, I think perhaps that is better. “I was wondering, what is it you need help with this summer? You’re cooking is amazing, and everything is so clean already.”

“Mostly I wanted the company. It’s easy to clean after one person, after all I know where all I’ve been to make a mess.” She says with a smile. “The only thing I really need is someone to help clean out the old barn. So much of your Grandfather's stuff is rusting away when someone else could use it. Besides, sell a few pieces and I can afford a new sewing machine. My hands aren’t what they used to be. But that can wait for tomorrow, you must get settled in and rest today. You’ve got a couple of weeks to worry about that dear.”

I spent the rest of the day settling and exploring. There’s not much here honestly, but if I planted some flowers and did a few things it would be so pretty. I’ve only known her a day but feel like I’ve known her my whole life. She’s got so many family pictures on the wall, quilts started and half done, even some canvas primed waiting for a new picture at a whim. I wonder which picture is Dad? Maybe I’ll ask tomorrow. I see her bedside lamp on and her with a book curled up. I bet she’s not used to someone else being around. Sleep sounds good, I’ll go out early and see what I’m up against.

I wake up to birds singing in the tree outside my window, but I’m used to cars and yelling… this is going to take some getting used to. The same as the morning before a wonderful smell is coming from the kitchen just down the hallway, I find myself wandering to find my morning tea. She’s there at the sink, fully dressed and apron on… ready for the world. I’m still bumping around in my pajamas. I’m too tired to think about getting dressed.

“Angel! Here, have a bite before you head out.”

“Thank you Grandma. It looks wonderful.”

She smiled as though she hadn’t heard those words in ages. I hurried a little more than I should have, but I had to get started. I head out and the grass is still wet, and soon so are my shoes. Just as I open the door I’m hit in the face with the smell of ancient dusty stuff… I don’t know what a barn usually has so stuff yes. I’m surprised the light still works. I start to look around I see old plows, rope hung on the wall, a saddle, and a million things that I’m quite sure I don’t know what they do. Over on the far wall is a sink and mirror. Hmm… even the kitchen sink, as I giggle at my bad joke. I wonder if it still works, I could clean some stuff as I sort. Maybe it would sell better for Grandma.

I turn on the faucet and hear what sounds like a bullfrog in the wall then all of the sudden red murky liquid explodes all over me, then a few more gurgles followed by clear running water. I guess it just had to get it out of it’s system. I wipe the mirror free from it’s dusty prison as I see a dimly lit me. As one does I stopped to preen for only a moment. That's when it happened. I looked down to turn off the water, then when I looked up my reflection didn’t for a moment. Like a video lagging. I must be more tired than I thought because that’s impossible. I looked up and down a few more times and nothing... had to be my imagination. Now that I thought about it I didn’t see a single mirror in the house. Maybe Grandma saw it too, no I’m just being paranoid. I’m tired, that's it.

I do a few hours of work then go to the house for lunch. But just for a quick bite… I want to get done for the day. It’s a lot harder work than I thought. I look at my progress and it’s so much better than I thought it would be. Out of the corner of my eye I see something move in that mirror. But I look and there’s nothing. I go up to it and my reflection almost has a smirk to it. I’m scaring myself and my imagination is running wild.

The next morning I see Grandma in her usual state with spatula in hand. “Grandma? What’s with that mirror above the sink in the barn?”

“What do you mean?” She seemed scared almost. “I don’t have any mirrors, maybe you just saw something shiny?”

“No it’s definitely a mirror, it’s on the wall above the sink. I looked into it yesterday and thought I saw something.”

With a ghost white face and horrified expression she said, “ I don’t ever want you to look in that mirror. I’ll call someone to get it or cover it… something.”

“So I did see something?” Then she started to explain how mirrors can be portals to another realm and how her sister disappeared on the property after seeing weird things in one. Her mother got rid of all of them on the property they thought.

“I know it sounds crazy, but it’s better to be safe Angel. My sister talked about warped reflections and creatures. Gave all of us nightmares. When she disappeared the police just wrote it off as a runaway. Don’t go back out there until I get someone to take care of it.”

“Yes ma'am.” Now not only am I scared but I’m curious. Later that evening she said someone was coming in the morning. I had to go see one more time, just for my own sanity. So while it was late and she was reading I snuck out to see what I could see. The door was already cracked open, maybe I didn’t shut it all the way I was horrified early. I snuck up to the mirror, just then realizing how silly I was. Who sneaks up on a mirror.

“You do of course!”

“Who was that?” I gasped looking around. But I don’t see anyone.

“It was you. Not the you that is you, but the you that is me.” Said the voice, coming from the mirror?

I looked at it and it was me, but not with my expression. It had my face, my voice, but not my…. Well expressions. It moved on it’s own.

“What are you?”

“I am whatever you think I am. A ghost, alien, even demon maybe. It changes through the ages. What doesn’t change is people’s curiosity.”

Suddenly it’s eyes turn black like an abyss, an eerily wide grin that would break my jaw, and I can’t move! I can’t scream… it comes out like a mutter… but with no one near me this does no good. The creature finds joy in this horror on my face. The room turns dim and feels like it’s spinning. Suddenly everything is on the wrong side. The saddle was just to my left, now to my right. I look up and the creature heads for the door grinning with dozens of sharp teeth in that ungodly grin.

“Oh Grandmother dear… I want to see you.”


About the Creator

Angela Bullin

Struggling artist and mom who loves all things creative. Steampunk, dystopia, surrealism... those are my jams.

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