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Ghost Ship

Ghost Ship on The Horizon

By Tami OsburnPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Ghost Ship

I wasn’t sure if it was a dream or if it was real. I was on heading west on the Pacific Ocean on my thirty-foot yacht gliding the ocean not too far from the California Coast. The sun was beginning to set and the sky was glowing pink when I saw it. It was a ship of some kind that didn’t appear to be of our time, 2021. It looked out of place and from an earlier time. I couldn’t make out what kind of ship it was since it was on the horizon of the sinking sun.

I covered the top of my eyes to get a better look but it was of no use. I still couldn’t make out what it was. The wind was beginning to pick up slightly and the breeze blew strands of my long blonde hair. Yet, I couldn’t take my eyes off the ship in the horizon. As much as I wanted to travel in the direction of the ship—I had to keep going south along the coast. There were some stories of a ship that had sunk a hundred years earlier during a battle.

A ghost ship one would say.

I grabbed my binoculars so that I could get a better look. It was too late. The ship had disappeared. I drew in a deep gasp and let it out shakily. I couldn’t believe what I had seen and shook my head. There was no one that I could tell at the moment since I was the only one on the yacht at the time. I didn’t think about getting my camera out to film it. Besides, I don’t think it would have mattered at the time since the ship was too far away for the camera to pick up. I don’t think anyone would believe me if I would have told them about the ghost ship.

Shaking my head, I looked down at the white caps of the small waves of the ocean and wondered if I truly did see a ghost ship on the horizon. I thought about the poor souls that had been lost at sea over the past several hundred years since man began to travel by sea.

“There must be hundreds or thousands,” I said out loud and blew out a deep breath.

The yacht’s radio began to crackle to life and I turned my attention to it. There was a man calling out to anyone who saw the ghost ship. I could only stare at the radio and couldn’t believe that someone else had seen it. I picked up the mic and was about to answer the man’s question when someone else replied. There were at least two other people who had seen it as well. My heart skipped a beat. Then there was a third person that had seen it as well. I still couldn’t believe it.

I pushed the button on the mic and paused for a second before saying, “I saw it myself,” Then I held my breath for a heartbeat then let it out. The radio came fully alive with several people talking about the ghost ship. I stayed quiet and listened to the stories people were saying about the ship. Those stories were very interesting. Some did say that it was a lost ship that was carrying people from a far away land who wanted to occupy a new one. Some say it was a battleship of some kind fighting in one of the wars. Whatever ship it was, it was very eerie to see on the ocean and one I will never forget.


About the Creator

Tami Osburn

I am just a writer who loves to write. Please enjoy my stories and poems. You can also find me on Amazon.com as an indie writer. Look me up there as well.

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    Tami OsburnWritten by Tami Osburn

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