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Corona a Nightmare

a truth

By umar khalidPublished 3 days ago 3 min read
Corona a Nightmare
Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash

Among the billions of people in the world, except some people, everyone in some form or the other believes in the Almighty by the name of God, Allah, Bhagavan or by any other name, that nothing can happen without him, but still.

In the hustle and bustle of employment, it was as if people had forgotten each other as to when it was morning and when it was evening. Life had become the name of just running around. It was as if people had forgotten the God above. But starting from small news, Corona gripped the world as a terrible truth. And at one point it felt as if time had stopped.

1- Life after corona, also called COVID-19, might be different in a few ways:

• More care about health: We might be more aware of germs and wash hands more often. Some people might wear masks when they're sick to protect others.

• Different work habits: Some people might work from home more often instead of going into an office every day.

• Appreciating things more: We might be happier to see friends and family in person, go to concerts, or travel since we couldn't do those things as much before.

Even though things might change a bit, life will mostly get back to normal. We'll still be able to do the things we love!

Corona, a name that once evoked images of sunny beaches and festive celebrations, has morphed into something far more sinister. It's become a word synonymous with fear, uncertainty, and a constant gnawing worry that sits heavy on our hearts. This invisible enemy has infiltrated every corner of the globe, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

2- A Silent Intruder:

The virus, officially named SARS-CoV-2, arrived like a thief in the night. At first, whispers of a strange illness in a faraway land reached our ears. News reports painted a picture of a distant threat, something happening "over there." But the world soon learned the harsh reality of viruses – they don't respect borders. Corona, like a phantom, snuck into our countries, our cities, and ultimately, our lives.

3- From Normalcy to Chaos:

Life as we knew it came to a screeching halt. The things we took for granted – a handshake with a friend, a bustling marketplace, a crowded concert – became potential death sentences. Cities that once hummed with activity transformed into ghost towns. Schools, restaurants, and offices stood empty, their usual sounds replaced by an eerie silence.

4- Fear Gripped Our Hearts:

Corona instilled a fear we hadn't known before. Daily headlines screamed of rising case numbers and overflowing hospitals. The constant barrage of information, often conflicting and confusing, fueled anxiety. We worried about ourselves, our loved ones, and the future that seemed shrouded in uncertainty. We became hyper-aware of every cough, every sneeze, every touch. Social distancing, a term once unfamiliar, became our new mantra.

5- The Toll on Every Aspect of Life:

The virus didn't just attack our bodies; it tore at the fabric of society. Economies crumbled as businesses shuttered their doors. Millions faced unemployment and financial hardship. The education system shifted online, creating a digital divide that left many children behind. Social connections, so vital for our well-being, suffered as physical interaction became a risk. Loneliness and isolation became a hidden pandemic within the larger one.

6- Heroes Emerged in the Darkness:

But amidst the fear and despair, humanity shone through. Healthcare workers, risking their own lives, became our frontline warriors. Scientists raced against time to develop treatments and vaccines. Ordinary people stepped up, volunteering to help those in need. We saw acts of kindness bloom in the most unexpected places – a neighbor checking in on an elderly couple, strangers delivering groceries to the sick. The spirit of human compassion proved to be a powerful weapon against the invisible enemy.

7- The Road Ahead is Uncertain:

As the world grapples with the long-term effects of Corona, one thing is clear: this pandemic has left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness. We've learned hard lessons about the fragility of life, the importance of community, and the need for global cooperation. While vaccines offer hope for a return to normalcy, the road ahead remains uncertain. New variants may emerge, and the scars of this experience will take time to heal.

But even in the face of this invisible terror, we must not succumb to despair. We are stronger than we think. By drawing on the lessons learned, embracing resilience, and fostering solidarity, we can emerge from this nightmare a changed, but hopefully, a better world. We can rebuild our economies, reconnect with loved ones, and learn to appreciate the simple joys of life that we once took for granted.

Corona may have been a nightmare, but it doesn't have to define our future. By working together, with compassion and determination, we can write a new chapter – one of resilience, hope, and a renewed appreciation for the preciousness of life.

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    UKWritten by umar khalid

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