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Ghost around you...

The one who doesn't knows the feeling of others is a real ghost.

By @FahiPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Respect your loved one when they are alive

Once upon a time, there was a small town called Elmwood that was known for its peaceful atmosphere and friendly residents. But, behind the façade of this seemingly perfect town, there was a dark secret that the inhabitants kept hidden for many years. It was a ghost story, one that had been passed down from generation to generation, and it was about a young girl named Sarah who lived in Elmwood many years ago.

Sarah was an only child, born to a wealthy family in the town. She was a bright and cheerful young girl, who was loved by everyone who knew her. She had many friends, and she was always eager to help others. However, her life took a dark turn when she was diagnosed with a rare illness that left her bedridden for months. Despite the best efforts of the doctors and her loving family, Sarah's health continued to deteriorate, and she eventually passed away at a young age.

After her death, strange things began to happen in Elmwood. People reported seeing Sarah's ghostly figure wandering the town at night, always with a sad and mournful look on her face. Some claimed to have heard her voice, singing a mournful song that echoed through the streets. The townspeople became afraid and started to whisper about the ghost of Sarah, warning others not to venture out after dark for fear of encountering her spirit.

Years went by, and the story of Sarah's ghost became just that - a story. The town went back to its peaceful state, and the residents forgot about the haunting. That was until a young couple, Julie and David, moved into Elmwood. They had heard about the ghost of Sarah, but they didn't believe in such things and were eager to start their new life in the town.

At first, everything seemed fine. Julie and David quickly made friends and became active members of the community. However, one night, Julie was woken up by the sound of a mournful song coming from outside her window. She cautiously got out of bed and peered outside, only to see the ghostly figure of a young girl standing in the street, singing the same sad song that had been reported years before. Julie was frightened, and she quickly woke up David to tell him what she had seen.

Despite their initial fear, Julie and David were determined to find out the truth about the ghost. They started to do some research and discovered that the ghost was indeed Sarah, who had died many years ago. They also learned that her spirit was said to be haunting the town because she was searching for someone to ease her pain and help her find peace.

Julie and David felt compelled to help Sarah. They believed that her ghost was still in pain because she had died before having a chance to live a full life. They decided to try and communicate with her, hoping that they could help her find the peace she was searching for.

At first, their attempts were unsuccessful, but then, one night, Sarah appeared to Julie in a dream. She told Julie that she was searching for a lost locket, which held a photo of her mother. She believed that the locket was the key to her finding peace and asked Julie to help her find it.

Julie and David set out to find the locket. They searched through old records, talked to the town elders, and even scoured the area where Sarah had lived, but they could not find the locket. They were about to give up when Julie had another dream, in which Sarah told her the locket was buried in the town cemetery.

Julie and David went to the cemetery and searched until they found the locket buried under a tree. When they gave it to Sarah's ghost, she appeared to them, and they could see the sadness in her eyes slowly fade away. She thanked them for their help and said that she could finally find peace knowing that the locket was back in her possession.

However, the next morning, when Julie and David went to the cemetery to see if the locket was still there, they found that it was gone. They searched the area but couldn't find any trace of it. They realized that Sarah had finally found the peace she had been searching for, and her ghost was no longer haunting the town.

Although Julie and David were happy that they had been able to help Sarah find peace, their story had a sad ending. A few months later, Julie became ill, and despite the best efforts of the doctors, she too passed away. David was devastated, and he felt like he had lost his purpose in life. He was unable to find peace, knowing that Julie was gone and that he would never see her again.

David's ghost was said to wander the streets of Elmwood, searching for Julie's spirit and hoping to find the peace that they had helped Sarah find. The townspeople say that on quiet nights, you can still hear the sad songs of both Sarah and David echoing through the streets. It is a reminder that death can bring heartache and sorrow, but it is also a reminder of the love that endures beyond the grave.

The story of Sarah, Julie, and David continues to be told in Elmwood, and it serves as a cautionary tale of the power of love and the importance of finding peace before it's too late. It is a reminder that life is fleeting, and that we should cherish every moment we have with the people we love, for we never know when we may lose them.


About the Creator


I am an engineer and running my own website,https://www.bulkbotique.com. I am good story writer and interested in cooking too.I present you more interesting,funny,thrilling,entertaining,comic stories in my article.

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