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Exploring the Terrifying Secrets of the Ocean

Revealing the Mysteries, Dangers, and Creatures that Haunt the Ocean

By Solomon OdipoPublished 12 days ago 3 min read
Exploring the Terrifying Secrets of the Ocean
Photo by Gerald Schömbs on Unsplash

Humans have explored various parts of the world including our solar system and the exoplanets. This is due to advancement in technology that keeps on upgrading daily. With the technology to predict and detect natural calamities like storms, mountain eruptions, tsunamis, etc. Surprisingly, with all this advanced technology, do you know that only about five percent of the ocean has been explored? What could be the reason that stops humans from exploring the ocean? Let us find out what could be making humans stay in their shells when it comes to matters of ocean exploration with all this advanced technology.

In the vast ocean where light struggles to penetrate the depths, lies a realm shrouded in mystery and terror. According to Dr. Gene Carl Feldman, an oceanographer at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, great ocean depth, crushing and intense pressure, zero visibility, and extremely cold temperatures are some of the reasons that make ocean exploration difficult. Mariana Trench in the western Pacific east of the Philippines is the deepest part of the ocean. The trench is about seven miles deep. Imagine the amount of pressure beneath the trench. But can the crushing pressure, zero visibility, and extremely cold temperatures stop humans from exploring the ocean? Let us find out.

Research finds that beneath the Mariana Trench, there is total darkness due to great depth making it difficult for the light to penetrate the ocean bed. Most articles suggest that the greatest problems making ocean exploration are the great depths, crushing pressure, and zero visibility. We all know that the ocean is also an ecosystem that carries various creatures. Research clearly states that only about five percent of the ocean has been explored. Why are scientists not outlining all the factors that make marine exploration difficult? Do divers typically feel at ease when plunging into the profound depths of the ocean? Is it as routine for them as taking laps in swimming pools? From what I understand, navigating the depths of darkness is anything but ordinary; it's an entirely different experience.

The ocean as an ecosystem has a diversity of animals and other strange creatures that haven’t been discovered, which may make it a problem to explore from my point of view. As we all know, every ecosystem has a mechanism of protection. First of all, let us take a look at Box Jellyfish. The Box Jellyfish is a venomous marine creature belonging to the class Cubozoa. This fish is associated with excruciating pain, cardiac and respiratory distress, scarring, and necrosis when one comes into contact with its venom.

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It is said that a sting from a stonefish feels like being crucified mixed with burning from a welding torch topped with a periodic whack from a sledgehammer. A bite from a Blue-Ringed Octopus is said to cause death within twenty-four hours or even as early as twenty minutes. A Blue-Ringed Octopus possesses venom so potent that it surpasses cyanide's lethality by a thousandfold. The Beaked Sea Snake is said to be less venomous but very aggressive. This normally makes these snakes a threat to the divers. Compared to other sharks such as Tiger Sharks, Bull Sharks, and others, Great White Sharks are known to inflict more severe damage when they attack humans.

These are just some of the marine animals that one may interact with whenever they are exploring the ocean depths. Could it be that these creatures have also contributed to less ocean exploration of the ocean as they might pose dangers to divers? What do you think? Some divers interviewed about the marine environment report hearing mysterious sounds whose sources they cannot identify. They claim that the sound is so peculiar that no land-dwelling animal emits anything comparable. Leave a comment and your view as we continue to explore more mysterious places.


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