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Devil House

"Please don't go there."

By Kanish GKPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a small town called Millfield where strange things often happened. People whispered about the old, abandoned house on the outskirts of the town, known as the "Devil House." Nobody had lived there for as long as anyone could remember, and it was said that the devil himself lived inside.

The house was a massive, sprawling mansion that had clearly seen better days. Its windows were boarded up, the roof was caving in, and vines covered the walls, making it look like a forgotten, overgrown ruin. But despite its appearance, the house was rumored to be the source of all the strange occurrences in Millfield. People whispered of ghostly sightings, unexplained noises, and strange disappearances that all seemed to lead back to the Devil House.

Despite the rumors, there were still those who were curious enough to venture inside. They told of rooms filled with bizarre artifacts, dark and eerie passageways, and a strange energy that seemed to linger in the air. But as soon as they stepped back outside, they would find themselves disoriented, as if they had been gone for days instead of hours.

One day, a young man named David decided to investigate the Devil House for himself. He was an aspiring journalist, and he was convinced that there was a story to be found there. Despite the warnings of the townspeople, he made his way to the house, camera in hand, eager to document what he would find.

As soon as he stepped inside, David was immediately struck by the feeling of dread that filled the air. The rooms were dark and musty, and he could hear strange whispers and murmurs echoing through the halls. But despite his fear, he pressed on, determined to uncover the truth behind the Devil House.

As he explored deeper into the house, David began to uncover evidence of the strange and supernatural events that had occurred there. He found rooms filled with odd symbols, hidden passages, and mysterious artifacts. It was clear that something was not right about the house, and David began to fear for his life.

Suddenly, he heard a sound coming from one of the upper rooms. He slowly made his way up the stairs, his heart pounding in his chest, and found himself in a large, ornate chamber. In the center of the room, he saw a figure shrouded in shadows, its eyes glowing red in the darkness.

David was paralyzed with fear, and he realized that he had stumbled upon the devil himself. The figure began to speak, its voice deep and menacing, and David understood that he was in grave danger. But instead of attacking him, the devil offered him a deal: he would grant him one wish in exchange for a favor to be performed at a later date.

Without hesitation, David wished for fame and success, hoping that his work as a journalist would finally be recognized. And with a wave of the devil's hand, his wish was granted.

Years went by, and David's career flourished. He became one of the most respected journalists in the country, and his articles were read by millions of people. But as the years passed, he began to realize that his success had come at a price. He was constantly plagued by nightmares and strange occurrences, and he knew that the devil's favor was still outstanding.

Finally, the day came when the devil appeared before him once again, reminding him of their agreement. And so, David returned to the Devil House, where he found that the devil had been using his fame to spread darkness and fear throughout the world. David realized that he had made a terrible mistake, and he knew that he had to find a way to stop the devil before it was too late.

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