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Demon Hunter AU

Chapter 1

By 4nimikiiPublished 4 years ago 8 min read
Art by @crabbng Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram

The town we are assigned to is small. Secluded. Close minded. Literally everyone who see’s us, stops to stare at my mom’s car as she drives through, heading out east to the house by the cliff. I shrink in my seat, hiding away from their eyes until the only thing left watching are the trees and the animals who live in them.

Outside of the town is beautiful. To the right there’s dense forest, and to the left a large, glistening lake. I can’t wait to explore. New territory is always exciting.

The driveway winds around the edge of the forest, to a wooden and stone house built in a clearing. The trees to the east are cut to give the large windows full view of the lake, and allow the most sunlight in the mornings. Just like uncle Corbin’s.

“This is it…?” Rein asks, peering through the dashboard at the worn down building. “It looks like it’s gonna fall over during the next storm…”

“Nothing we can’t fix!” Vera says, always positive. “Just needs some love.”

“Lucky for the house, you have plenty to give.” Riina says, parking the car. She sighs, looking at the house with the same expression as Rein. “Why don’t we leave our bags in the car until we see the damage.”

“Probably a good idea…” Vera agrees.

My mom’s unbuckle their seatbelts and get out of the car, signaling for us to do the same. Unlike my older brother, I am not as bothered by the house. Broken things can always be fixed. Especially with me and Vera here.

Rein stays by the car, grabbing Wynn’s cage and letting the falcon out for a much needed stretch. The bird flies high above the house, scouting the area and getting his bearings. Rein waits for him while the rest of us head inside.

The front door is unlocked. The house not needing any extra protection when it’s been empty for as long as it has. Vera goes in first, glancing around.

“It looks like the last spell castor’s protections held up pretty well.” Vera smiles. Riina is obviously relieved.

Mom is right. There isn’t even a cobweb inside the home. The floors look clean, and the walls undamaged. Whoever last lived here was an incredibly skilled Caster. Or an incredibly caring one to have gone through the work to keep the house livable even after they’d passed.

“So it’s just the outside that needs work.” Riina says, looking out the dirt caked windows. “Not as bad as I though.”

“Things are rarely as bad as you think.” Vera comments, poking her head into a room.

I pause in the front hall and close my eyes, like Vera taught me to. I breath in the energy the last caster left. It feels warm. Like a campfire. Or maybe more like a fireplace. Cozy. Home.

I smile, opening my eyes and walking over to the living room. It’s a big room, about a third of the whole house. The furniture is sparse, a few empty bookshelves by the back wall, an old green couch, and two comfy looking seats in front of a large fireplace. There are two big windows on either side of the fireplace, facing the lake and spilling light into the hallways from the two doorways.

I walk over to the fireplace, feeling a strong essence from the last caster who lived here. I can see the sigils carved into the wood and I reach out to touch them, pushing my essence into them, nourishing them.

The fireplace lights up and I have to take a few steps back so my dress doesn’t catch. Though, I suspect the flames wouldn’t hurt me if it did. They feel grateful, quickly warming the house in thanks.

“Good job.” Vera says. I turn around and smile.


“Your mom and Rein went out to check the weapons shed.” She says, rolling her eyes. I laugh. Of course they were. “I thought you might want to check the basement with me.”

“Where is it?” I ask, excited. The basement is where Uncle Corbin keeps all his important things. His treasures, his spell books, his memories. And that’s where most spell caster’s keep their things as well. Deep underground, locked under protection after protection, only accessible to other casters.

“Where’s the fun in it if I just tell you?” Mom smiles. She loves giving me tasks like this. Normally it would be easy for any caster to find it, but I’m still far behind. She calls it my rehabilitation. Every chance she get’s she’ll get me to do things that normally would take her only a moment to do herself.

I sigh, but close my eyes. I put out my feelers, like I did with the fireplace, but searching for something more specific this time. I’m surprised to find the door nearby. I open my eyes and turn to my left. Right in the middle of the floor, where the sunlight hits perfectly from the window, is a small handle.

I look up to see Vera smiling at me. She nods for me to open it, so I kneel down and read the inscription. I recite the words, pushing my essence into the sigils the same way I did with the fireplace. The lock clicks, and I pull open the door.

“I’ll go first.” Vera says. I let her.

Through the years I’ve known her, she’s only ever done everything to protect me. While I know Rein might argue to go first, that instinct has been snuffed out of me since before I became a part of this family.

Mom lights the way, flickering flames to life on candles and filling lanterns with light orbs. I follow only after she waves me in. No hidden dangers.

The room is small, barely enough space for me and my mom to stand. The walls are lined with books, mostly hand written. I run my fingers along the spines, finding that some of them feel different. They were written by more than one person. It’s a collection of several peoples work.

I breath in the stale air and I feel at home. Mom smiles at me, pointing to a small space next to the desk, a large cubby with old musty blankets. My eyes light up.

“Can I stay here?!” I ask. Mom nods.

“Of course. We just have to clean it up a bit. Add some of our own protections. I’m sure Rein will be ecstatic he doesn’t have to share a room anymore.” She laughs. I grin, walking over to the cubby. It has a small step, but once you crawl in, there’s a lot more space to sit up. The wall has shelves of books and unlit candles. It’s not dusty, just like the rest of the house its been well preserved.

I know we’re only staying here a few months, but I’m going to love it here. I already do.

Barely two hours after we get to the house, someone pulls down the driveway. We can all feel it. Like a silent warning bell that rings through the house. Something the last Caster set up.

I pause my organizing of my new room and poke my head out of the door. Vera stops what she’s doing in the kitchen and walks to the front door, while Riina circles around the house from where she was outside.

I climb out of the floor, looking around. This room has a perfect view of the outside. I can see the car pulling up out front, and in the opposite direction I can see Rein, cleaning an old blade from the weapons shed. Wynn perched on the edge of the shed, chattering down at him. Rein nods along, as if he knew exactly what the bird was talking about. Sometimes I really think he does understand what Wynn is saying.

I walk to the front, peering through the window to watch a stout man in a suit get out of the drivers seat. He smiles at my moms, though falters as he meets Riina’s stern expression and see’s the sword she carries on her hip. I love it when people are scared of my mom. I know she loves it too.

Riina nods to the man, holding out her left hand in greeting. The man is awkward as he shakes with his not dominate hand. He talks for a minute before my mom nods and says something to Vera. She nods and walks back inside.

“What’s going on?” I ask, as she walks by the doorway.

“Your mom’s going to go into town for a bit to meet the town officials and get the full report on the recent demon attacks.” Vera says.

I turn back to the window, watching mom get into her car and follow the man out the driveway. A similar silent ring goes through the house, informing us when both cars hit the driveway charm.

“That’s a handy charm. Uncle Corbin should get one.” I say, following my mom back to the kitchen.

“Lou just tells him when people are coming, I think.” Mom says, grabbing her tools and finishing off the sigil she was carving into the sink. I walk over to watch.

“Something wrong with the sink?” I ask, tilting my head to read what she’s carving.

“The water was brown, I’m just putting a purifying charm on it just incase. The plumbing is probably old, where lucky it even works.” Mom says. I watch as she finishes carving, setting her tools aside to hover her hand over the new charm and add her essence.

“There. Should be good as new.” She says, smiling as she turns the tap on and see’s clear water. “Want to try carving the bathroom sink?” She asks, holding out her tool kit. I grab it.

“Sure!” I grin.

“I’m gonna go grab your brother and start cleaning the outside of the house, so your mom doesn’t tear the whole place down and rebuild it.” Mom says, I laugh. I wouldn’t put it past her. Riina has very specific taste.

Back in town, Riina is introduced to the mayor of the small town. She shakes his hand, and the hands of everyone she comes across, just to be sure.

The Mayor introduces her to a young woman named Ansley. A researcher, who is knowledgeable about everything Demon related that has happened in the town. Riina is pleasantly surprised to be handed a thick stack of papers, clipped together.

“The moment I heard the Kasabian’s were coming, I prepared a written and very detailed report on the incidents in the past ten years.” Ansley says.

“Ochoa-Kasabian’s.” Riina corrects as she flips open the first page. “The Kasabian’s are my parents.”

“O-of course! But you’re still rather famous, you and your wife. If you need anything at all, any time, day or night, feel free to call me! My number is on the second page.” Ansley says.

“Thank you. This is much appreciated.” Riina says, then she turns to the mayor again. “And rest assured. My family will eradicate all of the hostile demons in this area and fortify your city so you will never have to worry about an attack ever again. We take our job as Demon Hunters very seriously.”


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    4nimikiiWritten by 4nimikii

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