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Dark Journey with Stranger.

Unknown Stranger Mystery

By Rasheek RasoolPublished about a year ago 9 min read

Sarah had constantly been curious approximately the unknown. She regularly located herself looking at the celebrities and questioning approximately the secrets and techniques they held. However little did she recognise that her interest could lead her on a terrifying adventure.

One day, there has been a knock on Sarah's door. It became an enigmatic stranger, a tall, slender man with piercing blue eyes and a cryptic smile. He brought himself as David and promised to answer all of Sarah's questions. She became hesitant at the start, however her curiosity were given the higher of her.

David led Sarah into the darkness of the woods behind her house. As they walked, Sarah felt a sense of unease wash over her. The trees were old and twisted, and the air changed into thick with the scent of degradation. She wanted to show again, however David entreated her to maintain going.

After what appeared like hours of walking, they arrived at a clearing. Within the center of the clearing became a small cabin, its home windows boarded up and its door creaking on rusty hinges. David led Sarah inner.

The cabin become dark and musty. The partitions had been lined with ordinary symbols, and the air became thick with the scent of incense. Sarah felt a relax run down her spine as David commenced to talk.

"Sarah, i've something to expose you," he stated, his voice low and cryptic.

He led her to a corner of the room and pulled lower back a curtain to expose a small trapdoor. David lifted the trapdoor and beckoned Sarah to descend the stairs.

Sarah's coronary heart become pounding as she made her manner down the steps. The air grew less warm and the darkness grew thicker. She may want to barely see her hand in front of her face.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, Sarah's eyes adjusted to the darkness. She gasped in horror at what she saw. The room changed into full of bizarre, twisted creatures. They had gnarled limbs, sharp tooth, and eyes that glowed within the darkness.

"What are they?" Sarah whispered, her voice slightly audible.

"they may be the creatures that stay in the shadows," David spoke back, his voice barely above a whisper. "they have got answers to all your questions."

Sarah felt a experience of dread wash over her. She wanted to run, but she knew she had to stay and face her fears.

David led her via the room, and the creatures parted to let them bypass. They reached a small chamber at the quit of the room. There, within the center of the chamber, became a sparkling orb.

"contact it," David stated.

Sarah hesitated for a second, then reached out and touched the orb. Instantly, she became transported to a exclusive global. The sky become darkish, and the ground was covered in a thick, black mist. She felt a feel of dread wash over her as she looked round.

All of sudden, she heard a whisper in her ear. It turned into a voice she identified, however couldn't region.

"Sarah, awaken."

Sarah's eyes snapped open. She turned into again inside the cabin. David became standing over her, his eyes glowing inside the darkness.

"you've been asleep for a long time," he stated. "however now, you have the answers you are trying to find."

Sarah attempted to stand up, however her limbs felt heavy, as though they had been manufactured from lead. She looked down and gasped in horror. Her legs and arms had became twisted, gnarled limbs, just like the creatures in the room.

David laughed, a chilly, heartless sound.

"You desired answers, Sarah," he said. "And now, you have them. You're one folks."

Sarah screamed as David disappeared into the shadows. She was on my own, trapped in a world of darkness and horror.

And so, Sarah became one of the creatures that lived

Inside the shadows, all the time doomed to wander inside the darkness.

Days become weeks, and weeks turned into months. Sarah struggled to come to phrases together with her new reality. She attempted to cover from the arena, but the hunger interior her grew stronger with each passing day. She knew that she had to feed, but the thought of harming others crammed her with dread.

One night, as she become wandering through the woods, she heard a sound. It became a small toddler, crying inside the darkness. Sarah's coronary heart raced as she approached the supply of the sound.

There, inside the clearing, turned into a young boy. He become by myself, his eyes crimson from crying. Sarah felt a pang of hunger in her belly as she checked out him.

"Please, don't harm me," the boy whimpered.

Sarah hesitated for a moment, then approached him slowly. She could scent his fear, his sweet, harmless fear. She knew that she had to feed.

As she leaned in to take a bite, something inner her snapped. She found out that she failed to need to hurt every person. She did not need to be a monster.

With a surprising burst of energy, Sarah pushed the starvation down and pulled away from the boy. She knew that she needed to find a manner out of this nightmare.

Days was weeks, and weeks changed into months. Sarah searched for a way to break the curse that had been placed upon her. She examine each ebook she ought to locate, searched every nook of the woods, however nothing seemed to work.

Sooner or later, as she became strolling through the woods, she heard a valid. It was a soft, melodic sound, not like anything she had ever heard before. She observed the sound, and shortly found herself standing in front of a small cottage.

Within the cottage, she discovered an vintage lady, sitting with the aid of the fireplace. The antique girl turned into type, with a mild smile and a warm heart. Sarah instructed her the whole thing, about the enigmatic stranger, the creatures in the cabin, and the curse that had been located upon her.

The antique female listened patiently, then nodded her head.

"i know how to interrupt the curse," she stated. "but you have to be willing to make a sacrifice."

Sarah nodded eagerly. She became willing to do anything it took to interrupt the curse.

The vintage lady led her to a small room, wherein there was a massive cauldron. She exceeded Sarah a knife and instructed her to make a reduce on her palm.

Sarah did as she was advised, and the antique lady collected the blood in a small vial. She then poured the blood into the cauldron, and muttered some incantations.

As Sarah watched, the room commenced to spin. The partitions shook, and the floor unfolded underneath her. She felt as if she changed into falling, falling into a bottomless pit.

Unexpectedly, the spinning stopped. Sarah found herself returned in the clearing, the solar shining down on her face. She regarded down at her palms, and gasped in shock. Her legs and arms had been returned to regular.

She grew to become to the old girl, tears streaming down her face.

"thank you," she whispered.

The vintage lady smiled, then passed Sarah a small vial.

"this may shield you," she said. "however be warned, the enigmatic stranger continues to be obtainable. He might be back, and he'll not be thrilled."

Sarah nodded, then made her way again to her house. She knew that her lifestyles could by no means be the equal once more, but she become thankful for the threat to begin over.

And so, Sarah lived the relaxation of her life, continually searching over her shoulder, always wondering if the enigmatic stranger would go back. But she become satisfied, knowing that she had confronted her fears and conquered them, understanding

That she become not a prisoner of the curse that had haunted her for see you later.

Years went by using, and Sarah grew vintage. She had a circle of relatives, youngsters and grandchildren, and she informed them testimonies of the enigmatic stranger and the curse that she had confronted. They listened with marvel, however they in no way honestly understood the horrors that she had persisted.

Sooner or later, as Sarah became sitting on her front porch, taking part in the sundown, she heard a legitimate. It was a familiar sound, one that sent shivers down her backbone.

She turned round, and there he turned into, the enigmatic stranger, standing in the front of her. He was simply as she remembered him, tall and darkish, with piercing eyes that seemed to look proper through her.

Sarah's coronary heart raced as she stood up, geared up to stand him over again.

"Why are you here?" she asked, her voice shaking.

The enigmatic stranger smiled, a merciless smile that sent a sit back down her backbone.

"i have come for what is mine," he said.

Sarah knew that there has been no escaping him. She needed to face him, one final time.

The enigmatic stranger led her into the woods, and shortly they arrived at the cabin. The creatures had been long past, however the cabin changed into still there, simply as she remembered it.

The enigmatic stranger led her internal, and there, inside the middle of the room, was the same cauldron that she had visible so many years in the past.

The enigmatic stranger surpassed her a knife, and Sarah knew what she needed to do. She made a cut on her palm, just as she had achieved before, and the enigmatic stranger amassed her blood in a small vial.

He poured the blood into the cauldron, and muttered some incantations. The room began to spin, simply as it had so many years in the past.

But this time, Sarah turned into no longer afraid. She had faced her fears, and she or he knew that she turned into sturdy sufficient to overcome them.

As the room spun quicker and quicker, Sarah closed her eyes and focused. She targeted on the affection that she had for her circle of relatives, the energy that she had gained from going through her fears, and the dedication to break the curse once and for all.

All of sudden, the spinning stopped. Sarah opened her eyes, and gasped in shock. The enigmatic stranger was long gone, and she become back in the clearing, the sun shining down on her face.

She regarded down at her fingers, and saw that they had been everyday another time. She smiled, understanding that she had subsequently broken the curse.

As she made her manner lower back to her house, she felt a experience of peace that she had never felt before. She knew that the enigmatic stranger was gone for true, and that she was unfastened at closing.

Years went through, and Sarah lived a long and happy existence. She in no way forgot the horrors that she had confronted, however she was grateful for the training that she had discovered.

And so, as she lay on her deathbed, surrounded via her own family, she closed her eyes and smiled. She knew that she had confronted her fears and conquered them, and that she had left a legacy of energy and braveness that might be passed down through generations.

As Sarah took her final breath, her own family accrued round her, mourning their loss. However all at once, a determine seemed within the doorway. It turned into the enigmatic stranger, another time.

Sarah's own family become bowled over and terrified. They'd heard testimonies of the stranger, and they knew that he was a bringer of darkness and terror.

However the enigmatic stranger simply smiled, and spoke in a voice that was gentle and type.

"i've come to take Sarah with me," he said. "however do no longer be afraid. She has earned her location in the afterlife, and she can be with me in peace."

Sarah's family watched in wonder as the enigmatic stranger took her hand and led her away, towards a shiny mild that shone within the distance.

And as they watched her go, they found out that Sarah had now not been taken by way of a curse or a dark pressure, but by a type and gentle guide who had been together with her all alongside.

The enigmatic stranger had been her protector, her guide, and her pal, and he had led her to a place of peace and happiness.

And so, as Sarah's circle of relatives said their final goodbyes, they knew that she changed into now not absolutely gone, however had truely found a brand new domestic, with the enigmatic stranger by means of her facet.

footagesupernaturalpsychologicalmonsterhow tohalloweenfiction

About the Creator

Rasheek Rasool

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    Rasheek RasoolWritten by Rasheek Rasool

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