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Dark-Haired Dead Girl

When she wants what you have

By Jennifer S. Benson Published 3 years ago 4 min read

It is a strange and crazy thing to see the other side of the veil. My gift isn't as strong as others. I have to close my eyes before I can activate my third eye. I can only see when I can't see. Today, I will share a story about a dark-haired dead girl and what transpired when we first met.

It was a few years ago. I was practicing my remote healing and working with a client. The client's mother was the person that reached out to me because she said that her daughter had been behaving strangely and changing herself physically. She couldn't understand why these things were happening and thought that I might offer her healing.

Of course, I was new and lacking confidence in my gifts, but I wanted to help. Closing my eyes and calming my mind, I was able to connect with my client remotely. Once I connected with her, I pulled away from her just enough to look around her home. In this view, everything is darker; it is as though there is a shade over my vision, so items in the space aren't clear; they are shadowed out.

As I am scanning the space, I do not see any signs of anything out of the ordinary. It seems like a regular apartment. I am about to give up on there being an external source for her changes when a woman jumps in front of my face and stares at me. I was so taken aback that I immediately broke the connection. My physical body was trembling. I had never been so afraid in my entire life.

I attempted to calmly explain to the woman that I had seen and told the daughter and the client that I wasn't going to be able to finish for today because I needed some time to prepare myself. I described the woman that had stepped into my view, and we ended the call with a plan to speak again at a later time.

The next time we spoke, I had learned that my client had done some research during that time and was able to identify the woman I had seen. Her name was the same name that her daughter was requesting to be referred to as. Her hairstyle was the same that her daughter had suddenly taken a liking to. Even the outfit that she was wearing in the photo she found matched the style that her daughter had started wearing.

It shocked me to my core when they told me this because I had never had any experiences like this before. It was time to go back in and send her on her way. The woman dressed in black with long straight black hair wasn't hiding this time. She was expecting me. Her gaze fell on mine, and my initial instinct was to run away again.

There was something about her cold stare that left me breathless. I knew I needed to be brave if I would have a chance at sending her to her light. I took a deep breath and began to speak to the woman. "You don't belong here," I said to her. She looked at me and looked around the apartment. She gently placed her hand on the daughter's shoulder. She remained silent, but a small smile etched in her features.

I repeated, "You do not belong here, I am going to send you your light so you can move on to the next," I don't know if she didn't believe me or if she didn't care, but she removed her hand from her shoulder and came closer into my face. I can sense that she was challenging me, and I knew that I needed to be brave. I called on the angels to send me the light to help this soul cross over.

The light came and almost filled the room where we were standing. It was so bright and beautiful that a peace-filled inside of me just seeing it. She turned towards the light and walked into it. The light faded, and the tinged shadowed space returned. I walked through the apartment searching for her, but there was no one there.

A few weeks past and I heard from my client, her daughter had returned to normal, and she was thankful to me for helping them. Fear can prevent us from living our purpose and fulfilling our destiny. I was afraid and almost left this family to suffer.

Today, I am not entirely over my fear of the unknown, but I do believe that when I encounter them, I am not doing so by myself. I am not alone, just as those spirits are not alone. They need someone to show them their light.

To learn more about me or to subscribe to my newsletter, visit: www.JenniferSBenson.com.


About the Creator

Jennifer S. Benson

Jennifer is both a fiction author and mindset coach. Her newest series, The Brink of Sanity takes you on a paranormal journey into the unknown and the terrifying. Do you think you are brave enough?https://www.udemy.com/user/jenniferbenson/

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