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Dark fairytales

Red riding hoods dark woods

By Jade wildPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Darkness. Loneliness. That's what the woods meant to someone people. It was a place lone travellours went and never came back. Except for a special little old lady who lived in the forest. Red riding hoods grandmother. No one knew why the grandma lived in the woods with the dangerous beasts that lived in the dark, or why her child and later granddaughter could go in and out of the woods and come back without a hair on their head being out of placed.

They tended to stay away from the family believing that they were all witches who protected the beasts of the woods, like the big bad wolf who was ten times larger than any other wolf, with think claws and razor sharp teeth easily towoering over any other human being that came in contact with it- at least that is what the legends say as no one has seen the beast; at least no one left alive. Like this rumour Red was sure the witches rumour was false too.

One day, little Red Riding Hood wanted to surprise her grandmother with treats. She got her mothers picnic basket and filled it with all sorts of treats making sure to pack extra of Grandmas favourite chocolate biscuits and often to the woods she went. Her mother had always warned Red of not going to her grandmothers house without her permission: but this was a surprise so of course she couldn't tell anyone that she was going.

She trodded along the small mud path towards where her grandmothers house was. The sun was high in the sky but it wouldn't make a difference the huge trees were filled with leaves that were all dark, making it almost impossible to see anything at all. Surprisingly, Red had never heard a wolf howl...until now. It was sounded like thunder and echoed all around her so she couldn't tell where it was coming from. She looked around nervously, wondering if she should go back or run full force towards nanas house.

She decided the latter and ran as fast as possible in the direction of her Grandmothers cottage. She kept running, she could hear footsteps behind her, she ran faster out of breath now before tripping up and rolling over: hitting a tree.

Turning to the side she had came from, she half expected a wolf to be behind her instead they was nothing. It must have been her imagination she decided and walked the rest of the way to Granny's house, as she got closer she smiled feeling more safe. That's when she saw it outside of Granny's house.

He was taller than any human she had seen but he wasn't human, he had two very big eyes, too big ears, with very big teeth! IT WAS A WOLF!! She ducked behind a tree wondering how to warn Granny about the wolf outside her home when she saw her Grandmother talking to the the beast itself. Slowly, she creeped over to the them, hiding behind trees.

"Thank you so much" her grandmother thanked, "I couldn't have done my new spells without those body parts". She smiled at the wolf showing her grattiude. Red put her hands over her mouth as tears began to pour from her eyes as her brain started putting things together. NO! she thought to herself it couldn't be true!

The wolfs next words confirmed her thought. "Well those travellors she learn by now not to come into these woods" his voice sounded like a growl and only terrified poor, little Red more. Steadily, she began to move backwards when she stepped on a twig. The wolfs ears perked up and looked into her direction. Deciding to run, Red turned and bolted but hit into another tree knocking herself out.

Through her dream like state she heard her grandmothers voice. "Get the herbs", "i'm casting the spell now", "Don't worry she won't remember a thing like last time".

When Red woke up she was in her room with a little headache her mother was there. "Hello darling," her whispered softly. "What happened?" Red asked curiously knowing she wanted to do something with Granny. "Oh dear you banged your head luckily Granny found you and brought you back. I told you Red to not go to Granny's without telling us" she reprimanded her daughter.

"I won't I promise" Red promised her mother. Two days later they was another report on two missing hikers, three weeks later Red decided to surprise her Granny.


About the Creator

Jade wild

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