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Can You Hear Me

part 3

By William L. Truax IIIPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Part 3.1

The marching commenced across the bridge and unto the grassy area near the fishing hut where we stopped and looked around. There was a massive amount of us and seemed to be extending a few miles deep across the bridge and beyond. Night embraced us and none feared it, not even the boys who normally are, but they stood there as the gargoyles hung staring down, they stood their ground and looked forward unto me.

A person who was exposes in the fallen night sky by a torchlight emerged from the hut and handed to me the flaming stick.

“Walk onward my servant, and tell none whom gave this to you.” The voice was of an old crone who was not womanly, their face was covered by a brown hood and not one if us could tell, but I understood.

I thanked the crone and we marched with a little light given to us for guiding. The streetlights were not lit, they dangled in the wind that began to blow. The only light that night without the moon was the savage torch that I possessed.

Here we stood on the bracers of life with a little light, and here we walked, judgment was not an option anymore. But what of our wives and mothers, sisters and daughters? What was happening with them? We left and they were all arguing about some mythical man being there for them and each claimed each part for their own need, who was this man? What did he do to them? Was it this Mr. Me that spoke to me?

The tattered remains of store fronts only left us all to believe that something was happening, but none of us knew what or why? Question after question poured through my mind, how was I to then get them all out? How were we to keep marching to the mall without knowledge of who was controlling our outcome? Why were we blindly following a man we have never seen?

A smile crept across my face and I was in shock, suddenly I stopped the group again with a simple hand raising. I looked left and right and spotted a family of four by a Wrangler, the females bickering back and forth about the same as before with mine. I offered to the men to come and they did, never spoke, eyes glazed over, walking like they too with us were robots and so I ordered the troops to march forward and onward. Together we did, with two new recruits.

The mall approached quickly as dawn beckoned a new day. There on the left we spotted it and made the turn into the parking lot where we discovered others there waiting. Waiting for who? Us? That could not be, but none the less, they stood there in formation, waiting.

There were no particular looks to tell about, but they were all men of various stature and ethnicity, as mine was. Soon we came to a stop that again I had no idea we’d stop and stood there. One of the men and I looked at each other and he to me was all mosaic and out of focus.

“We awaited you. Now complete, maybe he will let us know what we are to be doing?”

“I agree. Thank you.”

“No problem.”

The double doors to the mall burst wide and out came this short individual who stood no taller than my hip. He was dressed in purples and blacks, with a fury hat on top of his head. He looked rather silly, but none of us laughed at this jester. He bowed his head and we in turn bowed back. He smiled and snapped his finger and all the men behind the five of us fell to their deaths. And we knew they died but we found ourselves lucky not to be the one who joined them.

We watched as the souls entered the man’s eyes and never resurfaced. He stood there tall now, at least six, seven foot in height and had an overwhelming power to him that the five of us felt. A second later we watched as another batch of souls entered his eyes and he then spit out five women whom he then bowed to and they too returned the gesture.

“You ten are to repopulate. No go.” His voice deep and harsh, grumbling like I had not heard before in my mind. It was a frightening experience. Though terrified, I did as I was told and reached for the mosaic woman’s hand, together we marched off the lot and headed into a direction unknown and unseen by my eyes.

The day pressed on as did the heat, the summer winds cooled us but then rewarmed as they disappeared. I was sweating after a short while and I believed that she too was, but neither of us spoke, I had no idea what she looked like nor who she was. I tried to speak, but I made mumbling sounds as too she when responded. We stopped trying to communicate and believed that there was a time and place for that, but when was it?

We walked to the river and stopped there. Dipped our toes into he waters that rushed by for a moment just to cool them off and suddenly we found ourselves waist deep into it. There was no laughter or any sound that either of us made, just the sound of water running between us was all we heard. I dropped into it soaking my head and once I popped back up she stood over me and kissed me. Then she jumped into the water splashing about herself. It soon became apparent that we were to find ourselves a love together and make more of our kind, but why? Who was left? Why were they all taken? Where did they go? Who was that? Why did he suck the souls of the dead?

I looked up and there before me was a camera hovering over us, looking onward. I thought that maybe it was just checking our progress but that I was uncertain of. Why would someone need to spy? Was there something more to this that I was not privy to?

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About the Creator

William L. Truax III

Disabled Veteran, Father of 2.

I am a teller of tales and dreams, visions, haunting melodies, subtidal invocations of the mind and song.

Many of the Tales here interact with each other in some way and all within the same Universe.

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