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buried alive

By: Steamer

By Stamo StrongylosPublished about a year ago 3 min read
buried alive
Photo by Einar Storsul on Unsplash

It was a dark and stormy night, and the wind was howling through the trees as a young woman named Lily made her way to the graveyard. She had heard stories about the ghosts that haunted the cemetery, but she was determined to see if they were true.

As she entered the gates, she felt a chill run down her spine. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying flowers. She walked slowly through the rows of headstones, reading the names and dates of the people buried there.

Suddenly, she heard a sound behind her. She turned around, but there was no one there. She shrugged it off and kept walking, but the feeling of being watched persisted.

As she made her way deeper into the graveyard, the wind began to pick up, and the trees creaked and groaned. She heard the sound of footsteps behind her, but when she turned around, no one was there. She quickened her pace, eager to get out of the cemetery.

But just as she thought she was safe, she felt a cold hand on her shoulder. She spun around, but there was no one there. She tried to run, but her feet wouldn't move. She was frozen in place, unable to escape.

Suddenly, she heard a voice whisper in her ear. "You shouldn't have come here," it said. She felt a sharp pain in her back, and then everything went black.

When she woke up, she was lying on the ground, surrounded by gravestones. She tried to get up, but her legs wouldn't move. She looked down and saw that she was covered in dirt and grime. She realized with horror that she was lying in an open grave.

She tried to scream, but no sound came out. She was trapped, buried alive in the very graveyard she had come to explore. She struggled to free herself, but the dirt was too heavy. She knew that she was going to die there, alone and forgotten.

As the hours passed, she began to feel a sense of dread wash over her. She heard strange noises coming from the other graves, and she knew that she was not alone. She heard the sound of shovels digging into the earth, and she knew that someone was coming to bury her alive.

She tried to call out for help, but no one came. She was alone in the darkness, trapped in her own personal hell. She felt the cold embrace of death creeping up on her, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before she took her last breath.

Suddenly, she heard a sound that made her heart skip a beat. It was the sound of someone digging into the earth. She knew that she had to act fast if she wanted to survive. She began to claw at the dirt, using every ounce of strength that she had left.

As she dug, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. She knew that it was her only chance. With one final burst of energy, she broke through the surface and crawled out of the grave.

She looked up and saw a figure standing over her. It was a man dressed in a black cloak, holding a shovel in one hand and a lantern in the other. He looked down at her with cold, dead eyes.

"You should never have come here," he said. "This is my domain, and you are not welcome."

With that, he swung the shovel at her, and she felt a sharp pain in her head. Everything went black once again.

When she woke up, she was lying in a hospital bed. She looked around, confused and disoriented. She saw her parents sitting next to her, tears streaming down their faces.

"What happened?" she asked weakly.

"You were found in the graveyard," her mother said. "Someone had buried you alive."

Lily felt a shiver run down her spine as she remembered the man in the black cloak. She knew that she had narrowly escaped death that night, and that she would never forget the horror of being buried alive in the graveyard.


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