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Ben's last stand.

We must rally the townspeople

By Stevo StephensPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Ben's last stand.
Photo by Clément Falize on Unsplash

Part 1: The Discovery

It started off as a regular day for twelve-year-old Ben. He woke up early, got dressed, and headed off to school. As he walked into the school building, he noticed that something was off. The students walking around him had an odd pallor about them, and there was a certain air of silence and restraint that hung over the place. It wasnoff to school. Everything seemed normal until he entered his classroom. Half of his classmates were missing, and in their place were a group of pale and inhuman-looking students.

Ben was confused and frightened.

As the day went on, the strange actions of these new students became more and more apparent. They hardly talked, and when they did, they spoke in hushed and cryptic tones. They never laughed or smiled, and seemed to only come out during the hours of the day when the sun was low or hidden.

Ben couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, but when he tried to talk to his teachers and other students, they brushed him off and told him that he was just being paranoid.

Yet, Ben refused to drop the issue. The words "vampire" and "undead" swirled around in his head as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing.

One day, as he was walking home from school, he heard a commotion coming from the forest that bordered his town. Curiosity getting the better of him, he ventured into the trees, only to stumble upon his missing classmates being held captive in a clearing, surrounded by the same strange students from his school.

It was then that Ben realized the truth- half of the students in his school were vampires.

Part 2: The Plan

Filled with a sense of urgency, Ben raced back to his house, his mind whirling with thoughts of how he could alert the rest of the townspeople about what was happening. He knew that no one would believe him, but he couldn't risk the lives of his classmates.

Days went by as Ben tried to figure out a plan of action. He couldn't ask for help, as he was sure that most people would dismiss him as crazy. He was alone in this, and he knew it.

But then, an idea struck- he could create a trap for these vampires. After some research, he learned that vampires were notoriously averse to certain kinds of metals- silver and iron, for example.

Ben put his plan into action, gathering up everything he could find made out of silver and iron. If things went according to plan, he would be able to catch these creatures while they were feeding and prevent them from preying on any more of his classmates.

Part 3: The Showdown

With his bag of iron and silver at the ready, Ben waited until the sun had set and the creatures were due to visit their hostage students. He hid himself in a nearby bush and waited, heart pounding in his chest.

As the group of vampires appeared, their eyes glowing eerily in the moonlight, Ben sprang into action. He grabbed the silver and iron items from his bag and hurled them at the creatures.

The vampires were immediately taken aback by the sudden attack. They snarled and hissed, their eyes glowing even more intensely. But they couldn't move- the silver and iron had done its job.

As they struggled to break free, Ben rushed over to his captive classmates and helped them escape. They quickly fled back into town, with the vampires hot on their heels.

It was a tense chase, and Ben wasn't sure if they would make it. But they eventually reached the town square, where they were met by a group of confused and scared townspeople.

Without hesitation, Ben stepped forward and told everyone the truth. He watched as the townspeople's faces contorted with disbelief and shock, but he didn't falter. He had to make sure that everyone believed him- the vampires weren't finished yet.

Thanks to Ben's leadership and bravery, the townspeople rallied together, vowing to protect each other from the vampire threat. They worked to develop new tools and weapons made from silver and iron and set up watch schedules to ensure the safety of everyone in town.

Part 4: The Aftermath

As time passed, the town continued to thrive. Ben's quick thinking and bravery had saved countless lives, and the vampires were never seen in the town again.

Although Ben never quite got over the traumatic experience, he was grateful for the support and help of his fellow townspeople. As he grew older, he realized that what he had experienced had made him stronger, and that he was capable of overcoming any obstacle that came his way.

Looking back on that year, Ben knew that he had done something truly remarkable. He had been brave enough to take a stance against something that no one else would have dared to even acknowledge. And even though he had been scared, he had never given up hope- a lesson that would stay with him for the rest of his life.


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