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By ShareefAllmanTV2Published 4 years ago 2 min read

The concept of Halloween is fantastic. It's phenomenal how you get to dress your little boy or a girl in the adorable Disney princess or attractive Disney king costume. I always like to go above and beyond to show my daughter that her dad is creative. To show my daughter that her mother and her father can create something that will make people laugh and make people stop in their tracks. The family that will have people look at their costumes because, as a family, they came together and made everybody's attention go to their excellent costume design. We decided to think about what was not expected for an infant costume. We decided to take a horror film, add a spin, and a joke to it by creating my daughter being the "jigsaw" doll from the famous movie "SAW." The game we have to play is getting the key out of her diapers to get us back into our house. Still, you know how kids are they take important objects and misplace them, and so it's just a loving joke that she swallowed the key, and now we have to dig through dirty diapers to find it! Happy Halloween to us, parents, right?. You know, people wonder how you can make a horror movie funny, or kid-friendly. Hence, as we sat back, we thought this would be cute and organic if we find a way to make this parent and kid-friendly and appealing to the eye without being too scary for a toddler, and I believe we pulled it off marvelously. I love any concept that can bring families together, and this is something my child's mother and I can sit down and design a costume and make people laugh and make people admire the time we spent together. To go out and buy our daughter the same old trending costume is fun, but instead, we sat together as a family unit and bonded while we designed this costume. I plan to do that for every Halloween up until my daughter has kids. All you need is a little chocolate syrup, a little face paint, some cardboard from the dollar store, and some old T-shirts. You have a family bonding time fast, easy cheap way of building a costume. There are always ways to fall into depression during a pandemic. There are still was to stay positive, like making a costume with your family. That's a great start; to get out of your head, get out of your comfort zone. This monumental moment in history causes many people to be sad, so I hope people take the time to build with their kids, have a great family time and family moments, and don't let this moment take away from the joy you brought into this world. It's easy to buy a costume for $30, but it's more joyful to watch your kid help you build an outfit that you, as a parent, taught from scratch. Now you get to see everybody watch you guys walk down the street and say, "wow, they put that together as a family so cool!". So I hope everybody for Halloween this year goes costume designing different as possible! The Allman family will always have surprises for the world's people when it comes down to holiday events! Imagine what I have in store for next years costume, stick around and see, and you'll be shocked!! Happy Halloween 2020!


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Just a guy who likes writing..

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