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T.W blood, stabbing, murder, knife

By Tayla HenryPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Sean Robertson on Unsplash

With the sky a gloomy gray, the wind pushed me closer to the building. The surrounding noise dropped away before me as the only noise I was trying to control was my pounding heart. Each step closer, the closer I’m losing my breathing. Images flashed by reminding me why I’m here. Taking one last breath, I’ve reached my destination.

Nauseous and nervous filled my body as I patiently waited.

“You turned up to see your own brother?”

The sound of his voice boomed around me, the look on his face showed nothing but a creepy smirk as the guard forced him down to sit across from me.

“How are you my little princess?” The smirk never left his face waiting for a reaction from me.

“I-i‘m not your little princess” cursing under my breath as I stuttered

Making his smirk even wider.

“Am I making you nervous or have I traumatized you enough that you could be here in this Asylum with me?” He leaned back in his chair knowing well I won’t respond back, but he thought wrong as anger rose before me.

“I ain’t no psycho who takes a child from a family, so they feel loved!” I slammed the table standing up looking towards his face.

“You don’t know the full story” he calmly said.

“W-what?” words can’t be said, confusion traveled through my brain.

He just looked at me and smiled, mischievousness filled his face, seconds later complete darkness filled my eyes, everyone was screaming everyone but me as I searched for my brother.

Blinding flashes crept up as the lights flickered baack on, eyes adjusting to the brightness the intercom went off.

“Missing patient 1306, don’t approach, stay hidden, stay safe!”

Chills travelled up my spine, skin pale, the feeling of panic exploded out of my body knowing who patient 1306 is.

Brother where are you?

Fading shadows running behind and in front of me as dizziness filled my head. A screeching noise of the intercom turned off,

“Isabella~, come find me, my little princess.” The sound of his voice deepens the longer he speaks.

“Shut up! The only thing I’m doing is leaving this place!” Determination edge over me knowing that my own brother can’t bring me down as I twisted and turned looking everywhere, trying to escape from this torture.

“Aww, that’s too bad no one is leaving until you find me” I couldn’t see it but I could feel his smirk on me, crawling behind my shoulders wanting to frighten me, but I didn't let him. At the end of the hall was the intercom room, sprinting towards it not taking one breath to stop my brother’s shenanigans, every step feels like the door was getting further away from me. At last I bursted through the door to not find my brother but a phone that had a recorded message.

“Just like old times my lil angel, a good game of hide and seek.”

Tears slowing escaping as the voice recording was being played.

“You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout I’m telling you why, big bro is coming for you!” ‘Evil Laugh’

At the end of that I smashed the phone, I couldn’t bare it anymore I need to get out before he catches me.

Heavy breaths, nose burnt from the aroma of medicines, hallways filled with nothing but evil laughter, the only clue that shows where he is. But every turn, every twist, every corner I feel like I’m going further away from the voice. “You follow the voice, you follow the confusion” Deep and airy as it floats in the air. An unexpected thud brought my attention, I didn’t think twice but ran faster confusing whatever that was following me however, turning one corner I slammed into an object hard, breaking my fall I felt a grip around my wrist, the stare of the mystery person burning before me as I didn’t dare to look back but curiosity got to me slowly lifting my head regretting my decision as the eyes of my brother filled my view. He had blood dripping all over his body, and in his other hand was a bloody knife as he raised it high enough to slaughter me.

“You found me, my little angel.”

A shock shot through me as I stood up from my bed. Sweat dripping from me, the bed drenched as nothing but my breathing increasing as time goes by. Surely but slowly I calmed down as I head rested my head on the palm of my hands.

“It’s just a dream, all of this was not real, he died from a car accident, he’s not here.” My voice groggy from the fright of how real it felt.

You’re safe, he’s gone.


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    THWritten by Tayla Henry

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