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Annabelle's Mystery, Donna and Edward Lorraine Warren


By Dalip SinghPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Annabelle's Mystery, Donna and Edward Lorraine Warren
Photo by Nong V on Unsplash

Today's story is about a doll about which many people claim doll is cursed and possessed by an evil spirit. We have also seen some movies on this in Hollywood. After reading this, you must have understood that I am talking about none other than Annabel's and Conjuring movie.

Perhaps many of you already know that the story of Annabel Movie is not a fiction story but a story inspired by real life. So let's find out the real story behind it.

Writer Johnny and His Young Daughter

The story started with a writer named Jonny living in America. Johnny used to write books on children, and he was writing a series on children. Jonny had a very young daughter. One day, Johnny finds a doll in the backyard of his house. He asked in his neighborhood about the Annabel doll, but everyone refused.

Then Jonny brought that doll to his house and gave that doll to his little daughter. The little girl became very attached to that doll in a short time. She kept that doll with her all the time.

Johnny found all these things strange but not so much that he should think much about it. And then one day suddenly that doll disappeared somewhere from the house. Jonny and his daughter looked for the Annabelle doll everywhere but could not find it. His daughter cried a lot due to not getting the Annabelle doll, but then with time, everything became normal.

Time passed like this, and when his daughter was 13 years old, she got a disease. The doctor gave her the vaccine for that disease, but still, she died.

After this, Jonny wrote a book on this incident, and the cover photo of that book was the picture of the same Annabelle doll. This book became very famous, and the people were surprised to know about the Annabelle doll and the young girl.

Annabelle, Donna and Her Friends

The Annabelle doll came into the limelight in the 1970s. When a woman finds this doll in an antique shop and finds it attractive, and buys it as a birthday present for her daughter. The name of the woman's daughter was Donna, who was a nursing student and was studying in college.

Donna likes that doll very much. Since she used to stay in the hostel, she keeps that doll with her in the hostel itself. She also had two other friends living with her. The first few days remain normal, which means nothing strange happens. But after some time, Donna starts finding that the doll is strange. Donna begins to feel that this doll can walk, speak and see. But then she thinks that this is probably her imagination.

But again, she notices that Annabelle's doll can move. Donna told her friends about this. Donna's friend, Lu, also finds the doll's behavior seemed very strange from the beginning. She was also afraid to see Annabelle's doll. She also told Donna that there was something weird in this doll. She should either throw it or give it to someone else. But Donna did not listen to her.

After some time, Donna's doubts about Annabelle started increasing. She began to believe that this doll could move. To further strengthen this suspicion, she plans to lock Annabelle in a room.

When Donna returned to her room, she got shocked to see the doll outside the room. Despite this, Donna's attachment to that doll did not diminish.

A few weeks passed, and one day Donna came to her room and saw some pages on the floor, and 'help me' was written on those pages. That handwriting was like a small child's handwriting, and this continued for several days. Donna was now scared of all these things.

Then one day, when Donna rolls over to her room, she finds bloodstains on that doll. Donna's friend Lou was scared of all these incidents. She used to criticize that doll all the time. One day when Lou hears a screaming sound from Donna's room, she immediately goes to her room. Donna was not in the room, but she saw the doll. Then Donna and her other friend listen to Lu's screaming voice from Donna's room, and they run towards the voice.

Lu was in a wounded condition, with bruises all over her body. Lu faints because of her wounds and fear. After this, Donna and her friends take her to the hospital together. Lou recovers within a few days. She told Donna that the doll did this to her. After which Donna panics.

After this, Donna talks to the nearby Church's Father and tells him everything. After seeing the doll by him, he informs them that it is a cursed doll, there is some evil spirit in it. The Father sends Donna to a senior father. When he investigates this matter, he says that this is a case of paranormal activity.

Paranormal Expert, Edward and Lorraine Warren

In those days, a couple was famous as a paranormal expert in America, Edward Warren Minay and Lorraine Rita Warren. Both of them were paranormal investigators. The Father told Edward and Lorraine about this doll and all the incidents. Edward and Lorraine were also surprised to learn all this. After which, both the husband and wife reach their house to meet Donna and her friends.

Edward and his wife Lorraine then talk to Donna, Lou and Donna's third friend, and after talking, they tell them that they will keep an eye on the doll and its movements for some time. For about a week, they keep an eye on this doll, and after their 1-week investigation, Edward and Lorraine tell that this doll has a spirit and this spirit is an evil spirit. This doll is looking for a human body and is very fond of Donna, and can enter Donna's body any time.

Edward and Lorraine warned Donna and her friends that anything could happen at any time. Hearing this, Donna and her friends get scared.

After sharing their investigation with Donna and her friends, both the husband and wife talk about taking the doll with them and investigating it further. After which, they put Annabelle in their car and leave from there. But when they went a little further, the steering wheel and breaks were not working. And then they collide. Edward and Lorraine understood that this doll was behind all this. The Annabelle doll does not want to leave Donna. Then for the first time, They see the power of this doll with their own eyes.

The Warren couple understands that the matter has gone beyond the limit. To control that doll and its power, They do some mantra sadhana and then go with that doll from there. They take that doll to their office. For a few days, Annabelle was calm, but after some time, the activities of that doll started again. After which, Edward and Lorraine feel that this doll cannot be left in the open because Annabelle might reach Donna. And then, with the help of the Father of the Church, they sealed Annabelle in a glass box and placed it in their Occult Museum in Monroe, Connecticut.

A warning is written on the outside of the box, not to open it and not to come too close to it because the doll's power is still with her, and she can come out. You can measure Annabelle's powers by this that it killed a person even locked in an enchanted box. It happened when a couple came to the museum, and the boy made fun of the doll and challenged its power.

After which both of them leave from there. On the way, their bike gets into an accident, and the boy dies on the spot. The girl stays in the hospital for several months and then recovers. Later this accident was seen to be linked to that doll. When the matter escalated, the Warren couple talked to that girl about it, and then the girl told that her boyfriend had made fun of that doll and challenged its power. After which, the Warren couple says that they should not have challenged Satan.


About the Creator

Dalip Singh

Hi, my name is Dalip. I am a blogger. I write about mysteries, conspiracy theories and haunted stories. You can visit my blog, Giant Source Of Crafted Exposé (GSCE)

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    Dalip SinghWritten by Dalip Singh

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