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A Gameshow? Pt.10

Chapter ten, Insanity

By Meela WardPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Digital art drawn by,Me

I wake up drowsy. The sheet had fallen. I was hungry. Luckily a tray had been delivered. I also noticed my clothes from the previous day, had been washed. I quickly changed and picked up the tray. Scrambled eggs( no seasonings), water, patty sausage( also no seasoning), and plain oatmeal.

I ate for awhile. That’s when a peculiar thought popped into my mind. What woke me up? I looked at my timer which read 16:14. And continued counting down peacefully. I listened hard. …


The keep next door was filled with this sound. THUMP!…THUMP!…THUMP!…

The last thump made me stand up.

It was the one on the right. Suddenly the thumps got more frequent.




It was definitely not a gunshot.


They were on my wall. Anxiety started building up and pressure started bubbling, deep in my chest. The timer read 4:25.




The alarm started wailing but did not drown out the crashing. My door opened. The alarm silenced. The two keepers walked in. My anxiety and fear swirled inside, causing my confusion. I started resisting without realizing I was. I struggled and pushed one of them.

The other pulled out a gun and clicked a bullet into the chamber. This brought me back to my senses. I stopped and stood up straight, putting my hands at my side. He put his gun away and grabbed one of my arms. The crashing now stopped. There was yelling and lots of resistance.

The other keeper grabbed my right arm and they dragged me backwards, so I would see,unintentionally,down the hallway. I let them drag me. I didn’t have enough energy to walk. Just as I was brought out I saw chaos. Five to six keepers were dragging out a thrashing trient.

He was the red haired boy. His eyes were bloodshot and his smile was inhumane. He had a large cut along his forehead that bleed intensely.He yelled and laughed. With one look at him I realized he had a disease, which there was no cure for… Insanity.A keeper opened the back door. They dragged him towards it.

Oh god, I thought.

I saw flashes of fur and claws. They hauled him up and threw him in, locking the door behind him. Yips,laughter, screaming, and snarls could be heard from behind it. Horrible things entered my mind.

My arms soon started to hurt from the keepers dragging me so,I tried to turn around but, they kept me in place. There wasn’t enough space for three people to walk side by side down the staircase, so they turned me around and shoved me down the stairs.

I was escorted to a group of trients. I stumbled a few times, then regained my balance.That’s when I noticed leader. That’s the nickname I call him. Next to him was a skinny type man that was bent over so he couldn’t stand. His teeth were jagged and decaying. He had one lazy eye.

“ You first,” leader whispered. The man nodded. He pointed at a dark haired,big broad man. The man stood by him. Then leader eyed everyone. He chose a native woman around 40. Then the man chose a mousy gray-haired woman who was broad as well. This continued back and forth till it was me, Carly, and a Asian man.

It was leaders turn. He chose the Asian man.

Then between me and Carly, the man chose Carly. I was left on leaders team. The man’s team looked strong. But he had ten. Leaders team looked.. alright but we had nine. The man slowly counted. Then he grabbed a black-haired,young girl, who looked to be in her 20s, by her ponytail . He threw her to the middle of the room between each team. She slowly looked up at us then a keeper shot her. I gasped. A few people almost cried. Her body lay lifeless on the floor.

“Uneven number.” Said the man with an innocent shrug. My hatred for him filled my mind and chest. Leader gave us all blue armbands. They seemed to absorb into our skin, that way we couldn’t take it off. The man gave the others red ones.Once each team had there bands on, we were put on platforms. Below us,as we went up, leader and the man went into one of three doors on the left wall.

The Game board above us, shifted into a night sky. As we went higher a mountain formed under us. Soon we were ontop of the mountain. Below us, trees and boulders formed out of the ground. An empty ditch that weaved threw the forest, filled with electric water. Soon the other mountain formed on the opposite side. A flag slowly raised behind us and behind them.

That’s when the speakers came on. “ Welcome trients,” The GameMaster said.

”to capture the flag!”


About the Creator

Meela Ward

A crazy dragon nerd, and a huge fantasy geek with quite the imagination. She has a big passion for writing and animating.

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