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3 True Snapchat HORROR Stories

creepy things

By Blue BerryPublished 24 days ago 4 min read
3 True Snapchat HORROR Stories
Photo by Bastian Riccardi on Unsplash

Exiled Uncle Story:

The winter holiday initially seemed like a time for laughter and family bonding as the narrator's uncle joined them. The parents enjoyed his company, finding him funny and charming, but to the narrator, he was unsettling. The uncle's creepy stares always gave the narrator an uneasy feeling, as his gaze drifted down the narrator's body, making the young person feel unsafe.

One morning, the uncle left unexpectedly without saying goodbye. He left a vague message claiming he had to leave urgently, which added to the narrator's confusion and relief at his departure. As the narrator was in bed watching Netflix that night, a Snapchat request from a stranger added an unexpected layer of fear.

The conversation took a sinister turn when the stranger sent a photo of the narrator in bed, taken from within the room. Fear washed over the narrator as the source of the flash was traced to the wardrobe. Suddenly, the uncle emerged from the wardrobe with a chilling grin, revealing he had been hiding there all along.

The uncle's behavior grew even more alarming as he moved toward the narrator, reaching into his pocket for something unknown. Just when it seemed like the situation was escalating beyond control, the narrator's parents returned home, and the narrator screamed for help. The uncle fled through a shattered window at the sight of them.

Though the narrator was saved, the trauma left lasting scars. The narrator's parents were horrified, immediately calling the police. They shared the voice recording of the incident with law enforcement. Despite the evidence, the uncle was never found again. This traumatic event caused the narrator to struggle with trust issues, especially with male relatives. The wardrobe was removed from the narrator's room, but the haunting memory of that night persisted, leaving the narrator vigilant each night.

Elias' Story:

Vicki, a psychiatrist, found herself isolated and bored during a snowstorm. Her regular schedule of appointments was disrupted, so she turned to Snapchat for entertainment. She received a message from an unknown user named Elias, asking if he could share a secret. Vicki immediately grew suspicious.

Elias's cryptic messages continued, asking Vicki about a specific date from 10 years ago. Memories of a traumatic incident from her past resurfaced. As a teenager, Vicki and her friends targeted Elias, an outcast, for a cruel dare during a snowstorm. Elias was sent outside in his underwear and never returned. The group had been unsure what had happened to him.

Elias seemed intent on holding Vicki accountable for the past. He manipulated her through Snapchat, demanding she embarrass herself online and exposing her secrets. He took control of her social media, threatening her reputation and making her relive the guilt and trauma she had buried for years.

Vicki's life unraveled as Elias continued to torment her. The haunting memories of the past resurfaced, and she was forced to confront the reality of what happened to Elias. He exposed her involvement in the incident, causing her resolve to crumble. Vicki admitted her role in the incident and made a public confession. Her reputation was shattered, and she felt Elias's ghost would never stop haunting her for the cruelty she and her friends inflicted on him.

Snapchat Kidnapping Story:

It was a night like any other for the narrator, whose husband Ethan was working the night shift at the hospital. After a quiet evening, the narrator received a message on Snapchat from someone claiming Ethan had been attacked by a patient and was in critical condition. At first, the narrator felt an urgent need to rush to the hospital. However, a news segment about rising kidnapping cases in the area made the narrator suspicious.

Despite the urgency, the narrator hesitated and decided to call Ethan instead. There was no answer, which added to the narrator's anxiety. Instead of immediately rushing out, the narrator requested proof from the Snapchat user, asking for a photo of Ethan in the hospital. The user's response was chilling—a photo of the narrator’s front door, with a clear view of the narrator’s head.

The narrator quickly called the police, terrified that someone was outside the home. Moments later, the power went out, and the sound of breaking glass filled the house. Intruders wearing masks entered and began searching for the narrator, who was hiding under the couch. The narrator tried to remain quiet and calm, hoping the intruders would leave without finding them.

After a tense wait, the intruders seemed to grow frustrated and began leaving the house. However, the narrator’s phone rang, revealing their hiding spot. The narrator was captured, tied up, and thrown into a car trunk. The narrator feared this would be the end.

Thankfully, the police arrived just in time. Neighbors had noticed the suspicious activity and called for help. The narrator was rescued and reunited with Ethan, who was unharmed at the hospital. This horrifying experience left the narrator shaken, but also grateful for the quick response of the police. The narrator realized that the kidnappers had planned the attack carefully, taking advantage of social media to manipulate and target potential victims. Though they survived, the narrator was left with a deeper awareness of the dangers lurking in the world.


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