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The Killing of Twins in Africa


By AnnPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

The killing of twins was a social practice among a few ethnic gatherings in Nigeria, transcendently among the Efik people. Bringing forth twins was viewed as a terrible sign that could bring obliteration or catastrophe upon society. Twin children were accepted not to be humans, and were viewed as evil. In a few far off regions, killing of twins is accepted to be a myth. In the 21st 100 years, it is accepted that killing of twins as a penance actually exists among those living in Nigeria's government capital territory.

Legends and convictions about twins

The introduction of twins was viewed as a detestable revile among the Efik public. Locals expected that the dad of one of the children was an underhanded soul and that the mother was at legitimate fault for a shocking sin. Subsequently, the Efik frequently deserted the twin children in the bush. Having twins was viewed as a no. They were seen as unfortunate and smaller than expected divine beings, and it is accepted that malevolent has occurred for the local area or family where they were born.

Dissimilar to the Efik, the Yoruba public saw twins to be critical. In the Yoruba language, twins are designated "Ibeji. The Yoruba likewise accepted that twins had extraordinary abilities that could build their folks' riches and accordingly treat them with honor. At the point when either of the twins kicked the bucket, an Ibeji sculpture would be cut out in their memory. The guardians would regard these sculptures as though they were living kids by singing to them as well as taking care of and really focusing on them. Guardians that neglected to deal with the Ibeji sculptures would endure fallouts like neediness and illness. Despite the fact that Yoruba individuals ultimately saw twins as critical there was still proof of twin child murder in different Yoruba people group. As indicated by T. J. H. Chappel, the acknowledgment of twins across Yoruba land is reasonable to a greater extent a new peculiarity.

Places Rehearsed

This training was finished in the South, South Western and South Eastern pieces of Nigeria. In the southeast, it was viewed as an untouchable to bring forth twins. Moms who brought forth twins then, at that point, were remembered to have engaged in sexual relations with Satan's soul bringing about the introduction of something uncommon or unnatural. Twins were killed or deserted in the shrubbery and the moms were avoided by their spouses. The killing of infant twins was a famous practice among the Ibibio nation of Nigeria in the nineteenth century.

Mary Slessor Stopped the Killing of Twins

In 1876, Mary Slessor, a Scottish minister was doled out to Efik land in Calabar Nigeria. She was 28 years. She had a certifiable interest in the freedoms and prosperity of ladies and kids. Continuously, she made progress toward changing the social conviction that twins were abhorrent. While Mary edified and instructed individuals, she likewise taught the good news of Christ. She imparted a more profound cling to individuals and took in their nearby vernacular, the Efik language, and ate their privately made food. Eventually, Mary began dressing like the other neighborhood ladies dwelling in the area. Without surrendering her confidence, she essentially took on a portion of individuals approaches to everyday life. Be that as it may, denouncing twin killing was not full time work fill in as it took steady sharpening and schooling of the people who rehearsed this custom. Mary was so enthusiastic about switching the outdated custom that she began taking on any unwanted child that was passed on to bite the dust and dealt with them at the Mission House. Inside a brief time frame, she embraced eight kids who became like a family to her as she proceeded with her evangelist work in additional far off regions. She later prevailed with regards to having a couple of converts who ultimately became Christians. Mary's effect was limitless and in 1892, she was named the bad habit delegate of the Okoyong domain by the English Representative General, Major Claude MacDonald.

By 1915, twins and moms of twins were thought to be completely incorporated into their networks. From that point forward, minimal external consideration has been given to savagery to twins and their moms. Bits of gossip about late maltreatment provoked an overview to be done from January to June 1991 among the Efik, Ibibio, and Annang people groups to decide their demeanor toward twins and their moms. Most of the ladies reviewed expressed that they would be glad to have twins. Then again, 8.9% of reviewed ladies considered twins taboo.

World History

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