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By Hezron DentehPublished 11 months ago 8 min read

When Angel Gabriel was withstood by the Prince of Persia in the Book of Daniel chapter 10 of the Bible, Angel Michael had to leave heaven to come to the aid of Gabriel that was when Gabriel was able to deliver the message of God to

Daniel before returning to meet Michael and they continued the fight this was not a small fight as you may think due to the way it was summarized in the Bible you may be tempted to imagine two persons fighting each other you may even Envision the fight as that of an angel with a demon-like creature or so fighting each other in the skies well that was not how it happened in fact it was a complete war between good and evil a fight between Angels and Demons involving Army of angels and that of demons since the first fight between the angels of God led by Michael and that of the Angels led by Lucifer before they later became the Demons of Lucifer there have been many encounters between angels of God and that of demons of Satan their fight has been fierce battle where they use special weapons to fight each other than the normal swords Spears arrows or knives. these weapons give them the ability to emit high-intensity electric current or laser lights to knock down their opponents during their fights apart from that the angels are also able to use spoken words as weapons to give commands and get immediate results whenever they fight any of the Demons can assume the body of Lucifer and fight as Lucifer this makes it impossible to recognize Lucifer sometimes because he has the ability to transform himself into another being and in fact even the Bible says that he transforms himself into an angel of Light sometimes this means Lucifer can add elements of Deceit and surprise in his attempt to fight the angels of God so the prince of Persian that was mentioned in the Bible is not any other person than Lucifer himself who must have transformed himself into the prince remember when Moses died and Satan tried to take his soul away well it was Lucifer through the demon belfagor that tried to take away his soul and not only Satan himself he was trying to take the soul of Moses to hell and put him in captivity so he needed an expert in the line of Soul Capture and belfagor came in handy now I hope you are not expecting that the Prince of Persia was one person wielding a sword against Angel Gabriel to withstand him for 21 days as mentioned in the bible no what happened was fierce battle involving other Angels the Bible was just mentioning the leaders of each Camp the Prince of Persia was not alone he was with his Legion of army there to block angel Gabriel from delivering the message of God to Prophet Daniel concerning the children of Israel in captivity at that time be relating to you the fierce battle between the camp of angels Michael and Gabriel against the Prince of Persia and his Camp of soldiers but who is this Prince of Persia that person Lucifer impersonated to fully understand who this person is I will start the story from the beginning since the time when Satan declared himself as the grand enemy of God he has been setting and controlling events around the world just to ensure that things go in his own direction to achieve his goal as the chief enemy of God you see after the fall of Lucifer from Heaven due to his rebellion and the subsequent setting up of the pandemonium as the headquarters of hell he has not rested in fact he is more hard-working than you will ever think as the times of the end draws near as Beelzebub became the prince of Hell Lucifer decided to concentrate his energy on the control of Kingdoms and empires of the world as the chief evil coordinator and remember when God banished the Nephilim from the earth they became the evil demons controlling the Earth from the clouds Lucifer did not waste any time to recruit them into his fold as his foot soldiers in the execution of all his plans on earth when he discovered that the humans on Earth had structures on the earth that will make it easy for him to penetrate them on the earth he capitalized on them he saw that the humans had Kings and rulers of Their Kingdoms and these leaders of the world had great influence on the lives of their people on earth they are able to dictate what their people should do and how their people should live their lives on Earth most of the people of the world had Kings and accept the Israelites who still refer to God as their King at a time Lucifer was not happy about that so he had to influence the Israelites to press on prophet Samuel to anoint a human King for them this was because before then Lucifer had been trying to penetrate them as people but was not successful as he expected the moment God allowed them to have a human King in the person of King Saul their sorrows began they began to face the influence of the Lucifer in their Affairs as a nation Lucifer was able to achieve this by influencing the life of the Israelites the people of God through their kings and leaders and the nations of the world that they related with though Lucifer had started influencing them a long time earlier for example he was the evil behind the way the Egyptians Pharaoh treated the Israelites when they were in captivity in Egypt they came to Egypt as royalties through Joseph their brother but left as slaves with Moses their brother it was Lucifer that was influencing the life of pharaohs of Egypt during their sojourn in Egypt their challenges did not stop there with his Newfound method of influence Lucifer continued to influence all the Empire and the kings that took the Israelites as captives until this time in Persia so at this time the Israelites were under the Persian rule hence the reason the Bible called the demon opposing Gabriel as the Pence of Persian in another word it simply means the demon in charge of Persia and not the human's king or Prince of Persia of course Lucifer is in charge of every demon and everything that happens in the world spiritually but each of the things that happens in the world is by his influence is because he uses the demon that has more experience and skills for the specific task at that time in the case of opposing Gabriel he must have angels on ground that will first get to hear the prayers of Daniel that he was offering unto God since he knew that God will surely answer Daniel he did not wait for the answer to come before taking action he decided to Ambush Angel Gabriel before he could reach the Earth he had Angels like belfagor mamam santanas all leading the direct Squad waiting for Angel Gabriel to pass so they will waylay him as he was coming through the clouds it was Angel santanas that first saw him and threw a dart at him knocking him down as he fell from the sky he became unconsciousness but before the demons will come to carry his body he awoke with force that sent shocking waves to satanus who attacked him with another blow of force and he was knocked out again the other demons Rush at Gabriel and encircle him with their laser lights attempting to suck away his power but could not they could only roll him in the chains and hanged him in the atmosphere as they tried to harm him they just discovered that there was a great force field around him that does not allow any form of weapon to penetrate him the tried using swords Spears and daggers to hit with it but all failed to penetrate his body when he woke up the chains he tried to release himself but the chains were so strong that he could not release himself by himself they tried to drag him away from the atmosphere where he was hanged and pull him to Pandemonium the headquarter of hell where they have authority but he became so heavy and immovable for them to carry him away they decided to leave him in the chains there from first day that he was captured for another 20 days hoping that the more he stays there the more he will become weak and the possibility for them to be able to harm him or take him away now since Daniel continued his prayers and without stopping it came to the attention of God

that the message he gave Gabriel to deliver to Daniel was not yet delivered and there was the need to check up on what happened to him and it was discovered that Lucifer was the one blocking Gabriel from delivering the message of God to Daniel God then sent angel Michael to go for his rescue from the grip of Lucifer Angel Michael took some of the strongest angels will him and flew to the vicinity where Lucifer was holding Gabriel on arrival they met Gabriel still tied and held down in Chains and some demons were guarding him from escaping the Captivity Angel Michael immediately strike the demons and they fell away from the guard of angel Gabriel Angels Michael then untied Gabriel and released him to conclude the delivery of his message while he and the other angels that came with him stood to engage Lucifer however as Gabriel was leaving demon santanas through another dark at him and it hit Gabriel at his back making him crash out of his path but Angel Oriel rushed to grab him from

falling before removing the dart from his back Angel Michael then told Gabriel to hurry up and take the message to Daniel while he and the other angels will engage Lucifer as Gabriel was released he rushed out of the vicinity while the angels with Michael blocked Lucifer from Angel Gabriel with their wings as he flew away the fight between the angels and the demons continued while Gabriel went to deliver the message to Daniel the fact that both the angels and the demons were Immortal made the battle last longer than usual because none of them could die even if they were struck to dead so when one campfire missiles to the other Camp it will hit the camp causing explosion that may destabilize them for some time but they will always regenerate to keep fighting the camp of Lucifer was focused on ensuring that the message did not reach Daniel while the camp of Angel Michael was bent at ensuring Gabriel was able to deliver his message this fight continued until Gabriel was able to reach Prophet Daniel and relayed the message to him one will expect that the message was a written message alas it was a verbal message and Angel Gabriel had to stay with Daniel for some time for him to write all the messages down before he was able to leave Daniel Angel Gabriel returned to join Angel Michael and the other angels to intensify their strength and blow the demons away from their path they were able to force them back into hell where they belonged but you must remember that Lucifer and the demons have the ability to return to the Earth any moment they want because they control the universe from hell to the Earth since the time of Enoch and they lived to fight another day thank you for your support.


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Hezron Denteh

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    Hezron DentehWritten by Hezron Denteh

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