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The 24 trillion Dollar Poor Country

Unlocking the Potential of the Democratic Republic of Congo

By Ally AllanyPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
The 24 trillion Dollar Poor Country
Photo by Jordan Opel on Unsplash

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the largest nation in sub-Saharan Africa, is a land blessed with extraordinary natural resources, including the second largest rainforest in the world, abundant cobalt and copper mines, vast hydroelectric potential, and fertile arable land. Additionally, it boasts an unparalleled level of biodiversity, making it one of the most ecologically diverse regions globally. Remarkably, the DRC is estimated to hold trillions of dollars worth of rare earth minerals and untapped resources. However, despite this immense wealth, the nation finds itself ranked among the world's poorest countries, with over 70 percent of its population living in dire poverty, surviving on less than two dollars and fifteen cents per day. This paradox raises the question: why does a country with such abundant resources struggle to lift its citizens out of poverty?

Political Unrest and Conflict

By Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash

A major factor contributing to the DRC's persistent poverty is its history of political unrest and decades-long conflict. The nation has been plagued by armed groups and militias vying for control of its valuable resources, leading to ongoing humanitarian crises and displacement of millions. Corruption has also played a significant role, with unscrupulous leaders siphoning off billions of dollars from the national treasury, leaving little for vital infrastructure and social development initiatives.

Environmental Challenges

By Renaldo Matamoro on Unsplash

Deforestation, unregulated mining, and other human activities have caused severe environmental problems in the DRC, leading to extensive soil degradation, erosion, and loss of biodiversity. These pressing issues exacerbate poverty and significantly hinder sustainable development in the country.

Abundance of Natural Resources

By Edz Norton on Unsplash

The DRC holds an estimated $24 trillion worth of undiscovered minerals, including substantial reserves of lithium and cobalt. These minerals are essential for various industries, including renewable energy, electronics, and automotive. However, mining activities have been associated with allegations of child labor, corruption, environmental harm, and human rights violations, hindering the responsible and ethical extraction of these resources.

Missed Opportunities

Despite its wealth of natural resources, the DRC's economy heavily relies on the mining sector, making it vulnerable to fluctuations in commodity prices and global demand. Non-mining sectors, such as services, have seen slower growth, and the country faces challenges in managing its budget deficit and inflation. Foreign investors find it challenging to do business in the DRC due to its history of violence, instability, and corruption.

Prospects for the Future

While the challenges are significant, there is hope for the future of the DRC. Sustainable and transparent governance, coupled with peace-building efforts, can pave the way for economic progress and development. By responsibly harnessing its natural riches, the DRC could create employment opportunities, invest in vital infrastructure, and improve access to healthcare and education for its citizens.


The Democratic Republic of Congo stands at a critical juncture in its history. The vast potential of its natural resources offers a unique opportunity to elevate its economy and living standards for its people. By implementing measures to address corruption, promote good governance, and foster sustainable practices in its mining sector, the DRC can transform its wealth in resources into tangible improvements in the lives of its citizens. It is incumbent upon the nation's leaders and its people to work together to build a secure, transparent, and equitable economic environment that attracts international investment while prioritizing the well-being of its own population. The path ahead may be challenging, but with determination, responsible action, and a shared vision, the DRC can realize its promise as a prosperous nation and contribute to the betterment of humanity on a global scale.


About the Creator

Ally Allany

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