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Lies You heard About Space

Ringed planets

By lonestar08Published 11 months ago 5 min read
Lies You heard About Space
Photo by Vincenzo Malagoli on Unsplash

There is a common misconception that Saturn is the only planet in our solar system with rings. However, it may surprise you to learn that there are actually three other planets that also possess rings. Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune each have their own distinct sets of rings, which are often overlooked due to their thinness and near-invisibility from Earth.

The discovery of these celestial bodies occurred during the 1970s and 80s when Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 flew by them. Some scientists speculate that Earth itself possessed rings approximately four and a half billion years ago. This hypothesis suggests that when a planet the size of Mars collided with our young Earth, it generated an immense amount of debris, potentially resulting in a temporary ring formation. Despite the immense gravitational force exerted by black holes, they do not indiscriminately absorb everything in their path. In fact, their behavior is more akin to sinkholes. If one were to approach a black hole too closely, they would experience a phenomenon known as spaghettification, where they are stretched and ultimately consumed by the incomprehensible darkness of these cosmic entities. However, as long as one maintains a safe distance from a black hole, they would remain unharmed. Even if our sun were to be replaced by a black hole of similar mass, the planets in our solar system would continue to orbit undisturbed, although the absence of sunlight would undoubtedly result in a significant darkening of our surroundings.

The moon does not have a dark side. It is constantly illuminated by sunlight from all directions. The reason we cannot see the other side of the moon is because it always faces away from us. This is because the moon's rotation on its axis is synchronized with its orbit around the Earth, a phenomenon known as tidal locking. In the event of a large asteroid on a collision course with Earth, it is not advisable to use nuclear weapons. This is because a nuclear explosion would break the asteroid into many smaller pieces, increasing the number of impacts and making evacuation extremely difficult or impossible. However, it is still possible to use a nuclear weapon to divert an asteroid's course. Instead of directly striking the asteroid, detonating a nuclear device near it would exert enough force to change its trajectory, ensuring the safety of our planet. It is important to note that diverting asteroids is not the only way to protect our planet. Taking simple measures such as maintaining clean air and water can also contribute to the preservation of our environment.

Regrettably, recently the Supreme Court limited the Environmental Protection Agency's power to oversee water pollution. This development is concerning as the EPA has remarkably diminished six of the most prevalent air pollutants by 78% in the last five decades, resulting in significant improvements in air quality. Their efforts have preserved numerous ecosystems, and curbing the EPA's ability to regulate water and air pollution will undoubtedly lead to severe consequences in the future. Nevertheless, we have the opportunity to prioritize the well-being of individuals over corporate profits and safeguard our environment. Raise your voice, cast your vote, and ensure that your representatives comprehend the critical importance of the EPA's work to you. We only have one opportunity on this planet.

The view of stars from the Moon is not as exciting as one might expect. Astronauts who have been to the Moon have reported that the stars are not easily visible there. This is because the Moon's surface is highly reflective, which increases the brightness and makes it more difficult to see the stars. It's similar to stargazing in a city with a lot of light pollution, which is not enjoyable. To have a better view of the stars, one would need to travel further into space. Contrary to popular belief, traveling in space does not make you taller. While it is true that astronauts can experience temporary growth of up to five centimeters in space, this is due to the absence of Earth's gravity and the expansion of their spinal vertebrae. However, once they return to Earth, they revert back to their regular height. Gravity plays a significant role in maintaining our height. Moreover, space travel does not slow down the aging process as some may assume. Although Albert Einstein theorized that time would pass slower for individuals traveling at high speeds, known as time dilation, the actual effect of this on aging is negligible with our current space travel technology. To achieve any substantial de-aging effect, one would need to travel at an incredibly fast speed, approaching the speed of light. If you thought crying in space was impossible, you are mistaken. However, it is a different experience compared to crying on Earth. Without the force of gravity to pull tears down, they don't trickle down the face like they do here. Instead, the tears stick to the eyes and form watery blobs. In fact, if one cries excessively in space, the tears may even cover the eyes, which impairs visibility. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid crying in space for the sake of clear vision.

Dust storms on Mars present significant challenges due to the fine particles that are capable of infiltrating various spaces. These storms can persist for extended periods, although they do not pose a direct threat to equipment left on the planet. This is primarily because Mars has an extremely thin atmosphere, approximately one percent of Earth's atmosphere. Consequently, despite the dust particles moving at speeds of around 100 kilometers per hour, their impact is minimal without air resistance. However, they can accumulate on solar panels, prompting the need for power-saving measures for our Rovers. Additionally, it is advisable to avoid inhaling this dust, as its long-term effects on the lungs remain uncertain.

Stars do not twinkle, despite what the popular children's song suggests. The flickering effect is merely an illusion; in reality, the light emitted by stars is quite steady. The appearance of twinkling is caused by the interaction of starlight with the gas molecules in our atmosphere. These molecules deflect some of the light, creating the shimmering effect. Contrary to the depiction in movies, asteroid belts are not dense minefields of floating rocks that spaceships must navigate through in a life or death situation. In truth, the asteroids in our asteroid belts are widely spaced apart. For example, in the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars, each asteroid is several million kilometers away from its nearest neighbor. The chances of a collision between asteroids are incredibly low, approximately one in one billion.

Although the thrilling adventures of Khan, Chewie, and Leia in The Empire Strikes Back may keep you on the edge of your seat, the notion that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure visible from space is completely false. While it might be possible to capture a glimpse of the wall using a camera and zoom lens, it is virtually invisible to the naked eye. Measuring only 5 to 10 meters in width, the wall is far too thin to be seen from space. However, there are plenty of other man-made objects that can be observed from above, such as dams, bridges, and pyramids. Additionally, during nighttime, the twinkling lights of the world's major cities create a spectacular display. And that's not all—we are prepared to debunk even more space-related myths, such as the misconception that the sun is yellow or that humans would explode without a spacesuit. But those topics will have to be saved for another time.


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