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Isaac Newton

History of Isaac Newton

By Umar Farid Published 7 months ago 3 min read
Isaac Newton
Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

When Newton was born, his mother named the newborn Isaac Newton in memory of her late husband.

As usual, after the Isha prayer, all the children gathered around Abu and said, "Abu! You tell a completely new story today." Abu said, "Okay, today I will tell a completely new story." Abu told the story. "Children!" On January 4, 1643, a weak and sick child was born in a poor farmer's house in Lancashire, England. His father had died three months before his birth. His father's name was Isaac Newton. .
When Newton was born, his mother named him Isaac Newton in memory of her late husband. When Newton was three years old, his mother remarried. Seeing this situation, his mother sent Newton to live with his grandparents and she herself started living with her husband.
Due to the disease, Newton became very angry, due to which he had no friends. He used to sit alone and think about the moon and stars. Newton entered school at the age of twelve due to ill health. He didn't have a heart and was always arguing with someone in school."
"Tired of the daily quarrels, the master expelled him from the school".
At the same time, Newton's stepfather also died, after which he came to live with his mother. After the death of her husband, Newton's mother made Newton work on the farm to support the household. But he was unable to read and write. He used to read books secretly." "One day his uncle saw him reading books, he asked his mother to enroll him in the same school once again."
"Before going to school, Newton had vowed that he would work hard in his studies". Later he got admission in the college. He had to manage the money himself to pay the college fees and books, for this he started doing personal errands for the rich students of the college.
"Due to his hard work, he got a scholarship and then he started spending all his time on studies. This is where his period of success began. Newton solved many unsolvable problems of physics, mathematics and astrology with his intelligence. One day he was sitting under an apple tree when an apple fell near him. Seeing this, Newton thought that if this apple If it falls and falls in the same direction towards the Earth, it will almost pass through the center of the Earth.
Newton attributed gravity to the cause of the apple falling to the ground and thus "invented the theory of gravity". He made the complicated problem of all kinds of motion easy to understand with the help of three laws of motion. He also summarized everything from objects falling towards the earth to the rotation of the planets into one simple law. invented formulas that revolutionized the world.
After some time he was given the title of "Sir Isaac Newton".
This great scientist says that "no invention is possible without a great thought". Newton made thousands of such inventions, which made his name immortal in history. In addition, the laws he created are called "Newton's Laws" and in the name of the theory of "Law of Motion" he invented some laws that are still used today in making everything from bicycles to airplanes.
Newton caused a stir in the world of science by writing his famous book "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy". This book is recognized as the most important book in the history of science. The law of gravitation and the laws of motion are also discussed in this book. Newton's third law of motion "every action has a reaction" revolutionized not only the scientific field but also other sciences and arts. "Became of equal importance". After that, he set the milestones of success and reached such heights of fame that he left behind the great scientists of the world. "Children! From this story we learn that if If a man works hard, he can conquer the world.


About the Creator

Umar Farid




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