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If You See This Person on the Road, Don't Pull Over

If You See This Person on the Road, Don't Pull Over

By StikimPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

The open road, with its endless possibilities and picturesque landscapes, can be an escape for many during their daily commutes or long drives. However, beyond the scenic routes and highway stretches lie unforeseen challenges that can catch drivers off guard. From deceptive hitchhiker tricks to peculiar car tactics, this article aims to shed light on various scams and tactics that unsuspecting drivers may encounter, emphasizing the importance of vigilance on the road.

The Hitchhiker Road Scam:

For those accustomed to the camaraderie of picking up hitchhikers on their long commutes, the Hitchhiker Road Scam serves as a cautionary tale. This deceptive trick involves individuals posing as stranded hitchhikers, flagging down passing cars. Once inside the vehicle, these impostors may request a stop at a seemingly innocuous location, like a gas station, only to vanish with the driver's money or valuables. In more sinister cases, a group of scammers may collaborate, posing an immediate threat to the driver and stealing possessions or the car itself. Vigilance and caution are paramount when considering offering rides to hitchhikers, urging drivers to avoid giving money or valuables and only stopping in recognized and secure locations.

The Sticky Cheese Tactic:

A seemingly harmless slice of cheese adorning your parked car may be more than an innocent prank. In a disconcerting account, a woman shared her experience of finding a piece of cheese on her windshield, thinking it was a neighborhood prank. However, as she and a friend attempted to clean it off, they noticed suspicious individuals nearby. This tactic could potentially serve as a distraction, diverting the driver's attention away from their surroundings while engaged in cleaning. The takeaway is clear – remain vigilant and, when in doubt, clean any foreign objects on your vehicle in a secure environment.

Unusual Objects on Windshield:

Discovering a T-shirt, hoodie, or even money on your windshield may not be a stroke of good fortune. Scammers employ these objects to distract drivers, providing an opportunity for theft or carjacking. If such items are found, it is advisable to drive to a well-lit and populated area before investigating further. Additionally, adopting preventive measures, such as turning tires to the curb when parked, can make it more challenging for potential thieves to move the vehicle.

Tow Truck Scam:

Among the most prevalent road scams is the tow truck scam, where scammers strategically place oil, metal nails, or glass shards on the road to cause damage to passing cars. When drivers fall into this trap, the scammers emerge, offering towing services at exorbitant prices, taking advantage of the stranded situation. To avoid falling victim, drivers should exercise caution in low-visibility areas and stick to services approved by their insurance companies.

Braking Scam:

A dangerous tactic employed by some scammers involves repeatedly braking suddenly in front of a target vehicle, aiming to cause a collision and extort money for alleged damages and medical expenses. Drivers can protect themselves by reducing speed, maintaining a safe distance, and, if harassed, driving to the nearest police station to report the incident promptly.

The Brake Fix Scam:

In a scenario where a motorcyclist draws attention to smoke emanating from your wheels, offering to call a mechanic for assistance, caution is crucial. The Brake Fix Scam unfolds when the mechanic disables your brakes and demands payment for repairs. To steer clear of this deceitful scheme, it is advisable to stick to trusted mechanics or towing companies.

The Wrong Way Man Urban Legend:

The enduring urban legend of the "Wrong Way Man" tells of a mysterious figure driving recklessly in the wrong direction. Though lacking concrete evidence, this legend serves as a cautionary tale, urging drivers to prioritize safe driving practices and heightened awareness of their surroundings.


As drivers embark on their journeys, the road becomes a dynamic space where unforeseen challenges may arise. By staying informed and maintaining a heightened sense of awareness, individuals can navigate the roads more safely, avoiding falling victim to deceptive scams and unusual tactics. Through vigilance and caution, drivers can transform their commutes into secure and enjoyable experiences on the open road.


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