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How Were The Pyramids Built?

The Truth Finally Revealed

By Duncan GakuyaPublished 11 months ago 6 min read
Pyramid of Giza

The enigma of the Great Pyramid has ultimately been unraveled. The Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the seven marvels of the ancient world, is frequented by countless tourists each year. If you have journeyed to Egypt, chances are you possess a playful photograph of yourself pointing at the pinnacle of the pyramids or grasping the Sphinx in your palm. A mere 50 miles away from the heart of present-day Cairo, you are transported thousands of years into the past. Though the pyramids aid in creating a convincing illusion, many scientists, archaeologists, and history enthusiasts would give anything to travel back in time and address one query. This question has sparked debates and research for centuries. How was the Great Pyramid constructed, or were extraterrestrials involved in the process? The good news is that you need not wait for the invention of time-travel to uncover the answer. The enigma has ultimately been resolved. This article will divulge the individuals responsible for the magnificence of the Pyramid of Giza as we know it, as well as how they accomplished this feat.

Your history teacher from school must have informed you about the dominant hypothesis of how the Great Pyramid was constructed. Numerous ancient Egyptians transported massive blocks of limestone and granite to Giza. They erected an impressive structure. The Pyramid of Khufu stood as the tallest man-made structure on Earth for more than 3,800 years. It consisted of 2.3 million stone blocks joined together with such precision that not even a strand of hair could fit between them. Quite remarkable, isn't it? Furthermore, the Great Pyramid was initially covered with highly polished limestone, which reflected sunlight and made it sparkle like a celestial body. The brilliance was so intense that it could be observed from the moon. Unfortunately, the casing stones are no longer present due to an earthquake that occurred in the 14th century. We can only speculate on its former beauty.

The pyramid was also distinctive because it had internal passages going both upward and downward unlike the other pyramids. What else sets it apart? It is the only octagonal pyramid in Egypt. It aligned with the stars in Orion's belt and pointed to the pole star Alpha Draconis. Lastly, it is the most precisely aligned structure ever built facing true north. It is precisely at the center of the landmass of our planet. The parallels and meridians which intersect the most land only meet in two locations on earth, one of them is in the deep blue ocean the other one is where the Great Pyramid is. What an exceptional location to construct something monumental, isn't it? All of this demonstrates the remarkable skill of the people who must have been capable of constructing it. Some scientists who lived centuries after them and some individuals today still deny the intelligence and talent of ancient civilizations. So the Great Pyramid has given rise to numerous theories about how and why it was built. You have surely heard some people believe it was constructed with the assistance of extraterrestrial beings. After all, many remarkable structures on earth like Stonehenge, Todai-ji Temple, and the Easter Island statues appeared too advanced or extraordinary for their time. So someone simply concluded that they must have originated from a different planet, but there are even more outlandish theories related to the Great Pyramid.

People in medieval Europe believed that the pyramids were constructed to store grain. According to their beliefs, the pyramids were the granaries described in the Old Testament that belonged to Joseph. In 1859, a British publisher named John Taylor concluded that the pyramids were not built by aliens or the Egyptians, but rather by Noah himself. Yes, Noah, the same person who built the ark. Taylor conducted extensive calculations and even introduced a unique measurement term called the pyramid inch, which he claimed was nearly identical to the British inch. A Scottish astronomer named Professor Charles Michie Smith was so inspired by Taylor's writings that he decided to conduct his own research. The findings were published in 1864 as a six hundred and sixty-four-page book. Just imagine the amount of time it took to complete that research. The results were quite fascinating. Smith stated that if you measured the pyramid in pyramid inches, it could be interpreted as a historical account of both the past and future of the Earth. For instance, the Grand Gallery, which was a sloping passage, represented the birth of Jesus, and 33 inches further along represented his crucifixion. The gallery ended at a point between 1881 and 1911 pyramid inches, which Smith believed symbolized the years of the Great Tribulation before the second coming of Christ. However, some scientists completely rejected the notion that the pyramid had any holy origins. In 1884, a paper was presented at a conference in Philadelphia suggesting that the pyramids were originally hills. These hills were then used as quarries to obtain enough stone for construction purposes. Over time, the hills were shaped into pyramids.

Arguably one of the most captivating hypotheses of the pyramids' construction revolved around levitation, not the Wingardium Leviosa incantation employed by Harry Potter and his contemporaries in the realm of magic, but rather a distinct form of levitation. This particular kind of levitation is associated with the influence of the human intellect and the reverberation of sound. According to proponents of this theory, acoustic levitation enabled stone blocks to defy the forces of gravity and glide along the earth's surface.

Extraterrestrials? Noah? Levitation? What truly aided in the construction of the Great Pyramid? We are on the verge of discovering the truth. It has remained an enigma for centuries, but now it has been unraveled. New evidence has been uncovered to reveal how the Egyptians were able to transport 2.5 ton blocks of limestone and granite for 500 miles to construct the tomb of pharaoh Khufu in 2600 BC. Pharaohs did not spare expenses for the pyramids' construction. They enlisted the finest architects and engineers of the time to oversee the project. Of course, they did not personally carry out the laborious task of transporting the heavy stones and instead assigned it to an army of enslaved individuals. They had a total of one hundred and seventy thousand tons of limestone to transport to the construction site. How did they accomplish this? A 45-year-old manuscript has been discovered in Wadi al-Jarf, a port on the Red Sea, shedding light on the mystery. It turns out to be the diary of Mara', a supervisor of a team of skilled workers, written during the 27th year of Pharaoh Khufu's reign. The diary, more of a logbook, details the construction process of the Great Pyramid, providing previously unknown information. According to this valuable archaeological find, laborers transported limestone from Torah to Giza using wooden vessels. In hieroglyphic script, Mara describes the daily lives of the workers over several months as they were engaged in transportation. Initially, they had to alter the landscape to redirect water from the Nile and channel it to the Pyramid through artificial canals. Afterward, they commenced the transportation of limestone logs from Torah downstream to the construction site. The journey took approximately three days. Now the question arises, what became of this ingenious waterworks system? It could not have simply vanished without a trace. That is correct. Archaeologists assert that they have discovered evidence of it beneath the Giza Plateau, where the central canal once flowed. Additionally, seven boat pits have been located around Khufu's pyramid - both to the west and east of it - situated between the queen's pyramids and the remaining one near the mortuary temple. Furthermore, archaeologists have managed to find ceremonial boats, which provide insight into the ship's construction process.

Presently, the enigma of the Grand Pyramid is not a puzzle anymore for you. You comprehend that it required no extraterrestrials but dedication, limestone, and wooden vessels to construct one of the marvels of the antiquated universe. If you discover this piece of writing captivating, kindly contemplate demonstrating your backing by favoring or even giving a tip. Your support as an author is profoundly valued!


About the Creator

Duncan Gakuya

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