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Everything going wrong for Russia

Why Putin should step away

By Ash MartinPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

The relationship between Vladimir Putin and Russia can be described as inseparable - he has maintained an iron grip on the country and its people, akin to that of a dictator. However, for the first time in many decades, the stability of this relationship is showing cracks, and both Putin and Russia are grappling with monumental challenges that are undoubtedly causing fear and apprehension within their ranks.

Shakespeare once wrote, "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown," and this sentiment has perhaps never been more applicable than to Putin. He is widely known as an autocrat, an assassin, and a kleptomaniac, and now, his long-standing rule is at risk of being overthrown by a potential insurrection within Russia. Over the years, he has employed various oppressive measures to silence criticism from within, including closing rival media outlets, imprisoning opposition leaders, and even resorting to the murder of journalists both within the country and abroad. His regime has enacted laws to suppress free speech, even to the extent of imprisoning anyone who dares to label the invasion of Ukraine as a "war."

However, Putin's carefully orchestrated plans have been met with failure. His military misjudged the speed and effectiveness of the invasion, resulting in a precarious and unfavourable situation for him. The rising tensions at home, coupled with a significant brain drain of skilled young workers fleeing the country, have left Russia's future in jeopardy. The ineffectiveness of his armed forces, which seem more focused on attacking civilian targets rather than successfully defending the nation, is adding to the uncertainty.

Ukraine's counter-offensive has been relentless, with multiple attack vectors aimed at reclaiming occupied territories. They have been bolstered by deliveries of advanced US and European weapons systems, enabling successful night assaults and precision targeting of critical Russian facilities. Reports of sabotage and cross-border incursions into Russian territory have exposed the vulnerability of Putin's regime.

Within Russia, some voices of dissent are beginning to emerge, even from influential figures close to the top leadership. The invasion's aims have largely remained unfulfilled, and criticisms are being directed at Putin's war policies. The Wagner private military company, previously instrumental in the invasion, has suffered significant losses and has withdrawn from the front lines. Such developments indicate the erosion of support and morale within Russia's ranks.

Beyond the military and political fronts, Putin is also facing allegations of war crimes, which have led to an international arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court. This warrant threatens his freedom and diplomatic engagements, including the possibility of arrest even in non-aligned countries. Reports of war crimes, torture, and executions of civilians by Russian forces have further marred Putin's reputation and may lead to international repercussions.

The economic impact of the invasion has been severe. Sanctions and price caps on oil have diminished Russia's most significant source of revenue. The country's attempt to attract new oil buyers through discounts has failed to make up for the losses. Moreover, the cost of the war is being felt domestically, with increased taxes on businesses to fund the conflict.

Russia's arms exports have also plummeted, partly due to the poor performance of its military equipment in Ukraine. The reliance on China and India for arms sales indicates a decline in Russia's military influence. China's emergence as a significant player in military exports poses a threat to Russia's military dominance in the region.

The repercussions of the invasion have extended beyond the military and economic realms. Russia's aggressive actions have prompted neighbouring countries like Sweden and Finland to seek NATO membership, contrary to Putin's original intention of preventing NATO expansion eastward. The country's reputation has suffered globally, and it faces international isolation.

Putin's continuation of nuclear blackmail, as a means of deterrence, has been met with resistance, even from supposed ally China. Such tactics have not garnered widespread support and have only added to the global concerns surrounding Putin's leadership.

The invasion's failure and the resultant impact on Russia have created an array of challenges that Putin and his regime are now confronting. Apart from military and political failures, Russia must contend with a declining birth rate, a massive exodus of skilled workers, and the possibility of internal unrest. Reports of foreign units attacking Russian territories and ominous signs of territorial ambitions from China further exacerbate the situation.

Putin's pursuit of conquest has instead resulted in self-inflicted wounds, pushing Russia to its lowest political, economic, and international standing since the fall of the Soviet Union. The path to peace lies in Russia's withdrawal from Ukraine and Putin's departure from office. This would signal a willingness to restore stability and seek resolution, but such a transition would undoubtedly come with its challenges.


About the Creator

Ash Martin

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    AMWritten by Ash Martin

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